Go to the documentation of this file.
2 ========= |
3 \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4 \\ / O peration |
5 \\ / A nd |
6 \\/ M anipulation |
8 Copyright (C) 2011-2018 OpenFOAM Foundation
9 Copyright (C) 2019 OpenCFD Ltd.
12 This file is part of OpenFOAM.
14 OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
15 under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
17 (at your option) any later version.
19 OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
20 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
21 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
22 for more details.
24 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25 along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <>.
28 Foam::triSurfaceTools
31 A collection of tools for triSurface.
34 The curvature calculation is an implementation of the algorithm from:
35 \verbatim
36 "Estimating Curvatures and their Derivatives on Triangle Meshes"
37 by S. Rusinkiewicz
38 3DPVT'04 Proceedings of the 3D Data Processing,
39 Visualization, and Transmission, 2nd International Symposium
40 Pages 486-493
42 \endverbatim
45 triSurfaceTools.C
46 triSurfaceCloseness.C
47 triSurfaceCurvature.C
51#ifndef triSurfaceTools_H
52#define triSurfaceTools_H
54#include "boolList.H"
55#include "pointField.H"
56#include "vectorField.H"
57#include "triadFieldFwd.H"
58#include "DynamicList.H"
59#include "HashSet.H"
60#include "Map.H"
61#include "FixedList.H"
62#include "Pair.H"
63#include "vector2D.H"
64#include "triPointRef.H"
65#include "surfaceLocation.H"
67// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
69namespace Foam
72// Forward declaration of classes
73class boundBox;
74class edge;
75class labelledTri;
76class polyBoundaryMesh;
77class plane;
78class triSurface;
79class face;
80class Time;
81template<class Face> class MeshedSurface;
84 Class triSurfaceTools Declaration
89 // Private Member Functions
91 // Refinement
93 enum refineType
94 {
95 NONE,
96 RED,
98 };
99 static void calcRefineStatus
100 (
101 const triSurface& surf,
102 const label facei,
103 List<refineType>& refine
104 );
105 static void greenRefine
106 (
107 const triSurface& surf,
108 const label facei,
109 const label edgeI,
110 const label newPointi,
112 );
113 static triSurface doRefine
114 (
115 const triSurface& surf,
116 const List<refineType>& refineStatus
117 );
120 // Coarsening
122 static scalar faceCosAngle
123 (
124 const point& pStart,
125 const point& pEnd,
126 const point& pLeft,
127 const point& pRight
128 );
130 static void protectNeighbours
131 (
132 const triSurface& surf,
133 const label vertI,
134 labelList& faceStatus
135 );
137 //- Faces to collapse because of edge collapse
138 static labelHashSet getCollapsedFaces
139 (
140 const triSurface& surf,
141 label edgeI
142 );
144 // Return value of faceUsed for faces using vertI (local numbering).
145 // Used internally.
146 static label vertexUsesFace
147 (
148 const triSurface& surf,
149 const labelHashSet& faceUsed,
150 const label vertI
151 );
153 // Get new connections between faces (because of edge collapse)
154 // in form of tables:
155 // - given edge get other edge
156 // - given edge get other face
157 // A face using point v1 on edge will get connected to a face using
158 // point v2 if they share a common vertex
159 // (but not a common edge since then the triangles collapse to
160 // nothing)
161 static void getMergedEdges
162 (
163 const triSurface& surf,
164 const label edgeI,
165 const labelHashSet& collapsedFaces,
166 Map<label>& edgeToEdge,
167 Map<label>& edgeToFace
168 );
170 //- Calculates (cos of) angle across edgeI of facei,
171 // taking into account updated addressing (resulting from edge
172 // collapse)
173 static scalar edgeCosAngle
174 (
175 const triSurface& surf,
176 const label v1,
177 const point& pt,
178 const labelHashSet& collapsedFaces,
179 const Map<label>& edgeToEdge,
180 const Map<label>& edgeToFace,
181 const label facei,
182 const label edgeI
183 );
185 //- Calculate minimum (cos of) edge angle using addressing from
186 // collapsing
187 // edge to v1 at pt. Returns 1 if v1 is on edge without neighbours
188 // (and hence no edge angle can be defined)
189 static scalar collapseMinCosAngle
190 (
191 const triSurface& surf,
192 const label v1,
193 const point& pt,
194 const labelHashSet& collapsedFaces,
195 const Map<label>& edgeToEdge,
196 const Map<label>& edgeToFace
197 );
199 //- Like collapseMinCosAngle but return true for value < minCos
200 bool collapseCreatesFold
201 (
202 const triSurface& surf,
203 const label v1,
204 const point& pt,
205 const labelHashSet& collapsedFaces,
206 const Map<label>& edgeToEdge,
207 const Map<label>& edgeToFace,
208 const scalar minCos
209 );
213 //static bool collapseCreatesDuplicates
214 //(
215 // const triSurface& surf,
216 // const label edgeI,
217 // const Map<bool>& collapsedFaces
218 //);
220 // Tracking
222 //- Finds the triangle edge/point cut by the plane between
223 // a point inside/on edge of a triangle and a point outside.
224 // Returns
225 // - location on edge/point and hit()
226 // - or miss() if no intersection found
227 static surfaceLocation cutEdge
228 (
229 const triSurface& s,
230 const label triI,
231 const label excludeEdgeI,
232 const label excludePointi,
233 const point& triPoint,
234 const plane& cutPlane,
235 const point& toPoint
236 );
238 //- Checks if current is on the same triangle as the endpoint
239 // and shifts it there. If so updates current and sets a hit.
240 static void snapToEnd
241 (
242 const triSurface& s,
243 const surfaceLocation& endInfo,
244 surfaceLocation& current
245 );
247 //- Visits faces eFaces around start. Does not visit triangle
248 // start.triangle() nor edge excludeEdgeI.
249 // Returns edge, triangle (if more than one choice) which gets
250 // us nearer endpoint.
251 // Returns
252 // - hit() if triangle contains endpoint
253 // - triangle()=-1 if no triangle found
254 // - nearest triangle/edge otherwise
255 static surfaceLocation visitFaces
256 (
257 const triSurface& s,
258 const labelList& eFaces,
259 const surfaceLocation& start,
260 const label excludeEdgeI,
261 const label excludePointi,
262 const surfaceLocation& end,
263 const plane& cutPlane
264 );
269 // OBJ writing
271 //- Write pointField to OBJ format file
272 static void writeOBJ
273 (
274 const fileName& fName,
275 const pointField& pts
276 );
278 //- Write vertex subset to OBJ format file
279 static void writeOBJ
280 (
281 const triSurface& surf,
282 const fileName& fName,
283 const boolList& markedVerts
284 );
287 // Additional addressing
289 //- Get all triangles using edge endpoint
290 static void getVertexTriangles
291 (
292 const triSurface& surf,
293 const label edgeI,
294 labelList& edgeTris
295 );
297 //- Get all vertices (local numbering) connected to vertices of edge
299 (
300 const triSurface& surf,
301 const edge& e
302 );
304 //- Get face connected to edge not facei
305 static label otherFace
306 (
307 const triSurface& surf,
308 const label facei,
309 const label edgeI
310 );
312 //- Get the two edges on facei counterclockwise after edgeI
313 static void otherEdges
314 (
315 const triSurface& surf,
316 const label facei,
317 const label edgeI,
318 label& e1,
319 label& e2
320 );
322 //- Get the two vertices (local numbering) on facei counterclockwise
323 // vertI
324 static void otherVertices
325 (
326 const triSurface& surf,
327 const label facei,
328 const label vertI,
329 label& vert1I,
330 label& vert2I
331 );
333 //- Get edge opposite vertex (local numbering)
334 static label oppositeEdge
335 (
336 const triSurface& surf,
337 const label facei,
338 const label vertI
339 );
341 //- Get vertex (local numbering) opposite edge
342 static label oppositeVertex
343 (
344 const triSurface& surf,
345 const label facei,
346 const label edgeI
347 );
349 //- Returns edge label connecting v1, v2 (local numbering)
350 static label getEdge
351 (
352 const triSurface& surf,
353 const label vert1I,
354 const label vert2I
355 );
357 //- Return index of triangle (or -1) using all three edges
358 static label getTriangle
359 (
360 const triSurface& surf,
361 const label e0I,
362 const label e1I,
363 const label e2I
364 );
366 // Coarsening
368 //- Create new triSurface by collapsing edges to edge mids.
370 (
371 const triSurface& surf,
372 const labelList& collapsableEdges
373 );
376 //- Face collapse status.
377 // anyEdge: any edge can be collapsed
378 // noEdge: no edge can be collapsed
379 // collapsed: already collapsed
380 // >0: edge label that can be collapsed
381 static const label ANYEDGE;
382 static const label NOEDGE;
383 static const label COLLAPSED;
385 //- Create new triSurface by collapsing edges to specified
386 // positions. faceStatus allows
387 // explicit control over which faces need to be protected (see above).
388 // faceStatus gets updated to protect collapsing already collapsed
389 // faces.
391 (
392 const triSurface& surf,
393 const labelList& collapsableEdges,
394 const pointField& edgeMids,
395 labelList& faceStatus
396 );
399 // Refinement
401 //- Refine edges by splitting to opposite vertex
402 static triSurface greenRefine
403 (
404 const triSurface& surf,
405 const labelList& refineEdges
406 );
408 //- Refine face by splitting all edges. Neighbouring face is
409 // greenRefine'd.
411 (
412 const triSurface& surf,
413 const labelList& refineFaces
414 );
417 // Geometric
419 //- Returns element in edgeIndices with minimum length
420 static label minEdge
421 (
422 const triSurface& surf,
423 const labelList& edgeIndices
424 );
426 //- Returns element in edgeIndices with minimum length
427 static label maxEdge
428 (
429 const triSurface& surf,
430 const labelList& edgeIndices
431 );
433 //- Merge points within distance
435 (
436 const triSurface& surf,
437 const scalar mergeTol
438 );
440 //- Triangle (unit) normal. If nearest point to triangle on edge use
441 // edge normal (calculated on the fly); if on vertex use vertex normal.
442 // Uses planarTol.
443 static vector surfaceNormal
444 (
445 const triSurface& surf,
446 const label nearestFacei,
447 const point& nearestPt
448 );
450 //- On which side of surface
451 enum sideType
453 UNKNOWN, // cannot be determined (e.g. non-manifold)
454 INSIDE, // inside
455 OUTSIDE // outside
456 };
458 //- If nearest point is on edgeI, determine on which side of surface
459 // sample is.
460 static sideType edgeSide
461 (
462 const triSurface& surf,
463 const point& sample,
464 const point& nearestPoint,
465 const label edgeI
466 );
468 //- Given nearest point (to sample) on surface determines which side
469 // sample is. Uses either face normal, edge normal or point normal
470 // (non-trivial). Uses triangle::classify.
471 static sideType surfaceSide
472 (
473 const triSurface& surf,
474 const point& sample,
475 const label nearestFacei
476 );
478 // Triangulation of faces
480 //- Simple triangulation of (selected patches of) boundaryMesh. Needs
481 // polyMesh (or polyBoundaryMesh) since only at this level are the
482 // triangles on neighbouring patches connected.
483 // Return faceMap from triI to faceI
485 (
486 const polyBoundaryMesh& mBesh,
487 const labelHashSet& includePatches,
489 const bool verbose = false
490 );
494 (
495 const polyBoundaryMesh& bMesh,
496 const labelHashSet& includePatches,
497 const boundBox& bBox,
498 const bool verbose = false
499 );
502 //- Face-centre triangulation of (selected patches of) boundaryMesh.
503 // Needs
504 // polyMesh (or polyBoundaryMesh) since only at this level are the
505 // triangles on neighbouring patches connected.
507 (
508 const polyBoundaryMesh& mBesh,
509 const labelHashSet& includePatches,
510 const bool verbose = false
511 );
514 // Triangulation and interpolation
516 //- Do unconstrained Delaunay of points. Returns triSurface with 3D
517 // points with z=0. All triangles in region 0.
518 static triSurface delaunay2D(const List<vector2D>&);
520 //- Calculate linear interpolation weights for point (guaranteed to be
521 // inside triangle)
522 static void calcInterpolationWeights
523 (
524 const triPointRef& tri,
525 const point& p,
526 FixedList<scalar, 3>& weights
527 );
529 // Calculate weighting factors from samplePts to triangle it is in.
530 // Uses linear search to find triangle.
531 // Vertices are:
532 // (a b c) : vertices of the triangle abc the point is in
533 // or if the point is outside all triangles:
534 // (a b -1) : the edge ab the point is nearest to.
535 // (a -1 -1) : the vertex a the point is nearest to
536 static void calcInterpolationWeights
537 (
538 const triSurface& s,
539 const pointField& samplePts,
540 List<FixedList<label, 3>>& allVerts,
541 List<FixedList<scalar, 3>>& allWeights
542 );
545 // Curvature
547 //- Weighting for normals of faces attached to vertex
548 static scalar vertexNormalWeight
549 (
550 const triFace& f,
551 const label pI,
552 const vector& fN,
553 const UList<point>& points
554 );
556 //- Weighted average of normals of attached faces
557 static tmp<vectorField> vertexNormals(const triSurface& surf);
559 //- Local coordinate-system for each point normal
561 (
562 const triSurface& surf,
563 const vectorField& pointNormals
564 );
566 //- Surface curvatures at the vertex points
568 (
569 const triSurface& surf,
570 const vectorField& pointNormals,
571 const triadField& pointTriads
572 );
574 //- Surface curvatures at the vertex points
576 (
577 const triSurface& surf
578 );
580 //- Write surface curvature at the vertex points and return the field
582 (
583 const Time& runTime,
584 const word& basename,
585 const triSurface& surf
586 );
589 // Closeness
591 //- Check and write internal/external closeness fields
593 (
594 const Time& runTime,
595 const word& basename,
596 const triSurface& surf,
597 const scalar internalAngleTolerance = 45,
598 const scalar externalAngleTolerance = 10
599 );
602 // Feature Proximity
604 //- Calculate feature proximity
606 (
607 const triSurface& surf,
608 const scalar searchDistance
609 );
611 //- Check and write internal/external closeness fields
612 static void writeFeatureProximity
613 (
614 const Time& runTime,
615 const word& basename,
616 const triSurface& surf,
617 const bool writeVTK,
618 const scalar searchDistance
619 );
622 // Surface checking functionality
624 //- Check single triangle for (topological) validity
625 static bool validTri
626 (
627 const triSurface&,
628 const label facei,
629 const bool verbose = true
630 );
632 //- Check single triangle for (topological) validity
633 static bool validTri
634 (
635 const MeshedSurface<face>&,
636 const label facei,
637 const bool verbose = true
638 );
641 // Tracking
643 //- Test point on plane of triangle to see if on edge or point or inside
645 (
646 const triSurface&,
647 const label triI,
648 const point& trianglePoint
649 );
651 //- Track on surface to get closer to point.
652 // Possible situations:
653 // - 1. reached endpoint
654 // - 2. reached edge (normal situation)
655 // - 3. reached end of surface (edge on single face)
656 // Input:
657 // - starting position+triangle/edge/point (so has to be on surface!)
658 // - (optional) previous position+triangle/edge/point to prevent
659 // going back. Set index (of triangle/edge/point) to -1 if not
660 // used.
661 // - end position+triangle/edge/point (so has to be on surface!)
662 // - plane to follow. Has to go through end point!
663 // Returns:
664 // - true if end point reached (situation 1)
665 // - new position+triangle/edge/point
666 // Caller has to check for situation 3 by checking that triangle()
667 // is not set.
669 (
670 const triSurface&,
671 const surfaceLocation& start,
672 const surfaceLocation& end,
673 const plane& cutPlane
674 );
676 //- Track from edge to edge across surface. Uses trackToEdge.
677 // Not really useful by itself, more example of how to use trackToEdge.
678 // endInfo should be location on surface.
679 // hitInfo should be initialised to starting location (on surface as
680 // well). Upon return is set to end location.
681 static void track
682 (
683 const triSurface&,
684 const surfaceLocation& endInfo,
685 const plane& cutPlane,
686 surfaceLocation& hitInfo
687 );
691// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
693} // End namespace Foam
695// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
699// ************************************************************************* //
A 1D vector of objects of type <T> that resizes itself as necessary to accept the new objects.
Definition: DynamicList.H:72
A 1D vector of objects of type <T> with a fixed length <N>.
Definition: FixedList.H:81
Minimal example by using system/controlDict.functions:
A 1D array of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and used for subscript bound...
Definition: List.H:77
A HashTable to objects of type <T> with a label key.
Definition: Map.H:60
A surface geometry mesh with zone information, not to be confused with the similarly named surfaceMes...
Definition: MeshedSurface.H:99
An ordered pair of two objects of type <T> with first() and second() elements.
Definition: Pair.H:69
A list of faces which address into the list of points.
Class to control time during OpenFOAM simulations that is also the top-level objectRegistry.
Definition: Time.H:80
A 1D vector of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and can be used for subscri...
Definition: UList.H:94
A bounding box defined in terms of min/max extrema points.
Definition: boundBox.H:64
An edge is a list of two point labels. The functionality it provides supports the discretisation on a...
Definition: edge.H:66
A class for handling file names.
Definition: fileName.H:76
Geometric class that creates a 3D plane and can return the intersection point between a line and the ...
Definition: plane.H:95
A polyBoundaryMesh is a polyPatch list with additional search methods and registered IO.
Contains information about location on a triSurface.
A class for managing temporary objects.
Definition: tmp.H:65
A triangular face using a FixedList of labels corresponding to mesh vertices.
Definition: triFace.H:72
A collection of tools for triSurface.
On which side of surface.
static const label COLLAPSED
static label oppositeVertex(const triSurface &surf, const label facei, const label edgeI)
Get vertex (local numbering) opposite edge.
static triSurface triangulate(const polyBoundaryMesh &mBesh, const labelHashSet &includePatches, labelList &faceMap, const bool verbose=false)
Simple triangulation of (selected patches of) boundaryMesh. Needs.
static bool validTri(const triSurface &, const label facei, const bool verbose=true)
Check single triangle for (topological) validity.
static triSurface redGreenRefine(const triSurface &surf, const labelList &refineFaces)
Refine face by splitting all edges. Neighbouring face is.
static void writeFeatureProximity(const Time &runTime, const word &basename, const triSurface &surf, const bool writeVTK, const scalar searchDistance)
Check and write internal/external closeness fields.
static triSurface collapseEdges(const triSurface &surf, const labelList &collapsableEdges)
Create new triSurface by collapsing edges to edge mids.
static tmp< scalarField > curvatures(const triSurface &surf, const vectorField &pointNormals, const triadField &pointTriads)
Surface curvatures at the vertex points.
static label getTriangle(const triSurface &surf, const label e0I, const label e1I, const label e2I)
Return index of triangle (or -1) using all three edges.
static void otherVertices(const triSurface &surf, const label facei, const label vertI, label &vert1I, label &vert2I)
Get the two vertices (local numbering) on facei counterclockwise.
static void calcInterpolationWeights(const triPointRef &tri, const point &p, FixedList< scalar, 3 > &weights)
Calculate linear interpolation weights for point (guaranteed to be.
static triSurface mergePoints(const triSurface &surf, const scalar mergeTol)
Merge points within distance.
static const label ANYEDGE
Face collapse status.
static label getEdge(const triSurface &surf, const label vert1I, const label vert2I)
Returns edge label connecting v1, v2 (local numbering)
static void writeOBJ(const fileName &fName, const pointField &pts)
Write pointField to OBJ format file.
static tmp< triadField > vertexTriads(const triSurface &surf, const vectorField &pointNormals)
Local coordinate-system for each point normal.
static surfaceLocation trackToEdge(const triSurface &, const surfaceLocation &start, const surfaceLocation &end, const plane &cutPlane)
Track on surface to get closer to point.
static scalar vertexNormalWeight(const triFace &f, const label pI, const vector &fN, const UList< point > &points)
Weighting for normals of faces attached to vertex.
static surfaceLocation classify(const triSurface &, const label triI, const point &trianglePoint)
Test point on plane of triangle to see if on edge or point or inside.
static tmp< scalarField > writeCurvature(const Time &runTime, const word &basename, const triSurface &surf)
Write surface curvature at the vertex points and return the field.
static vector surfaceNormal(const triSurface &surf, const label nearestFacei, const point &nearestPt)
Triangle (unit) normal. If nearest point to triangle on edge use.
scalarField featureProximity(const triSurface &surf, const scalar searchDistance)
Calculate feature proximity.
static tmp< vectorField > vertexNormals(const triSurface &surf)
Weighted average of normals of attached faces.
static label otherFace(const triSurface &surf, const label facei, const label edgeI)
Get face connected to edge not facei.
static void getVertexTriangles(const triSurface &surf, const label edgeI, labelList &edgeTris)
Get all triangles using edge endpoint.
triSurface triangulateFaceCentre(const polyBoundaryMesh &mBesh, const labelHashSet &includePatches, const bool verbose=false)
Face-centre triangulation of (selected patches of) boundaryMesh.
static const label NOEDGE
static label minEdge(const triSurface &surf, const labelList &edgeIndices)
Returns element in edgeIndices with minimum length.
static Pair< tmp< scalarField > > writeCloseness(const Time &runTime, const word &basename, const triSurface &surf, const scalar internalAngleTolerance=45, const scalar externalAngleTolerance=10)
Check and write internal/external closeness fields.
static sideType edgeSide(const triSurface &surf, const point &sample, const point &nearestPoint, const label edgeI)
If nearest point is on edgeI, determine on which side of surface.
static label oppositeEdge(const triSurface &surf, const label facei, const label vertI)
Get edge opposite vertex (local numbering)
static sideType surfaceSide(const triSurface &surf, const point &sample, const label nearestFacei)
Given nearest point (to sample) on surface determines which side.
static label maxEdge(const triSurface &surf, const labelList &edgeIndices)
Returns element in edgeIndices with minimum length.
static void track(const triSurface &, const surfaceLocation &endInfo, const plane &cutPlane, surfaceLocation &hitInfo)
Track from edge to edge across surface. Uses trackToEdge.
static void otherEdges(const triSurface &surf, const label facei, const label edgeI, label &e1, label &e2)
Get the two edges on facei counterclockwise after edgeI.
static labelList getVertexVertices(const triSurface &surf, const edge &e)
Get all vertices (local numbering) connected to vertices of edge.
static triSurface delaunay2D(const List< vector2D > &)
Do unconstrained Delaunay of points. Returns triSurface with 3D.
Triangulated surface description with patch information.
Definition: triSurface.H:79
A triangle primitive used to calculate face normals and swept volumes.
Definition: triangle.H:80
A class for handling words, derived from Foam::string.
Definition: word.H:68
volScalarField & p
engineTime & runTime
const pointField & points
gmvFile<< "tracers "<< particles.size()<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().x()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().y()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().z()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;forAll(lagrangianScalarNames, i){ word name=lagrangianScalarNames[i];IOField< scalar > s(IOobject(name, runTime.timeName(), cloud::prefix, mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE))
Namespace for OpenFOAM.
Pair< int > faceMap(const label facePi, const face &faceP, const label faceNi, const face &faceN)
PointFrompoint toPoint(const Foam::point &p)
void writeVTK(OFstream &os, const Type &value)
label newPointi
Definition: readKivaGrid.H:496
labelList f(nPoints)
volScalarField & e
Definition: createFields.H:11
Forward declarations of Field<T> triad specialisation.