v2112: OpenFOAM Community
Community contributions
The release of OpenFOAM v2112 builds upon ongoing efforts to engage the wider OpenFOAM community to unify OpenFOAM developments, acknowledging the efforts of contributions from outside of the core OpenFOAM team.
Some developments are integrated directly into the main code base, e.g.
- Community contribution: Smoothed surface sensitivity maps more...
- Community contribution: porosity extension for interIsoFoam more...
- Community contribution: New thermal comfort function object more...
If you would like to explore the possibility to collaborate and include your developments, please contact us.
Thank you
A big Thank you to the following people who contributed to OpenFOAM since the last release.
Contributions to the issue tracker:
- @bjnieuwboer (Bas Nieuwboer): ENH: parameterization of hopper blockMeshDict GL#2134
- @Night_Hawk (Ashutosh Maurya): MRFzoneTemplate.C issue GL#2135
- @Night_Hawk (Ashutosh Maurya): Unable to run flowover cylinder tutorial in potentialFoam using Allrun GL#2140
- @daniel.jasinski (Daniel): Add support for user defined liquidProperties GL#2141
- @daniel.jasinski (Daniel): BUG: liquidProperties: reading wrong type of coefficients GL#2142
- @ilyapopov (Ilya Popov): Build system includes non-existent directories GL#2143
- @philipc (Philip Cardiff): Compilation of meshTools/searchableSurfaces/searchableSphere/searchableSphere.C needs "#include " with clang 12.0.5 (macOS) GL#2146
- @Betaj (Vojtech Betak): Compilation linker issue GL#2147
- @clapointe (Caelan Lapointe): phiGas is not updated in reactingOneDim pyrolysis model GL#2149
- @louisgag (Louis): decomposePar -fileHandler uncollated GL#2151
- @saeed.barzegar.v (Saeed Barzegar Valikchali): Tutorial irregularMultiDirection GL#2153
- @saeed.barzegar.v (Saeed Barzegar Valikchali): Directional waves from multi boundaries (src/../waveModel.C) GL#2154
- @louisgag (Louis): waveMethod called from inverseDistanceCellCellStencil returns error for empty source processors GL#2156
- @Ricky-11 (Riccardo Rossi): Potential wrong behavior of particles in MPPICInterFoam when using MRF GL#2161
- @tomL (Tom Lauriks): Simulation hangs when sampling sets of type face. GL#2164
- @en9apr (Andrew Roberts): Cray-MPICH GL#2167
- @wyj216 (Youjiang Wang): Curle function object misses 1/r and 1/(4 pi) GL#2169
- @Henning86 (Henning Scheufler): Conan Package Manager for OpenFOAM GL#2172
- @gbsantos (Gabriel Santos): Possibly wrong online documentation for omegaWallFunction GL#2174
- @bjnieuwboer (Bas Nieuwboer): website: links to older thirdparty package GL#2177
- @dylan_DLOU (Dylan James): an error in laminar/waves/solitary GL#2178
- @usyaop22 (Pablo Usyaopin): mapFieldsPar problem when running in Parallel GL#2179
- @graziosov (Valerio Grazioso): interFoam for wave simulation fails in Debug but not in Opt GL#2182
- @salehi (Saeed): pimpleFoam fails if ddtCorr is turned off GL#2183
- @Darrin (Darrin Stephens): Crash using ParticleCollector in parallel GL#2184
- @Canossi (Dário Canossi): rotateMesh performs faulty operations in some boundary conditions GL#2186
- @cyzhang (Congyao ): Cannot find parcel injection cell GL#2189
- @Mark.Yobb (Mark Yobb): BlockMesh fails when attempting to merge wedge blocks with mergePatchPairs GL#2190
- @Henning86 (Henning Scheufler): chtMultiRegionFoam -postProcess does not work GL#2192
- @giuseppegq20 (Giuseppe Giaquinto): aarch64/debian package/docker image OF2106 GL#2197
- @bartverm (Bart Vermeulen): Sloshing2D tutorial crashing in openfoam2012 GL#2198
- @jairogut (Jairo Andrés Gutiérrez): coneInjection fails to atomize in all injector positions. GL#2199
- @samir1291 (s1291): foamMonitor: Get the correct number of columns and allow the usage of process substitution pipes GL#2202
- @MichaelYoung (Michael Young): extractEulerianParticles in interFoam didn't work GL#2205
- @dariop (Dario Pellegrini): CGAL 5 requires std=c++14 GL#2209
- @vuko (Vuko Vukcevic): PatchFunction1Types::ConstantField::getValue should not guard against zero length GL#2211
- @blahblahblah (Phil): Losing heat in chtMultiRegionFoam GL#2213
- @Zhang (Xiaoer): one error about a parameter in PilchErdman model for droplet breakup GL#2214
- @rasunag27 (Sunag R A): OS Error: libPVblockMeshReader_SM.so: undefined symbol GL#2215
- @mmuth (Moritz Muth): interCondensatingEvaporatingFoam: interfaceHeatResistance model failing for condensation cases GL#2216
- @hikassem (Hassan Kassem): pressure functionObject, pName is not read GL#2221
- @kpishar (Kumar Krishna): chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam frozenFlow mode results in large errors GL#2225
- @aerogt3 (Aaron): pimpleFoam and pisoFoam deltaT not respecting controlDict value when running SPDP (but does for DP) GL#2227
- @martinHeinrich (Martin Heinrich): icoReactingMultiphaseInterFoam wrong link to surfaceTensionModel GL#2228
- @timofeymukha (Timofey Mukha): Possibility to test scaling on the LUMI supercomputer GL#2230
- @barjasg (Gabriel Barajas): error: wrong implementation of solitary waves (OF-v2106) GL#2234
- @knowlesrd (Robin Knowles): decomposePar -fields -copyZero unexpected behaviour GL#2235
- @knowlesrd (Robin Knowles): Can't run decomposePar -fields after parallel snappyHexMesh due to lack of faceProcAddressing files GL#2236
- @bjnieuwboer (Bas Nieuwboer): Feature: harmonic interpolation of zero values GL#2238
- @bjnieuwboer (Bas Nieuwboer): Feature: combining surfaces in a single file GL#2239
- @mark (Mark Olesen): FPE handling for OSX arm64 GL#2240
- @janga (Jan Gärtner): Cannot create valid tet decomposition for wegde mesh GL#2241
- @samir1291 (s1291): foamDebugSwitches script is still mentioned in programmer's guide GL#2244
- @samir1291 (s1291): Sign up for newsletter is not available GL#2245
- @MakisH (Gerasimos Chourdakis): Packages for Ubuntu 21.10 "impish" not available GL#2248
- @xuegy (Guanyang Xue): fluentMeshToFoam and fluent3DMeshToFoam cannot handle semicolon GL#2249
- @onuralps (Onuralp Sezer): Integrating OpenFOAM into Fedora GL#2252
- @Nordin-Bates (Kevin): Bug in sutherlandTransport GL#2256
- @Night_Hawk (Ashutosh Maurya): Decomposition method issue GL#2259
- @samir1291 (s1291): forceCoeffs FO: pitchAxis keyword has no effect GL#2260
- @flavio.galeazzo (Flavio Galeazzo): turbulentDigitalFilterInlet crash after parallel run when not all partitions have the inlet BC GL#2262
- @Betaj (Vojtech Betak): Tabulated thermo limited number of rows in table for cp GL#2264
- @salehi (Saeed): surfaceAlignedSBRStress mesh motion solver not working GL#2265
- @flavio.galeazzo (Flavio Galeazzo): turbulentDigitalFilterInlet makes pattern of the turbulent structures running in parallel GL#2267
- @nitr (Martin Lichtmes): cfMesh binaries are gone after latest update (v2106) GL#2268
- @janga (Jan Gärtner): segFault on clean up of fvMesh with particle clouds GL#2269
- @BRamoa (Bruno Ramoa): Problem with numerical schemes GL#2270
- @bjnieuwboer (Bas Nieuwboer): surface file reader for ftr and off files GL#2272
- @NikoBiele (Nikolaj Bielefeld): SnappyHexMesh returns different results when setting functions to true 1-by-1 or running with all set to true! GL#2274
- @MOZ455 (Mohsen Zarepour): Disappearance of particles in twoPhaseEulerFoam GL#2278
- @foadsf (Foad): There is no usermod command on macOS for Docker instructions GL#2288
- @jairogut (Jairo Andrés Gutiérrez): Near-wall particle tracking error when the contaning cell is unrefined GL#2289
- @foadsf (Foad): Native Windows binaries using MSYS2 GL#2290
- @g3 (Thorsten Zirwes): Wrong setup in combustion tutorial GL#2292
- @SimonHolz (Simon Holz): bouyancyTurbSource with hotRoom tutorial fails GL#2293
- @LC (Luca Cornolti): Application of Implicit treatment of coupled boundary conditions to heat exchange GL#2294
- @foadsf (Foad): Docker containers should have a non-root user by default GL#2296
- @hsmeier (Hans Meier): interFoam problems with refinement at fluid surface GL#2297
- @HappyKiter (Michael Alletto): nutUblended wall function gives rise to pressure spikes for a periodically pitching airfoil GL#2299