v2306: New and updated boundary conditions

New boundary condition: specularRadiation


The fvDOM radiation model can now be applied to axisymmetric and symmetry-plane set-ups using the new specularRadiation boundary condition.

A minimal example of this boundary condition can be seen below:

    // Mandatory entries
    type                specularRadiation;

    // Optional entries
    interpolate         <bool>;

    // Inherited entries
    patchType           <word>;

The illustration below shows a verification of the condition in terms of internal non-dimensional incident radiation on four different geometries:

fvDOM 2D specular radiation example

Source code


  • Standard model:
    • Kumar, P., & Eswaran, V. (2013). A methodology to solve 2D and axisymmetric radiative transfer problems using a general 3D solver. Journal of heat transfer, 135(12). DOI:10.1115/1.4024674

Merge request


  • OpenCFD would like to acknowledge and thank Hitachi Energy for sponsoring the development, and Bernardo Galletti and Marcelo Buffoni for elaborate discussions.

New uniformMixed condition


The new uniformMixed boundary condition complements the existing uniformFixedValue and uniformFixedGradient conditions.

The condition is used to define a mixed boundary condition and uses functions to define the values, e.g.

    type            uniformMixed;
    uniformValue    constant 0.2;
    uniformGradient constant 0.2;
        type  sine;

However, the boundary condition permits lazy definitions so that it is also possible to define only one of uniformValue or uniformGradient and have the other entries implicitly defined.

Since the functions used by uniformMixed also include expressions, this new boundary condition can be used as a more flexible form of the existing exprMixed boundary condition, which will be deprecated and removed in the future.

Source code


New finite area boundary conditions


uniformFixedValue, uniformFixedGradient, and uniformMixed boundary conditions are now available for Finite Area calculations.

These boundary conditions add function and expression support to Finite Area. The timeVaryingUniformFixedValue boundary condition will be deprecated and removed in the future.

Source code