OpenFOAM® Repositories

Getting the latest source code

OpenFOAM can be downloaded from This site hosts the repository for the most up-to-date version including the latest developments and bug fixes. The source code can be downloaded as an archive file or pulled using a git service. The web interface provides access to the issue tracker.

For information about previous releases and how the code has evolved please refer to the history page.

Note: the main development repositories are publicly available without creating an account. Register to join the OpenFOAM Community and see additional Community repositories.

Download/update the code

  • Go to and navigate to the public projects
  • Select the download button to the right of the source address window to download a code snapshot, or
  • Clone the repository - only required once
    • using ssh - requires user to add their public ssh keys to their account:
      git clone git[at]
    • or https:
      git clone
  • Since OpenFOAM-v1712 community contributions may included using the git submodule system. To initialise the submodules located in the $WM_PROJECT_DIR/modules directory:
    git submodule init

Updating the sources

The repositories are updated regularly to include bug fixes and new features. Retrieve the updates using:

git pull

To update the additional community repositories, issue the command:

git submodule update

Compile the source

  • Download ThirdParty-v2106.tgz (md5sum: a129907a5ebb88c83580536ce666dbce)
  • Rename the directory
    mv ThirdParty-v2112 ThirdParty-common
  • Compile the source according to the building the code instructions