cuttingPlaneFilter Class Reference

Cutting planes of OpenFOAM volume fields. More...

Inheritance diagram for cuttingPlaneFilter:
Collaboration diagram for cuttingPlaneFilter:

Public Member Functions

 TypeNameNoDebug ("plane")
 Run-time type information. More...
 cuttingPlaneFilter (const runTimePostProcessing &parent, const dictionary &dict, const HashPtrTable< Function1< vector >> &colours)
 Construct from dictionary. More...
virtual ~cuttingPlaneFilter ()=default
 Destructor. More...
bool addGeometry (const scalar position, vtkRenderer *renderer)
 Add cutting planes to scene (using simulation source) More...
virtual void addGeometryToScene (const scalar position, vtkRenderer *renderer)
 Add cutting planes to scene (using simulation source) More...
virtual bool clear ()
 Cleanup files etc. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from volumeFilter
 volumeFilter (const runTimePostProcessing &parent, const dictionary &dict, const HashPtrTable< Function1< vector >> &colours)
 Construct from dictionary. More...
virtual ~volumeFilter ()=default
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from surface
 TypeNameNoDebug ("surface")
 Run-time type information. More...
 declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, surface, dictionary,(const runTimePostProcessing &parent, const dictionary &dict, const HashPtrTable< Function1< vector >> &colours),(parent, dict, colours))
 surface (const runTimePostProcessing &parent, const dictionary &dict, const HashPtrTable< Function1< vector >> &colours)
 Construct from dictionary. More...
virtual ~surface ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual void updateActors (const scalar position)
 Update the actors. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from geometryBase
 geometryBase (const runTimePostProcessing &parent_, const dictionary &dict, const HashPtrTable< Function1< vector >> &colours)
 Construct from dictionary. More...
virtual ~geometryBase ()
 Destructor. More...
const runTimePostProcessingparent () const
 Return the reference to the parent function object. More...
bool needsCollective () const
 May need to gather geometry parts to render on single-processor. More...
const wordname () const
 Return the name. More...
bool visible () const
 Return the visible flag. More...
bool parallel () const
 Allow parallel rendering. More...
scalar opacity (const scalar position) const
 Return the opacity. More...
const HashPtrTable< Function1< vector > > & colours () const
 Return reference to the colours. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from fieldVisualisationBase
 fieldVisualisationBase (const dictionary &dict, const HashPtrTable< Function1< vector >> &colours)
 Construct from dictionary. More...
virtual ~fieldVisualisationBase ()
 Destructor. More...
const HashPtrTable< Function1< vector > > & colours () const
 Return the colours. More...
const wordfieldName () const
 Return the field name. More...

Protected Member Functions

 cuttingPlaneFilter (const cuttingPlaneFilter &)=delete
 No copy construct. More...
void operator= (const cuttingPlaneFilter &)=delete
 No copy assignment. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from volumeFilter
vtkSmartPointer< vtkMultiPieceDataSet > mesh (Foam::vtk::vtuAdaptor &adaptor) const
 Return a vtu mesh with addressing information stored in adaptor. More...
bool addDimField (vtkDataSet *piece, const vtk::vtuAdaptor &adaptor, const regIOobject *ioptr, const word &fieldName) const
int addDimField (vtkMultiPieceDataSet *multiPiece, const vtk::vtuAdaptor &adaptor, const regIOobject *ioptr, const word &fieldName) const
template<class Type >
bool addDimField (vtkDataSet *piece, const vtk::vtuAdaptor &adaptor, const regIOobject *ioptr, const word &fieldName) const
template<class Type >
int addDimField (vtkMultiPieceDataSet *multiPiece, const vtk::vtuAdaptor &adaptor, const regIOobject *ioptr, const word &fieldName) const
 volumeFilter (const volumeFilter &)=delete
 No copy construct. More...
void operator= (const volumeFilter &)=delete
 No copy assignment. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from surface
void setRepresentation (vtkActor *actor) const
 Set the representation. More...
void addFeatureEdges (vtkRenderer *renderer, vtkFeatureEdges *featureEdges) const
 Add feature edges to scene. More...
void addFeatureEdges (vtkRenderer *renderer, vtkPolyData *data) const
 Add feature edges to scene. More...
void addFeatureEdges (vtkRenderer *renderer, vtkCompositeDataGeometryFilter *input) const
 Add feature edges to scene. More...
vtkSmartPointer< vtkMultiPieceDataSet > gatherSurfacePieces (const polySurface *surf) const
vtkSmartPointer< vtkMultiPieceDataSet > gatherFaceCentres (const polySurface *surf) const
template<class Type , class GeoMeshType >
bool addField (vtkDataSet *piece, const Field< Type > &fld, const word &fieldName) const
 Add field of Type to piece as VTK field data in GeoMeshType slot. More...
template<class Type , class GeoMeshType >
bool addDimField (vtkDataSet *piece, const regIOobject *ioptr, const word &fieldName) const
template<class GeoMeshType >
bool addDimField (vtkDataSet *piece, const regIOobject *ioptr, const word &fieldName) const
template<class Type , class GeoMeshType >
bool addDimField (vtkMultiPieceDataSet *multiPiece, const DimensionedField< Type, GeoMeshType > *fldptr, const word &fieldName) const
template<class Type , class GeoMeshType >
bool addDimField (vtkMultiPieceDataSet *multiPiece, const regIOobject *ioptr, const word &fieldName) const
template<class GeoMeshType >
bool addDimField (vtkMultiPieceDataSet *multiPiece, const regIOobject *ioptr, const word &fieldName) const
template<class GeoMeshType >
bool addDimField (vtkMultiPieceDataSet *multiPiece, const polySurface *surf, const word &fieldName) const
 Add using regIOobject information obtained from surface. More...
 surface (const surface &)=delete
 No copy construct. More...
void operator= (const surface &)=delete
 No copy assignment. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from geometryBase
void initialiseActor (vtkActor *actor) const
 Initialise actor. More...
 geometryBase (const geometryBase &)=delete
 No copy construct. More...
void operator= (const geometryBase &)=delete
 No copy assignment. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from fieldVisualisationBase
void setColourMap (vtkLookupTable *lut) const
 Set the colour map. More...
void addScalarBar (const scalar position, vtkRenderer *renderer, vtkLookupTable *lut) const
 Add scalar bar (if visible) to renderer. More...
void setField (const scalar position, const word &colourFieldName, const FieldAssociation fieldAssociation, vtkMapper *mapper, vtkRenderer *renderer) const
 Set field/configure mapper, add scalar bar. More...
void addGlyphs (const scalar position, const word &scaleFieldName, const fieldSummary &scaleFieldInfo, const word &colourFieldName, const fieldSummary &colourFieldInfo, const scalar maxGlyphLength, vtkPolyData *data, vtkActor *actor, vtkRenderer *renderer) const
 Add glyphs. More...
 fieldVisualisationBase (const fieldVisualisationBase &)=delete
 No copy construct. More...
void operator= (const fieldVisualisationBase &)=delete
 No copy assignment. More...

Protected Attributes

plane plane_
 The definition of the plane. More...
List< scalar > values_
 The offsets to the plane - defaults to (0). More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from surface
representationType representation_
 Representation type. More...
bool featureEdges_
 Activate feature edges. More...
bool backFaceCulling_
 Back face culling option; default = off. More...
bool frontFaceCulling_
 Front face culling option; default = on. More...
autoPtr< Function1< vector > > surfaceColour_
 Surface colour. More...
autoPtr< Function1< vector > > edgeColour_
 Edge colour. More...
vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > surfaceActor_
 Surface actor. More...
vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > edgeActor_
 Edge actor. More...
scalar maxGlyphLength_
 Max glyph length for representation type rtGlyph. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from geometryBase
const runTimePostProcessingparent_
 Reference to the parent function object. More...
word name_
 The surface name. More...
bool visible_
 Visible flag. More...
bool parallel_
 Allow parallel rendering. More...
renderModeType renderMode_
 Render mode. More...
autoPtr< Function1< scalar > > opacity_
 Opacity. More...
const HashPtrTable< Function1< vector > > & colours_
 Reference to the colours. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from fieldVisualisationBase
const HashPtrTable< Function1< vector > > & colours_
 Colours. More...
word fieldName_
 Field name. More...
bool smooth_
 Requested smoother fields (eg, interpolate cell -> point values) More...
colourByType colourBy_
 Colour by type. More...
colourMapType colourMap_
 Colour map type. More...
Tuple2< scalar, scalar > range_
 Range of values. More...
scalarBar scalarBar_
 Scalar bar characteristics. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from surface
enum  representationType {
  rtNone, rtGlyph, rtWireframe, rtSurface,
 Surface representation types. More...
- Public Types inherited from geometryBase
enum  renderModeType { rmFlat, rmGouraud, rmPhong }
 Surface shading types. More...
- Public Types inherited from fieldVisualisationBase
enum  colourByType { cbColour, cbField }
 Colouring type. More...
enum  colourMapType {
  cmCoolToWarm, cmBlueWhiteRed = cmCoolToWarm, cmColdAndHot, cmFire,
  cmRainbow, cmGreyscale, cmXray
 Colour map enumerations. More...
enum  FieldAssociation { NO_DATA = 0, CELL_DATA = 0x1, POINT_DATA = 0x2, CELL_POINT_DATA = 0x3 }
 Enumeration of the data field associations. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from surface
static autoPtr< surfaceNew (const runTimePostProcessing &parent, const dictionary &dict, const HashPtrTable< Function1< vector >> &colours, const word &surfaceName)
 Return selected surface. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from surface
static const Enum< representationTyperepresentationTypeNames
 Names for surface representation types. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from geometryBase
static const Enum< renderModeTyperenderModeTypeNames
 Names for surface shading types. More...
static int debug
 Debug switch. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from fieldVisualisationBase
static const Enum< colourByTypecolourByTypeNames
 Enumeration names for colourByType. More...
static const Enum< colourMapTypecolourMapTypeNames
 Enumeration names for colourMapType. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from fieldVisualisationBase
static fieldSummary queryFieldSummary (const word &fieldName, vtkDataSet *dataset)
 Query DataSet for field name and its field association. More...
static fieldSummary queryFieldSummary (const word &fieldName, vtkCompositeDataSet *data)
 Query composite DataSet for field name and its FieldAssociation. More...
static FieldAssociation queryFieldAssociation (const word &fieldName, vtkDataSet *dataset)
 Query DataSet for field name and its field association. More...
static FieldAssociation queryFieldAssociation (const word &fieldName, vtkCompositeDataSet *data)
 Query composite DataSet for field name and its FieldAssociation. More...
static void addMagField (const word &fieldName, vtkFieldData *fieldData)
 Add "mag(..)" field for filters that only accept scalars. More...
static void addMagField (const word &fieldName, vtkDataSet *dataset)
 Add "mag(..)" field for filters that only accept scalars. More...
static void addMagField (const word &fieldName, vtkCompositeDataSet *data)
 Add "mag(..)" field for filters that only accept scalars. More...

Detailed Description

Cutting planes of OpenFOAM volume fields.

Example of text object specification:

    type            plane;
    planeType       pointAndNormal;

            point   (0 0 0);
            normal  (1 0 0);

    offsets         (0 10 20);

    field    T;

Dictionary controls

Property Description Required Default
type The surface type: plane yes
planeType Selector for plane description yes
offsets Offets of the origin in the normal direction no (0)
field The field to display yes
Source files

Definition at line 109 of file cuttingPlaneFilter.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ cuttingPlaneFilter() [1/2]

cuttingPlaneFilter ( const cuttingPlaneFilter )

No copy construct.

◆ cuttingPlaneFilter() [2/2]

cuttingPlaneFilter ( const runTimePostProcessing parent,
const dictionary dict,
const HashPtrTable< Function1< vector >> &  colours 

Construct from dictionary.

Definition at line 65 of file cuttingPlaneFilter.C.

References dict, and Foam::Zero.

◆ ~cuttingPlaneFilter()

virtual ~cuttingPlaneFilter ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=()

void operator= ( const cuttingPlaneFilter )

No copy assignment.

◆ TypeNameNoDebug()

TypeNameNoDebug ( "plane"  )

Run-time type information.

◆ addGeometry()

bool addGeometry ( const scalar  position,
vtkRenderer *  renderer 

Add cutting planes to scene (using simulation source)

Definition at line 90 of file cuttingPlaneFilter.C.

References objectRegistry::cfindObject(), DebugInfo, Foam::endl(), forAll, Foam::Info, mesh, runTimePostProcessing::mesh(), Foam::New(), Foam::expressions::patchExpr::POINT_DATA, and setField().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addGeometryToScene()

void addGeometryToScene ( const scalar  position,
vtkRenderer *  renderer 

Add cutting planes to scene (using simulation source)

Implements geometryBase.

Definition at line 268 of file cuttingPlaneFilter.C.

References Foam::endl(), and WarningInFunction.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ clear()

bool clear ( )

Cleanup files etc.

Implements geometryBase.

Definition at line 288 of file cuttingPlaneFilter.C.

Member Data Documentation

◆ plane_

plane plane_

The definition of the plane.

Definition at line 119 of file cuttingPlaneFilter.H.

◆ values_

List<scalar> values_

The offsets to the plane - defaults to (0).

Definition at line 122 of file cuttingPlaneFilter.H.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: