OpenFOAM® v1612+: New boundary conditions


New wave modelling

Integration of functionality produced by The Environmental Hydraulics Institute IHCantabria

Capabilities include:

  • Wave generation
  • Solitary wave using Boussinesq theory
  • Cnoidal wave theory
  • StokesI, StokesII, StokesV wave theory
  • Active wave absorption at the inflow/outflow boundaries based on shallow water theory

The following images show some applications using the new code, supplied by IHCantabria

Mussel Raft

Fixed Offshore Platform

Jacket Offshore Platform

The baseline models are described in the reference:

Lara, J.L., Barajas, G., Maza M., Losada I.J. Wave and current interaction under smooth and rough beds with OpenFOAM, 2016

Source code

This work was originally supplied to OpenCFD Ltd by The Environmental Hydraulics Institute IHCantabria - see merge #88
Authors: Javier Lopez Lara, Gabriel Barajas, Inigo Losada
The code has been restructured and updated by OpenCFD into a new $FOAM_SRC/waveModels library available to the interFoam family of solvers
Based on the references

New thermal lumped mass condition

The new lumpedMassWallTemperature temperature boundary condition sets a uniform temperature according to an energy balance with a lumped mass model.

The patch is specified as follows:

    type            lumpedMassWallTemperature;
    kappaMethod     fluidThermo;
    kappa           none;
    mass            1000;
    Cp              4100;
    value           uniform 300;

Source code

New recycled outlet

The new outletMappedUniformInletHeatAddition temperature boundary condition imposes a temperature constraint based on the average outflow temperature of a user-specified patch, with optional heat addition. This is particularly useful for heat exchanger calculations where the outflow can be recycled into the unit.

The patch is specified as follows:

    type            outletMappedUniformInletHeatAddition;
    outletPatch     outlet1;
    Q               5;     // Heat addition in W
    TMin            300;
    TMax            500;
    value           $internalField;
The TMin and TMax entries can be applied to limit the temperature within specific bounds.

Source code

Updated external coupled conditions

The externalCoupled function object and boundary conditions enable OpenFOAM to be interfaced to external applications, including support for multiple regions and multiple patches. To propagate the information to the external solver efficiently the geometry list is contained in a single file, but segregated by region and patch. The points and face formatting remain consistent, irrespective of the number of faces in the region.

The leading comments in the geometry exchange files have been changed from ”# ” to ”// ” to facilitate parsing of the files with OpenFOAM itself if necessary.

It is also now possible to provide explicit signalling via a message in the sentinel file, i.e. ’status=done’ to indicate that the OpenFOAM case is completed, improving the synchronization of case start and end with the external solver.

Source code