Foam::functionObjects Namespace Reference

Namespace for functionObjects. More...


 Classes and objects used in the implementation of Foam::functionObjects::runTimePostProcessing.


class  abort
 Watches for presence of the named trigger file in the case directory and signals a simulation stop (or other) event if found. More...
class  add
 Add a list of fields. More...
class  AMIWeights
 Reports the min/max/average AMI weights to text file and optionally writes VTK surfaces of the sum of the weights, and mask field for ACMI patches. More...
class  blendingFactor
 Calculates and outputs the blendingFactor as used by the bended convection schemes. The output is a volume field (cells) whose value is calculated via the maximum blending factor for any cell face. More...
class  cloudInfo
 Outputs Lagrangian cloud information to a file. More...
class  codedFunctionObject
 Provides a general interface to enable dynamic code compilation. More...
class  columnAverage
 Averages columns of cells for layered meshes. More...
class  components
 Calculates the components of a field. More...
class  continuityError
 Calculates the continuity error for a flux field. More...
class  CourantNo
 This function object calculates and outputs the Courant number as a volScalarField. The field is stored on the mesh database so that it can be retrieved and used for other applications. More...
class  Curle
 Calculates the acoustic pressure based on Curle's analogy. More...
class  dataCloud
 This functionObject writes a cloud position and in ASCII. More...
class  ddt
 Calculates the Eulerian time derivative of a field. More...
class  ddt2
 This function object calculates the magnitude squared of d(scalarField)/dt. More...
class  derivedFields
 A limited set of predefined derived fields ("rhoU", "pTotal"). More...
class  DESModelRegions
 This function object writes out an indicator field for DES turbulence calculations, that is: More...
class  div
 Calculates the divergence of a field. The operation is limited to surfaceScalarFields and volVectorFields, and the output is a volScalarField. More...
class  dsmcFields
 This function object calculates and outputs the intensive fields: More...
class  energySpectrum
 Calculates the energy spectrum for a structured IJK mesh. More...
class  energyTransport
 Evolves a simplified energy transport equation for incompressible flows. It takes into account the inertia, conduction and convection terms plus a source. More...
class  ensightWrite
 Writes fields in ensight format. More...
class  enstrophy
 Calculates the enstrophy of the velocity. More...
class  eulerianParticle
class  externalCoupled
 This functionObject provides a simple interface for explicit coupling with an external application. More...
class  extractEulerianParticles
 Generates particle size information from Eulerian calculations, e.g. VoF. More...
class  fieldAverage
 Calculates average quantities for a user-specified selection of volumetric and surface fields. With the subRegion option, also supports fields on functionObject surface output (eg, sampledSurfaces). More...
class  fieldAverageItem
 Helper class to describe what form of averaging to apply. A set will be applied to each base field in Foam::fieldAverage, of the form: More...
class  fieldCoordinateSystemTransform
 Transforms a user-specified selection of fields from global Cartesian coordinates to a local coordinate system. The fields are run-time modifiable. More...
class  fieldExpression
 Base class for field expression function objects. More...
class  fieldExtents
 Calculates the spatial minimum and maximum extents of a field. More...
class  fieldInfo
 Helper class to store a wordRe and label used by Foam::functionObjects::fieldSelection. More...
class  fieldMinMax
 Calculates the value and location of scalar minimum and maximum for a list of user-specified fields. More...
class  fieldSelection
 Helper class to manage field selections. More...
class  fieldsExpression
 Intermediate class for handling field expressions (add, subtract etc). More...
class  fieldValue
 Base class for field value-based function objects. More...
class  fileFieldSelection
 Helper class to manage file-based field selections. More...
class  flowType
 Calculates and writes the flowType of a velocity field. More...
class  flux
 Calculates the flux of a field. The operation is limited to surfaceVectorFields and volVectorFields, and the output is a surfaceScalarField. More...
class  fluxSummary
 This function object calculates the flux across selections of faces. More...
class  forceCoeffs
 Extends the forces functionObject by providing coefficients for: More...
class  forces
 Calculates the forces and moments by integrating the pressure and skin-friction forces over a given list of patches, and the resistance from porous zones. More...
class  fvMeshFunctionObject
 Specialization of Foam::functionObject for an Foam::fvMesh, providing a reference to the Foam::fvMesh. More...
class  grad
 Calculates the gradient of a field. More...
class  heatTransferCoeff
 This function object calculates and writes the heat transfer coefficient as a volScalarField for a set of patches. More...
class  histogram
 Write the volume-weighted histogram of a volScalarField. More...
class  hydrostaticPressure
 Calculates and outputs the pressure fields p_rgh and ph_rgh. More...
class  icoUncoupledKinematicCloud
 This functionObject tracks a uncoupled kinematic particle cloud in the specified velocity field of an incompressible flow (laminar, RANS or LES). More...
class  Lambda2
 Calculates and outputs the second largest eigenvalue of the sum of the square of the symmetrical and anti-symmetrical parts of the velocity gradient tensor. More...
class  lambVector
 Calculates Lamb vector, i.e. the cross product of vorticity and velocity. Calculation of the divergence of the Lamb vector can be performed by using 'div' functionObject on this 'lambVector' functionObject. More...
class  limitFields
 Limits fields to user-specified min and max bounds. More...
class  logFiles
 functionObject base class for creating, maintaining and writing log files e.g. integrated or averaged field data vs time. More...
class  MachNo
 Calculates and writes the Mach number as a volScalarField. More...
class  mag
 Calculates the magnitude of a field. More...
class  magSqr
 Calculates the magnitude of the sqr of a field. More...
class  mapFields
 Map fields from local mesh to secondary mesh at run-time. More...
class  momentum
 Calculates linear/angular momentum, reporting integral values and optionally writing the fields. More...
class  nearWallFields
 Samples near-patch volume fields. More...
class  parProfiling
 Simple (simplistic) mpi-profiling. More...
class  particleDistribution
 Generates a particle distribution for lagrangian data at a given time. More...
class  PecletNo
 Calculates and outputs the Peclet number as a surfaceScalarField. More...
class  phaseForces
 This function object calculates and outputs the blended interfacial forces acting on a given phase, i.e. drag, virtual mass, lift, wall-lubrication and turbulent dispersion. Note that it works only in run-time processing mode and in combination with the reactingEulerFoam solvers. More...
class  pressure
 Includes tools to manipulate the pressure into different forms. More...
class  processorField
 Writes a scalar field whose value is the local processor ID. The output field name is 'processorID'. More...
class  proudmanAcousticPower
 Calculates the acoustic power due to the volume of isotropic turbulence using Proudman's formula. More...
class  Q
 Calculates and outputs the second invariant of the velocity gradient tensor [1/s^2]. More...
class  randomise
 Adds a random component to a field, with a specified perturbation magnitude. More...
class  reactionsSensitivityAnalysis
 This function object creates four data files named: More...
class  readFields
 Reads fields from the time directories and adds them to the mesh database for further post-processing. More...
class  reference
 Calculates and outputs a field whose values are offset to a reference value obtained by sampling the field at a user-specified location. More...
class  regionFunctionObject
 Specialization of Foam::functionObject for a region and providing a reference to the region Foam::objectRegistry. More...
class  regionSizeDistribution
 Creates a size distribution via interrogating a continuous phase fraction field. More...
class  removeRegisteredObject
 Removes registered objects if present in the database. More...
class  runTimePostProcessing
 Generate images during run-time. More...
class  runTimePostProcessingDummy
 Dummy implementation of Foam::functionObjects::runTimePostProcessing to report when the real version is unavailable. More...
class  scalarTransport
 Evolves a passive scalar transport equation. More...
class  setFlow
 Provides options to set the velocity and flux fields as a function of time. More...
class  setTimeStepFunctionObject
 This function object overrides the calculation time step. More...
class  sixDoFRigidBodyState
 Writes the 6-DoF motion state. More...
class  sizeDistribution
 This function object calculates and outputs information about the size distribution of the dispersed phase, such as the number density function or its moments. It is designed to be used exclusively with the population balance modeling functionality of the reactingEulerFoam solvers. It can be applied to a specific cellZone or the entire domain. More...
class  solverFieldSelection
class  solverInfo
 Writes solver information for a list of user-specified fields. More...
class  specieReactionRates
 Writes the domain averaged reaction rates for each specie for each reaction into the file <timeDir>/specieReactionRates.dat. More...
class  stabilityBlendingFactor
 Calculates and outputs the stabilityBlendingFactor to be used by the local blended convection scheme. The output is a surface field weight between 0-1. More...
class  stateFunctionObject
 Base class for function objects, adding functionality to read/write state information (data required for smooth restart behaviour) and results to/from the state dictionary. More...
class  streamFunction
 This function object calculates and outputs the stream-function as a pointScalarField. More...
class  streamLine
 Generates streamline data by sampling a set of user-specified fields along a particle track, transported by a user-specified velocity field. More...
class  streamLineBase
class  subtract
 From the first field subtract the remaining fields in the list. More...
class  sumParticleOp
class  surfaceDistance
 Writes a scalar field whose value is the distance to the nearest surface. The output field name is 'surfaceDistance'. More...
class  surfaceInterpolate
 Linearly interpolates volume fields to generate surface fields. More...
class  systemCall
 Executes system calls, entered in the form of string lists. More...
class  thermoCoupleProbes
 Sample probe for temperature using a thermocouple. More...
class  timeActivatedFileUpdate
 Performs a file copy/replacement once a specified time has been reached. More...
class  timeControl
 Wrapper around functionObjects to add time control. More...
class  timeFunctionObject
 Virtual base class for function objects with a reference to Time. More...
class  timeInfo
 Writes the run time (time-step), cpuTime and clockTime - optionally with cpuTime and clockTime change for each time step. More...
class  turbulenceFields
 Stores turbulence fields on the mesh database for further manipulation. More...
class  valueAverage
 This function object calculates the average value from the output of function objects that generate singular values. More...
class  volFieldSelection
 Helper class to manage solver field selections. More...
class  volRegion
 Volume (cell) region selection class. More...
class  vorticity
 Calculates the vorticity, the curl of the velocity. More...
class  vtkCloud
 This functionObject writes cloud(s) in VTK PolyData format (.vtp extension) with the time information saved in a '.series' file. More...
class  vtkWrite
 Writes fields in VTK (xml or legacy) format. Writes cell-values or point-interpolated values for volFields. More...
class  wallBoundedStreamLine
 Generates streamline data by sampling a set of user-specified fields along a particle track, transported by a user-specified velocity field, constrained to a patch. More...
class  wallHeatFlux
 Calculates and write the heat-flux at wall patches as the volScalarField field 'wallHeatFlux'. More...
class  wallShearStress
 Calculates and write the shear-stress at wall patches as the volVectorField field 'wallShearStress'. More...
class  writeCellCentres
 Writes the cell-centres volVectorField and the three component fields as volScalarFields. More...
class  writeCellVolumes
 Writes the cell-volumes volScalarField. More...
class  writeDictionary
 Writes dictionaries on start-up and on change. More...
class  writeFile
 functionObject base class for writing single files More...
class  writeObjects
 Allows specification of different writing frequency of objects registered to the database. More...
class  XiReactionRate
 Writes the turbulent flame-speed and reaction-rate volScalarFields for the Xi-based combustion models. More...
class  yPlus
 Evaluates and outputs turbulence y+ for turbulence models. More...
class  zeroGradient
 This function object creates a volume field with zero-gradient boundary conditions from another volume field. More...


Istreamoperator>> (Istream &, fieldInfo &)
Ostreamoperator<< (Ostream &, const fieldInfo &)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (fvMeshFunctionObject, 0)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (volRegion, 0)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (add, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, add, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (AMIWeights, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, AMIWeights, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (blendingFactor, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, blendingFactor, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (columnAverage, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, columnAverage, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (components, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, components, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (continuityError, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, continuityError, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (CourantNo, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, CourantNo, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (Curle, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, Curle, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (ddt, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, ddt, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (ddt2, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, ddt2, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (derivedFields, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, derivedFields, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (DESModelRegions, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, DESModelRegions, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (div, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, div, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (enstrophy, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, enstrophy, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (externalCoupled, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, externalCoupled, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (extractEulerianParticles, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, extractEulerianParticles, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (fieldAverage, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, fieldAverage, dictionary)
Istreamoperator>> (Istream &, fieldAverageItem &)
Ostreamoperator<< (Ostream &, const fieldAverageItem &)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (fieldCoordinateSystemTransform, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, fieldCoordinateSystemTransform, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (fieldExpression, 0)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (fieldExtents, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, fieldExtents, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (fieldMinMax, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, fieldMinMax, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (fieldsExpression, 0)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (fieldValue, 0)
 defineRunTimeSelectionTable (fieldValue, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (flowType, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, flowType, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (flux, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, flux, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (fluxSummary, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, fluxSummary, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (grad, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, grad, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (heatTransferCoeff, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, heatTransferCoeff, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (histogram, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, histogram, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (Lambda2, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, Lambda2, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (lambVector, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, lambVector, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (limitFields, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, limitFields, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (MachNo, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, MachNo, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (mag, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, mag, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (magSqr, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, magSqr, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (mapFields, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, mapFields, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (momentum, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, momentum, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (nearWallFields, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, nearWallFields, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (particleDistribution, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, particleDistribution, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (PecletNo, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, PecletNo, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (pressure, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, pressure, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (processorField, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, processorField, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (proudmanAcousticPower, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, proudmanAcousticPower, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (Q, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, Q, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (randomise, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, randomise, dictionary)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, psiReactionsSensitivityAnalysisFunctionObject, dictionary)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, rhoReactionsSensitivityAnalysisFunctionObject, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (readFields, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, readFields, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (reference, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, reference, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (regionSizeDistribution, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, regionSizeDistribution, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (setFlow, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, setFlow, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (stabilityBlendingFactor, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, stabilityBlendingFactor, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (streamFunction, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, streamFunction, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (streamLine, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, streamLine, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (streamLineBase, 0)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (subtract, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, subtract, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (surfaceDistance, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, surfaceDistance, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (surfaceInterpolate, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, surfaceInterpolate, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (turbulenceFields, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, turbulenceFields, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (valueAverage, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, valueAverage, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (vorticity, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, vorticity, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (wallBoundedStreamLine, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, wallBoundedStreamLine, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (wallHeatFlux, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, wallHeatFlux, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (wallShearStress, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, wallShearStress, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (writeCellCentres, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, writeCellCentres, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (writeCellVolumes, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, writeCellVolumes, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (XiReactionRate, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, XiReactionRate, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (yPlus, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, yPlus, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (zeroGradient, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, zeroGradient, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (forceCoeffs, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, forceCoeffs, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (forces, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, forces, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (runTimePostProcessingDummy, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, runTimePostProcessingDummy, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (runTimePostProcessing, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, runTimePostProcessing, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (hydrostaticPressure, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, hydrostaticPressure, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (cloudInfo, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, cloudInfo, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (dataCloud, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, dataCloud, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (dsmcFields, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, dsmcFields, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (icoUncoupledKinematicCloud, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, icoUncoupledKinematicCloud, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (vtkCloud, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, vtkCloud, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (energySpectrum, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, energySpectrum, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (energyTransport, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, energyTransport, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (scalarTransport, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, scalarTransport, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (abort, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, abort, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (codedFunctionObject, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, codedFunctionObject, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (ensightWrite, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, ensightWrite, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (parProfiling, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, parProfiling, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (removeRegisteredObject, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, removeRegisteredObject, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (setTimeStepFunctionObject, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, setTimeStepFunctionObject, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (solverInfo, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, solverInfo, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (systemCall, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, systemCall, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (thermoCoupleProbes, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, thermoCoupleProbes, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (timeActivatedFileUpdate, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, timeActivatedFileUpdate, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (timeInfo, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, timeInfo, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (vtkWrite, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, vtkWrite, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (writeDictionary, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, writeDictionary, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (writeObjects, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, writeObjects, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (regionFunctionObject, 0)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (timeControl, 0)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (sixDoFRigidBodyState, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (functionObject, sixDoFRigidBodyState, dictionary)

Detailed Description

Namespace for functionObjects.

OpenFOAM includes a collection of functionObjects selected by the user at run-time to manipulate the simulation and provide mechanisms to extract field and derived quantities. Alternatively, the same actions can be executed after the simulation using the -postProcess command-line option.

Using function objects

FunctionObjects are selected by additional entries in the global case system/controlDict dictionary. Each object is listed in the functions sub-dictionary, e.g. to select the functionObjectType functionObject the following entry would be specified:

        type                functionObjectType;
        libs                ("");
        region              defaultRegion;
        enabled             yes;
        timeStart           0;
        timeEnd             10;
        writeControl        writeTime;
        writeInterval       1;


Property Description Required Default
type Type of function object yes
libs Libraries containing implementation yes
region Name of region for multi-region cases no
enabled On/off switch no yes
log Log information to standard output no yes
timeStart Start time no
timeEnd End time no
executeControl See time controls below no timeStep
executeInterval Steps/time between execute phases no 1
writeControl See time controls below no timeStep
writeInterval Steps/time between write phases no 1

Time controls:

Option Description
none Trigger is disabled
timeStep Trigger every 'Interval' time-steps
writeTime Trigger every 'Interval' output times
runTime Trigger every 'Interval' run time period
adjustableRunTime Currently identical to "runTime"
clockTime Trigger every 'Interval' clock time period
cpuTime Trigger every 'Interval' CPU time period
onEnd Trigger on end of run

The sub-dictionary name <functionObjectName> is chosen by the user, and is typically used as the name of the output directory for any data written by the functionObject. The type entry defines the type of function object properties that follow. FunctionObjects are packaged into separate libraries and the libs entry is used to specify which library should be loaded.

Each function object has two separate run phases:

  • The execute phase is meant to be used for updating calculations or for management tasks.
  • The write phase is meant for writing the calculated data to disk.

For each phase the respective time controls are provided, as listed above.

Function Documentation

◆ operator>>() [1/2]

Istream& Foam::functionObjects::operator>> ( Istream ,

Definition at line 137 of file fieldInfo.H.

◆ operator<<() [1/2]

Ostream& Foam::functionObjects::operator<< ( Ostream ,
const fieldInfo  

Definition at line 142 of file fieldInfo.H.

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [1/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( fvMeshFunctionObject  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [2/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( volRegion  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [3/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( add  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [1/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
add  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [4/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( AMIWeights  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [2/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
AMIWeights  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [5/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( blendingFactor  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [3/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
blendingFactor  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [6/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( columnAverage  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [4/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
columnAverage  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [7/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( components  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [5/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
components  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [8/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( continuityError  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [6/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
continuityError  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [9/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( CourantNo  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [7/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
CourantNo  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [10/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( Curle  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [8/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
Curle  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [11/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( ddt  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [9/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
ddt  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [12/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( ddt2  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [10/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
ddt2  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [13/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( derivedFields  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [11/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
derivedFields  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [14/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( DESModelRegions  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [12/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
DESModelRegions  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [15/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( div  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [13/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
div  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [16/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( enstrophy  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [14/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
enstrophy  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [17/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( externalCoupled  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [15/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
externalCoupled  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [18/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( extractEulerianParticles  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [16/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
extractEulerianParticles  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [19/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( fieldAverage  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [17/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
fieldAverage  ,

◆ operator>>() [2/2]

Foam::Istream & operator>> ( Istream is,
fieldAverageItem faItem 

Definition at line 61 of file fieldAverageItemIO.C.

References IOstream::check(), dict, dictionaryEntry::dict(), Foam::endl(), fieldAverageItem::EXACT, Foam::exit(), fieldAverageItem::EXT_MEAN, fieldAverageItem::EXT_PRIME2MEAN, Foam::FatalIOError, FatalIOErrorInFunction, FUNCTION_NAME, fieldAverageItem::ITER, entry::keyword(), fieldAverageItem::NONE, dictionary::null, and WarningInFunction.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

Foam::Ostream & operator<< ( Ostream os,
const fieldAverageItem faItem 

Definition at line 144 of file fieldAverageItemIO.C.

References Ostream::beginBlock(), IOstream::check(), Ostream::endBlock(), FUNCTION_NAME, and Ostream::writeEntry().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [20/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( fieldCoordinateSystemTransform  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [18/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
fieldCoordinateSystemTransform  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [21/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( fieldExpression  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [22/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( fieldExtents  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [19/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
fieldExtents  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [23/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( fieldMinMax  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [20/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
fieldMinMax  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [24/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( fieldsExpression  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [25/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( fieldValue  ,

◆ defineRunTimeSelectionTable()

Foam::functionObjects::defineRunTimeSelectionTable ( fieldValue  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [26/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( flowType  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [21/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
flowType  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [27/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( flux  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [22/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
flux  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [28/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( fluxSummary  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [23/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
fluxSummary  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [29/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( grad  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [24/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
grad  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [30/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( heatTransferCoeff  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [25/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
heatTransferCoeff  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [31/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( histogram  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [26/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
histogram  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [32/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( Lambda2  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [27/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
Lambda2  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [33/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( lambVector  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [28/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
lambVector  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [34/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( limitFields  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [29/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
limitFields  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [35/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( MachNo  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [30/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
MachNo  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [36/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( mag  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [31/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
mag  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [37/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( magSqr  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [32/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
magSqr  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [38/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( mapFields  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [33/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
mapFields  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [39/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( momentum  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [34/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
momentum  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [40/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( nearWallFields  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [35/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
nearWallFields  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [41/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( particleDistribution  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [36/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
particleDistribution  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [42/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( PecletNo  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [37/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
PecletNo  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [43/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( pressure  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [38/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
pressure  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [44/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( processorField  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [39/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
processorField  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [45/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( proudmanAcousticPower  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [40/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
proudmanAcousticPower  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [46/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( Q  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [41/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
Q  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [47/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( randomise  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [42/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
randomise  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [43/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
psiReactionsSensitivityAnalysisFunctionObject  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [44/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
rhoReactionsSensitivityAnalysisFunctionObject  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [48/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( readFields  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [45/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
readFields  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [49/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( reference  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [46/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
reference  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [50/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( regionSizeDistribution  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [47/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
regionSizeDistribution  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [51/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( setFlow  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [48/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
setFlow  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [52/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( stabilityBlendingFactor  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [49/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
stabilityBlendingFactor  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [53/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( streamFunction  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [50/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
streamFunction  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [54/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( streamLine  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [51/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
streamLine  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [55/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( streamLineBase  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [56/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( subtract  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [52/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
subtract  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [57/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( surfaceDistance  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [53/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
surfaceDistance  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [58/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( surfaceInterpolate  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [54/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
surfaceInterpolate  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [59/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( turbulenceFields  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [55/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
turbulenceFields  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [60/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( valueAverage  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [56/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
valueAverage  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [61/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( vorticity  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [57/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
vorticity  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [62/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( wallBoundedStreamLine  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [58/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
wallBoundedStreamLine  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [63/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( wallHeatFlux  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [59/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
wallHeatFlux  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [64/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( wallShearStress  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [60/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
wallShearStress  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [65/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( writeCellCentres  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [61/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
writeCellCentres  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [66/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( writeCellVolumes  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [62/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
writeCellVolumes  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [67/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( XiReactionRate  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [63/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
XiReactionRate  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [68/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( yPlus  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [64/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
yPlus  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [69/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( zeroGradient  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [65/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
zeroGradient  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [70/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( forceCoeffs  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [66/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
forceCoeffs  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [71/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( forces  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [67/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
forces  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [72/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( runTimePostProcessingDummy  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [68/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
runTimePostProcessingDummy  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [73/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( runTimePostProcessing  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [69/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
runTimePostProcessing  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [74/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( hydrostaticPressure  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [70/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
hydrostaticPressure  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [75/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( cloudInfo  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [71/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
cloudInfo  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [76/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( dataCloud  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [72/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
dataCloud  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [77/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( dsmcFields  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [73/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
dsmcFields  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [78/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( icoUncoupledKinematicCloud  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [74/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
icoUncoupledKinematicCloud  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [79/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( vtkCloud  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [75/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
vtkCloud  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [80/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( energySpectrum  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [76/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
energySpectrum  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [81/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( energyTransport  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [77/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
energyTransport  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [82/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( scalarTransport  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [78/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
scalarTransport  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [83/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( abort  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [79/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
abort  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [84/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( codedFunctionObject  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [80/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
codedFunctionObject  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [85/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( ensightWrite  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [81/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
ensightWrite  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [86/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( parProfiling  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [82/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
parProfiling  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [87/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( removeRegisteredObject  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [83/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
removeRegisteredObject  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [88/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( setTimeStepFunctionObject  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [84/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
setTimeStepFunctionObject  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [89/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( solverInfo  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [85/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
solverInfo  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [90/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( systemCall  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [86/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
systemCall  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [91/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( thermoCoupleProbes  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [87/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
thermoCoupleProbes  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [92/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( timeActivatedFileUpdate  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [88/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
timeActivatedFileUpdate  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [93/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( timeInfo  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [89/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
timeInfo  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [94/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( vtkWrite  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [90/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
vtkWrite  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [95/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( writeDictionary  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [91/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
writeDictionary  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [96/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( writeObjects  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [92/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
writeObjects  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [97/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( regionFunctionObject  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [98/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( timeControl  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [99/99]

Foam::functionObjects::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( sixDoFRigidBodyState  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [93/93]

Foam::functionObjects::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( functionObject  ,
sixDoFRigidBodyState  ,