Courses with AIAA

OpenFOAM foundations with AIAA

This 2 day course delivered by the official OpenFOAM Development and Release Authority introduces the open source CFD toolbox with a focus on aerospace external flow applications, AIAA accreditation, and 16-hours towards Continuing Professional Development (CPD).


External aerodynamics with AIAA

This course introduces some advanced topics of the open-source CFD toolbox, OpenFOAM. It concentrates on the topics important for external aerodynamics computations. Among others are especially advanced meshing techniques for quality near-wall prismatic mesh layers, turbulence modelling and wall functions, DES and LES modelling, drag and lift prediction and post-processing, near-wall post-processing, blended discretization, and other numerical stabilization.


Aeroacoustics with AIAA

This course covers Theoretical and Applied concepts in Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA) using OpenFOAM, touching on progressive Multiphysics design challenges, e.g. Aero-Vibro-acoustics (AVA). The course organisers are leading experts in flow-noise source prediction, propagation and noise abatement in all engineering sectors including transportation (Automotive, Aerospace, Marine, Rail), energy, power generation, building environment and turbomachinery.


Dynamic Meshes with AIAA

The training provides examples of process and best practice, which are useful to existing OpenFOAM users wishing to broaden their application knowledge of OpenFOAM towards using overset meshing as an alternative to mesh morphing or sliding interfaces. All features demonstrated in this course are part of the Official release of OpenFOAM.
