| TypeName ("engineMesh") |
| Runtime type information. More...
| declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, engineMesh, IOobject,(const IOobject &io),(io)) |
| engineMesh (const IOobject &io) |
| Construct from objectRegistry, and read/write options. More...
virtual | ~engineMesh () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual bool | dynamic () const |
| Is mesh dynamic. More...
virtual void | move ()=0 |
| ClassName ("fvMesh") |
| fvMesh (const IOobject &io, const bool doInit=true) |
| Construct from IOobject. More...
| fvMesh (const IOobject &io, const Foam::zero, bool syncPar=true) |
| Construct from IOobject or as zero-sized mesh. More...
| fvMesh (const IOobject &io, const fvMesh &baseMesh, const Foam::zero, const bool syncPar=true) |
| Construct as copy (for dictionaries) and zero-sized components. More...
| fvMesh (const IOobject &io, pointField &&points, faceList &&faces, labelList &&allOwner, labelList &&allNeighbour, const bool syncPar=true) |
| Construct from components without boundary. More...
| fvMesh (const IOobject &io, pointField &&points, faceList &&faces, cellList &&cells, const bool syncPar=true) |
| Construct without boundary from cells rather than owner/neighbour. More...
| fvMesh (const IOobject &io, const fvMesh &baseMesh, pointField &&points, faceList &&faces, labelList &&allOwner, labelList &&allNeighbour, const bool syncPar=true) |
| Copy construct (for dictionaries) with components, without boundary. More...
| fvMesh (const IOobject &io, const fvMesh &baseMesh, pointField &&points, faceList &&faces, cellList &&cells, const bool syncPar=true) |
| Copy construct (for dictionaries) with cells, without boundary. More...
virtual | ~fvMesh () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual bool | init (const bool doInit) |
| Initialise all non-demand-driven data. More...
void | addFvPatches (polyPatchList &plist, const bool validBoundary=true) |
| Add boundary patches. Constructor helper. More...
void | addFvPatches (const List< polyPatch * > &p, const bool validBoundary=true) |
| Add boundary patches. Constructor helper. More...
virtual readUpdateState | readUpdate () |
| Update the mesh based on the mesh files saved in time. More...
const Time & | time () const |
| Return the top-level database. More...
virtual bool | hasDb () const |
| Return true if thisDb() is a valid DB. More...
virtual const objectRegistry & | thisDb () const |
| Return the object registry - resolve conflict polyMesh/lduMesh. More...
const word & | name () const |
| Return reference to name. More...
const fvBoundaryMesh & | boundary () const |
| Return reference to boundary mesh. More...
virtual const lduAddressing & | lduAddr () const |
| Return ldu addressing. More...
virtual lduInterfacePtrsList | interfaces () const |
| Return a list of pointers for each patch. More...
virtual label | comm () const |
| Return communicator used for parallel communication. More...
virtual void | interpolate (volScalarField &) const |
| Interpolate interpolationCells only. More...
virtual void | interpolate (volVectorField &) const |
| Interpolate interpolationCells only. More...
virtual void | interpolate (volSphericalTensorField &) const |
| Interpolate interpolationCells only. More...
virtual void | interpolate (volSymmTensorField &) const |
| Interpolate interpolationCells only. More...
virtual void | interpolate (volTensorField &) const |
| Interpolate interpolationCells only. More...
virtual void | interpolate (scalarField &) const |
| Interpolate interpolationCells only. No bcs. More...
virtual void | interpolate (vectorField &) const |
| Interpolate interpolationCells only. No bcs. More...
virtual void | interpolate (sphericalTensorField &) const |
| Interpolate interpolationCells only. No bcs. More...
virtual void | interpolate (symmTensorField &) const |
| Interpolate interpolationCells only. No bcs. More...
virtual void | interpolate (tensorField &) const |
| Interpolate interpolationCells only. No bcs. More...
virtual SolverPerformance< scalar > | solve (fvMatrix< scalar > &, const dictionary &) const |
virtual SolverPerformance< vector > | solve (fvMatrix< vector > &, const dictionary &) const |
virtual SolverPerformance< sphericalTensor > | solve (fvMatrix< sphericalTensor > &, const dictionary &) const |
virtual SolverPerformance< symmTensor > | solve (fvMatrix< symmTensor > &, const dictionary &) const |
virtual SolverPerformance< tensor > | solve (fvMatrix< tensor > &, const dictionary &) const |
const labelUList & | owner () const |
| Internal face owner. Note bypassing virtual mechanism so. More...
const labelUList & | neighbour () const |
| Internal face neighbour. More...
const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > & | V () const |
| Return cell volumes. More...
const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > & | V0 () const |
| Return old-time cell volumes. More...
const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > & | V00 () const |
| Return old-old-time cell volumes. More...
tmp< DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > > | Vsc () const |
| Return sub-cycle cell volumes. More...
tmp< DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > > | Vsc0 () const |
| Return sub-cycle old-time cell volumes. More...
const surfaceVectorField & | Sf () const |
| Return cell face area vectors. More...
const surfaceScalarField & | magSf () const |
| Return cell face area magnitudes. More...
const surfaceScalarField & | phi () const |
| Return cell face motion fluxes. More...
const volVectorField & | C () const |
| Return cell centres as volVectorField. More...
const surfaceVectorField & | Cf () const |
| Return face centres as surfaceVectorField. More...
tmp< surfaceVectorField > | delta () const |
| Return face deltas as surfaceVectorField. More...
template<class Type > |
pTraits< Type >::labelType | validComponents () const |
| Return a labelType of valid component indicators. More...
void | clearOut () |
| Clear all geometry and addressing. More...
virtual void | updateMesh (const mapPolyMesh &mpm) |
| Update mesh corresponding to the given map. More...
virtual void | movePoints (const pointField &) |
| Move points, returns volumes swept by faces in motion. More...
virtual void | updateGeom () |
virtual void | mapFields (const mapPolyMesh &mpm) |
| Map all fields in time using given map. More...
void | removeFvBoundary () |
refPtr< surfaceScalarField > | setPhi () |
| Return cell face motion fluxes (or null) More...
DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > & | setV0 () |
| Return old-time cell volumes. More...
virtual bool | writeObject (IOstreamOption streamOpt, const bool valid) const |
| Write the underlying polyMesh and other data. More...
virtual bool | write (const bool valid=true) const |
| Write mesh using IO settings from time. More...
bool | operator!= (const fvMesh &rhs) const |
| Compares addresses. More...
bool | operator== (const fvMesh &rhs) const |
| Compares addresses. More...
template<> |
pTraits< sphericalTensor >::labelType | validComponents () const |
virtual bool | movePoints () |
| Avoid masking surfaceInterpolation method. More...
| TypeName ("polyMesh") |
| Runtime type information. More...
| polyMesh (const IOobject &io, const bool doInit=true) |
| Read construct from IOobject. More...
| polyMesh (const IOobject &io, const zero, const bool syncPar=true) |
| Construct from IOobject or as zero-sized mesh. More...
| polyMesh (const IOobject &io, pointField &&points, faceList &&faces, labelList &&owner, labelList &&neighbour, const bool syncPar=true) |
| Construct from IOobject and components. More...
| polyMesh (const IOobject &io, pointField &&points, faceList &&faces, cellList &&cells, const bool syncPar=true) |
| Construct without boundary with cells rather than owner/neighbour. More...
| polyMesh (const IOobject &io, pointField &&points, const cellShapeList &shapes, const faceListList &boundaryFaces, const wordList &boundaryPatchNames, const wordList &boundaryPatchTypes, const word &defaultBoundaryPatchName, const word &defaultBoundaryPatchType, const wordList &boundaryPatchPhysicalTypes, const bool syncPar=true) |
| Construct from cell shapes. More...
| polyMesh (const IOobject &io, pointField &&points, const cellShapeList &shapes, const faceListList &boundaryFaces, const wordList &boundaryPatchNames, const PtrList< dictionary > &boundaryDicts, const word &defaultBoundaryPatchName, const word &defaultBoundaryPatchType, const bool syncPar=true) |
virtual | ~polyMesh () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual const fileName & | dbDir () const |
| Override the objectRegistry dbDir for a single-region case. More...
fileName | meshDir () const |
| Return the local mesh directory (dbDir()/meshSubDir) More...
const fileName & | pointsInstance () const |
| Return the current instance directory for points. More...
const fileName & | facesInstance () const |
| Return the current instance directory for faces. More...
void | setInstance (const fileName &instance, const IOobject::writeOption wOpt=IOobject::AUTO_WRITE) |
| Set the instance for mesh files. More...
const word & | regionName () const |
| The mesh region name or word::null if polyMesh::defaultRegion. More...
virtual const pointField & | points () const |
| Return raw points. More...
virtual bool | upToDatePoints (const regIOobject &io) const |
| Return true if io is up-to-date with points. More...
virtual void | setUpToDatePoints (regIOobject &io) const |
| Set io to be up-to-date with points. More...
virtual const faceList & | faces () const |
| Return raw faces. More...
virtual const labelList & | faceOwner () const |
| Return face owner. More...
virtual const labelList & | faceNeighbour () const |
| Return face neighbour. More...
virtual const pointField & | oldPoints () const |
| Return old points (mesh motion) More...
virtual const pointField & | oldCellCentres () const |
| Return old cellCentres (mesh motion) More...
const polyBoundaryMesh & | boundaryMesh () const |
| Return boundary mesh. More...
const boundBox & | bounds () const |
| Return mesh bounding box. More...
const Vector< label > & | geometricD () const |
| Return the vector of geometric directions in mesh. More...
label | nGeometricD () const |
| Return the number of valid geometric dimensions in the mesh. More...
const Vector< label > & | solutionD () const |
| Return the vector of solved-for directions in mesh. More...
label | nSolutionD () const |
| Return the number of valid solved-for dimensions in the mesh. More...
const labelIOList & | tetBasePtIs () const |
| Return the tetBasePtIs. More...
const indexedOctree< treeDataCell > & | cellTree () const |
| Return the cell search tree. More...
const pointZoneMesh & | pointZones () const noexcept |
| Return point zone mesh. More...
const faceZoneMesh & | faceZones () const noexcept |
| Return face zone mesh. More...
const cellZoneMesh & | cellZones () const noexcept |
| Return cell zone mesh. More...
const globalMeshData & | globalData () const |
| Return parallel info. More...
label | comm () const noexcept |
| Return communicator used for parallel communication. More...
label & | comm () noexcept |
| Return communicator used for parallel communication. More...
const objectRegistry & | thisDb () const noexcept |
| Return the object registry. More...
virtual bool | dynamic () const |
| Is mesh dynamic. More...
bool | moving () const noexcept |
| Is mesh moving. More...
bool | moving (const bool on) noexcept |
| Set the mesh to be moving. More...
bool | topoChanging () const noexcept |
| Is mesh topology changing. More...
bool | topoChanging (const bool on) noexcept |
| Set the mesh topology to be changing. More...
bool | changing () const noexcept |
| Is mesh changing (topology changing and/or moving) More...
virtual void | movePoints (const pointField &) |
| Move points. More...
void | resetMotion () const |
| Reset motion. More...
pointZoneMesh & | pointZones () noexcept |
| Return non-const access to the pointZones. More...
faceZoneMesh & | faceZones () noexcept |
| Return non-const access to the faceZones. More...
cellZoneMesh & | cellZones () noexcept |
| Return non-const access to the cellZones. More...
void | addPatches (polyPatchList &plist, const bool validBoundary=true) |
| Add boundary patches. More...
void | addPatches (const List< polyPatch * > &p, const bool validBoundary=true) |
| Add boundary patches. More...
void | addZones (const List< pointZone * > &pz, const List< faceZone * > &fz, const List< cellZone * > &cz) |
| Add mesh zones. More...
virtual bool | init (const bool doInit) |
| Initialise all non-demand-driven data. More...
virtual readUpdateState | readUpdate () |
| Update the mesh based on the mesh files saved in. More...
virtual void | updateMesh (const mapPolyMesh &mpm) |
| Update the mesh corresponding to given map. More...
void | removeBoundary () |
| Remove boundary patches. More...
void | resetPrimitives (autoPtr< pointField > &&points, autoPtr< faceList > &&faces, autoPtr< labelList > &&owner, autoPtr< labelList > &&neighbour, const labelUList &patchSizes, const labelUList &patchStarts, const bool validBoundary=true) |
| Reset mesh primitive data. Assumes all patch info correct. More...
void | clearGeom () |
| Clear geometry. More...
void | updateGeomPoints (pointIOField &&newPoints, autoPtr< labelIOList > &newTetBasePtIsPtr) |
void | clearAddressing (const bool isMeshUpdate=false) |
| Clear addressing. More...
void | clearOut () |
| Clear all geometry and addressing unnecessary for CFD. More...
void | clearPrimitives () |
| Clear primitive data (points, faces and cells) More...
void | clearTetBasePtIs () |
| Clear tet base points. More...
void | clearCellTree () |
| Clear cell tree data. More...
void | removeFiles (const fileName &instanceDir) const |
| Remove all files from mesh instance. More...
void | removeFiles () const |
| Remove all files from mesh instance() More...
bool | hasTetBasePtIs () const |
virtual bool | checkFaceOrthogonality (const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const |
| Check non-orthogonality. More...
virtual bool | checkFaceSkewness (const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const |
| Check face skewness. More...
virtual bool | checkEdgeAlignment (const bool report, const Vector< label > &directions, labelHashSet *setPtr) const |
| Check edge alignment for 1D/2D cases. More...
virtual bool | checkCellDeterminant (const bool report, labelHashSet *setPtr) const |
virtual bool | checkMeshMotion (const pointField &newPoints, const bool report=false, const bool detailedReport=false) const |
| Check mesh motion for correctness given motion points. More...
virtual bool | checkFaceWeight (const bool report, const scalar minWeight=0.05, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const |
| Check for face weights. More...
virtual bool | checkVolRatio (const bool report, const scalar minRatio=0.01, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const |
| Check for neighbouring cell volumes. More...
void | findCellFacePt (const point &p, label &celli, label &tetFacei, label &tetPti) const |
| Find the cell, tetFacei and tetPti for point p. More...
void | findTetFacePt (const label celli, const point &p, label &tetFacei, label &tetPti) const |
| Find the tetFacei and tetPti for point p in celli. More...
bool | pointInCell (const point &p, label celli, const cellDecomposition=CELL_TETS) const |
| Test if point p is in the celli. More...
label | findCell (const point &p, const cellDecomposition=CELL_TETS) const |
| Find cell enclosing this location and return index. More...
| TypeName ("objectRegistry") |
| Declare type name for this IOobject. More...
| objectRegistry (const Time &db, const label nObjects=128) |
| objectRegistry (const IOobject &io, const label nObjects=128) |
virtual | ~objectRegistry () |
| Destructor, with checkOut() for all objects that are ownedByRegistry. More...
const objectRegistry & | thisDb () const noexcept |
| Return the object registry. More...
const objectRegistry & | parent () const noexcept |
| Return the parent objectRegistry. More...
const Time & | time () const noexcept |
| Return time registry. More...
bool | isTimeDb () const noexcept |
| True if the registry is Time. More...
virtual const fileName & | dbDir () const |
| Local directory path of this objectRegistry relative to the time. More...
HashTable< wordHashSet > | classes () const |
| A summary hash of classes used and their associated object names. More...
template<class MatchPredicate > |
HashTable< wordHashSet > | classes (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const |
UPtrList< const regIOobject > | csorted () const |
| Return sorted list of objects. More...
UPtrList< const regIOobject > | sorted () const |
| Return sorted list of objects. More...
UPtrList< regIOobject > | sorted () |
| Return sorted list of objects. More...
template<class Type > |
UPtrList< const Type > | csorted () const |
| Return sorted list of objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> More...
template<class Type > |
UPtrList< const Type > | sorted () const |
| Return sorted list of objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> More...
template<class Type > |
UPtrList< Type > | sorted () |
| Return sorted list of objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> More...
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate > |
UPtrList< const Type > | csorted (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const |
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate > |
UPtrList< const Type > | sorted (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const |
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate > |
UPtrList< Type > | sorted (const MatchPredicate &matchName) |
label | count (const char *clsName) const |
| The number of objects of the given class name. More...
template<class MatchPredicate > |
label | count (const MatchPredicate &matchClass) const |
| The number of objects of the given class name. More...
template<class MatchPredicate1 , class MatchPredicate2 > |
label | count (const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) const |
| The number of objects of the given class name. More...
template<class Type > |
label | count (const bool strict=false) const |
| The names of objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> More...
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate > |
label | count (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const |
wordList | names () const |
| The unsorted names of all objects. More...
wordList | names (const char *clsName) const |
| The unsorted names of objects with the given class name. More...
template<class MatchPredicate > |
wordList | names (const MatchPredicate &matchClass) const |
| The unsorted names of objects with a matching class name. More...
template<class MatchPredicate1 , class MatchPredicate2 > |
wordList | names (const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) const |
template<class Type > |
wordList | names () const |
| The unsorted names of objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> . More...
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate > |
wordList | names (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const |
wordList | sortedNames () const |
| The sorted names of all objects. More...
wordList | sortedNames (const char *clsName) const |
| The sorted names of objects with the given class name. More...
template<class MatchPredicate > |
wordList | sortedNames (const MatchPredicate &matchClass) const |
| The sorted names objects with a matching class name. More...
template<class MatchPredicate1 , class MatchPredicate2 > |
wordList | sortedNames (const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) const |
template<class Type > |
wordList | sortedNames () const |
| The sorted names of objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> More...
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate > |
wordList | sortedNames (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const |
const objectRegistry & | subRegistry (const word &name, const bool forceCreate=false, const bool recursive=false) const |
| Lookup and return a const sub-objectRegistry. More...
template<class Type > |
HashTable< const Type * > | lookupClass (const bool strict=false) const |
| Return all objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> More...
template<class Type > |
HashTable< Type * > | lookupClass (const bool strict=false) |
| Return all objects with a class satisfying isA<Type> More...
const regIOobject * | cfindIOobject (const word &name, const bool recursive=false) const |
| Return const pointer to the regIOobject. More...
bool | found (const word &name, const bool recursive=false) const |
| Can the regIOobject object be found (by name). More...
template<class Type > |
bool | foundObject (const word &name, const bool recursive=false) const |
| Is the named Type found? More...
template<class Type > |
const Type * | cfindObject (const word &name, const bool recursive=false) const |
| Return const pointer to the object of the given Type. More...
template<class Type > |
const Type * | findObject (const word &name, const bool recursive=false) const |
| Return const pointer to the object of the given Type. More...
template<class Type > |
Type * | findObject (const word &name, const bool recursive=false) |
| Return non-const pointer to the object of the given Type. More...
template<class Type > |
Type * | getObjectPtr (const word &name, const bool recursive=false) const |
template<class Type > |
const Type & | lookupObject (const word &name, const bool recursive=false) const |
template<class Type > |
Type & | lookupObjectRef (const word &name, const bool recursive=false) const |
label | getEvent () const |
| Return new event number. More...
bool | checkIn (regIOobject *io) const |
| Add a regIOobject to registry. A nullptr is ignored. More...
bool | checkIn (regIOobject &io) const |
| Add a regIOobject to registry. More...
bool | checkOut (regIOobject *io) const |
bool | checkOut (regIOobject &io) const |
bool | checkOut (const word &key) const |
void | clear () |
| Clear all entries from the registry. More...
void | clearStorage () |
| Clear all entries from the registry and the table itself. More...
bool | erase (const iterator &iter) |
| Erase an entry specified by the given iterator. More...
bool | erase (const word &key) |
| Erase an entry specified by the given key. More...
label | erase (std::initializer_list< word > keys) |
| Remove entries given by the listed keys. More...
label | erase (const UList< word > &keys) |
| Remove entries given by the listed keys. More...
virtual void | rename (const word &newName) |
| Rename. More...
virtual bool | modified () const |
| Return true if any of the object's files have been modified. More...
void | readModifiedObjects () |
| Read the objects that have been modified. More...
virtual bool | readIfModified () |
| Read object if modified. More...
virtual bool | writeData (Ostream &) const |
| writeData function required by regIOobject but not used. More...
virtual bool | writeObject (IOstreamOption streamOpt, const bool valid) const |
| Write the objects using stream options. More...
template<class Type > |
const Type * | lookupObjectPtr (const word &name, bool recursive=false) const |
| Deprecated(2018-10) find object. More...
template<class Type > |
Type * | lookupObjectRefPtr (const word &name, bool recursive=false) const |
| Deprecated(2018-10) get object pointer, ignoring constness. More...
template<class MatchPredicate > |
Foam::HashTable< Foam::wordHashSet > | classesImpl (const objectRegistry &list, const MatchPredicate &matchName) |
template<class MatchPredicate1 , class MatchPredicate2 > |
Foam::label | countImpl (const objectRegistry &list, const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) |
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate > |
Foam::label | countTypeImpl (const objectRegistry &list, const MatchPredicate &matchName) |
template<class MatchPredicate1 , class MatchPredicate2 > |
Foam::wordList | namesImpl (const objectRegistry &list, const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName, const bool doSort) |
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate > |
Foam::wordList | namesTypeImpl (const objectRegistry &list, const MatchPredicate &matchName, const bool doSort) |
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate > |
Foam::UPtrList< Type > | objectsTypeImpl (const objectRegistry &list, const MatchPredicate &matchName) |
template<class MatchPredicate > |
Foam::HashTable< Foam::wordHashSet > | classes (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const |
template<class MatchPredicate > |
Foam::label | count (const MatchPredicate &matchClass) const |
template<class MatchPredicate1 , class MatchPredicate2 > |
Foam::label | count (const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) const |
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate > |
Foam::label | count (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const |
template<class Type > |
Foam::label | count (const bool strict) const |
template<class Type > |
Foam::UPtrList< const Type > | csorted () const |
template<class Type > |
Foam::UPtrList< const Type > | sorted () const |
template<class Type > |
Foam::UPtrList< Type > | sorted () |
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate > |
Foam::UPtrList< const Type > | csorted (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const |
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate > |
Foam::UPtrList< const Type > | sorted (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const |
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate > |
Foam::UPtrList< Type > | sorted (const MatchPredicate &matchName) |
template<class MatchPredicate > |
Foam::wordList | names (const MatchPredicate &matchClass) const |
template<class MatchPredicate1 , class MatchPredicate2 > |
Foam::wordList | names (const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) const |
template<class Type > |
Foam::wordList | names () const |
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate > |
Foam::wordList | names (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const |
template<class MatchPredicate > |
Foam::wordList | sortedNames (const MatchPredicate &matchClass) const |
template<class MatchPredicate1 , class MatchPredicate2 > |
Foam::wordList | sortedNames (const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) const |
template<class Type > |
Foam::wordList | sortedNames () const |
template<class Type , class MatchPredicate > |
Foam::wordList | sortedNames (const MatchPredicate &matchName) const |
template<class Type > |
Foam::HashTable< const Type * > | lookupClass (const bool strict) const |
template<class Type > |
Foam::HashTable< Type * > | lookupClass (const bool strict) |
| TypeName ("regIOobject") |
| Runtime type information. More...
| regIOobject (const IOobject &io, const bool isTimeObject=false) |
| regIOobject (const regIOobject &rio) |
| Copy construct. More...
| regIOobject (const regIOobject &rio, bool registerCopy) |
| regIOobject (const word &newName, const regIOobject &, bool registerCopy) |
| regIOobject (const IOobject &io, const regIOobject &rio) |
| Copy construct with new IO parameters. More...
virtual | ~regIOobject () |
| Destructor. More...
bool | checkIn () |
| Add object to registry, if not already registered. More...
bool | checkOut () |
| Remove all file watches and remove object from registry. More...
virtual void | addWatch () |
| Add file watch on object (if registered and READ_IF_MODIFIED) More...
bool | registered () const noexcept |
bool | ownedByRegistry () const noexcept |
| Is this object owned by the registry? More...
bool | store () |
void | release (const bool unregister=false) noexcept |
| Set object as not ownedByRegistry. More...
label | eventNo () const noexcept |
| Event number at last update. More...
label & | eventNo () noexcept |
| Event number at last update. More...
bool | upToDate (const regIOobject &) const |
| Return true if up-to-date with respect to given object. More...
bool | upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const |
| Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More...
bool | upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const |
| Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More...
bool | upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const |
| Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More...
void | setUpToDate () |
| Set as up-to-date. More...
virtual void | rename (const word &newName) |
| Rename. More...
const dictionary * | findMetaData () const noexcept |
| Return pointer to meta-data or nullptr. More...
dictionary & | getMetaData () noexcept |
| Get or create meta-data. More...
void | removeMetaData () |
| Remove meta-data. More...
virtual void | updateMetaData () |
| Update internal meta-data (eg, prior to writing) More...
virtual fileName | filePath () const |
| Return complete path + object name if the file exists. More...
bool | headerOk () |
| Read and check header info. Does not check the headerClassName. More...
Istream & | readStream (const word &, const bool valid=true) |
| Return Istream and check object type against that given. More...
void | close () |
| Close Istream. More...
virtual bool | readData (Istream &) |
| Virtual readData function. More...
virtual bool | read () |
| Read object. More...
virtual label | addWatch (const fileName &) |
| Add file watch for fileName on object if not yet watched. More...
const labelList & | watchIndices () const noexcept |
| Read access to file-monitoring handles. More...
labelList & | watchIndices () noexcept |
| Write access to file-monitoring handles. More...
virtual bool | modified () const |
virtual bool | readIfModified () |
| Read object if modified (as set by call to modified) More...
virtual bool | writeData (Ostream &) const =0 |
| Pure virtual writeData function. More...
virtual bool | writeObject (IOstreamOption streamOpt, const bool valid) const |
| Write using stream options. More...
virtual bool | write (const bool valid=true) const |
| Write using setting from DB. More...
virtual bool | global () const |
| Is object global. More...
void | operator= (const IOobject &io) |
| Copy assignment. More...
virtual bool | writeObject (IOstreamOption::streamFormat fmt, IOstreamOption::versionNumber ver, IOstreamOption::compressionType comp, const bool valid) const |
| Write using given format, version and compression. More...
| TypeName ("IOobject") |
| Declare type-name, virtual type (with debug switch) More...
| IOobject (const IOobject &)=default |
| Copy construct. More...
virtual | ~IOobject ()=default |
| Destructor. More...
| IOobject (const word &name, const fileName &instance, const objectRegistry ®istry, readOption rOpt=NO_READ, writeOption wOpt=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true, bool globalObject=false) |
| Construct from name, instance, registry, io options. More...
| IOobject (const word &name, const fileName &instance, const fileName &local, const objectRegistry ®istry, readOption rOpt=NO_READ, writeOption wOpt=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true, bool globalObject=false) |
| Construct from name, instance, local, registry, io options. More...
| IOobject (const fileName &path, const objectRegistry ®istry, readOption rOpt=NO_READ, writeOption wOpt=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true, bool globalObject=false) |
| Construct from path, registry, io options. More...
| IOobject (const IOobject &io, const objectRegistry ®istry) |
| Copy construct, resetting registry. More...
| IOobject (const IOobject &io, const word &name) |
| Copy construct, resetting name. More...
| IOobject (const IOobject &io, const word &name, const fileName &local) |
| Copy construct, resetting name and local component. More...
| IOobject (const IOobject &io, readOption rOpt, writeOption wOpt) |
| Copy construct, resetting read/write options. More...
autoPtr< IOobject > | clone () const |
| Clone. More...
autoPtr< IOobject > | clone (const objectRegistry ®istry) const |
| Clone resetting registry. More...
const objectRegistry & | db () const noexcept |
| Return the local objectRegistry. More...
const Time & | time () const |
| Return Time associated with the objectRegistry. More...
const word & | name () const noexcept |
| Return the object name. More...
const word & | headerClassName () const noexcept |
| Return name of the class name read from header. More...
word & | headerClassName () noexcept |
| Return non-constant access to the class name read from header. More...
const string & | note () const noexcept |
| Return the optional note. More...
string & | note () noexcept |
| Modifiable access to the optional note. More...
virtual void | rename (const word &newName) |
| Rename the object. More...
bool | registerObject () const noexcept |
| Should object created with this IOobject be registered? More...
bool | registerObject (bool on) noexcept |
| Change registration preference, return previous value. More...
bool | globalObject () const noexcept |
| Is object same for all processors? More...
bool | globalObject (bool on) noexcept |
| Change global-object status, return previous value. More...
unsigned | labelByteSize () const noexcept |
| The sizeof (label) in bytes, possibly read from the header. More...
unsigned | scalarByteSize () const noexcept |
| The sizeof (scalar) in bytes, possibly read from the header. More...
bool | hasHeaderClass () const noexcept |
| True if headerClassName() is non-empty (after reading) More...
template<class Type > |
bool | isHeaderClass () const |
| Check if headerClassName() equals Type::typeName. More...
template<class Type > |
bool | isHeaderClassName () const |
| Same as isHeaderClass() More...
virtual const dictionary * | findMetaData () const noexcept |
| Return pointer to meta-data (if any) or nullptr. More...
readOption | readOpt () const noexcept |
| The read option. More...
readOption | readOpt (readOption opt) noexcept |
| Change the read option, return previous value. More...
writeOption | writeOpt () const noexcept |
| The write option. More...
writeOption | writeOpt (writeOption opt) noexcept |
| Change the write option, return previous value. More...
word | group () const |
| Return group (extension part of name) More...
word | member () const |
| Return member (name without the extension) More...
const fileName & | rootPath () const |
| Return the Time::rootPath() More...
const fileName & | caseName () const |
| Return the Time::caseName() More...
const fileName & | instance () const noexcept |
| Read access to instance path component. More...
fileName & | instance () noexcept |
| Write access to instance path component. More...
const fileName & | local () const noexcept |
| Read access to local path component. More...
fileName | path () const |
| The complete path. More...
fileName | path (const word &instance, const fileName &local=fileName::null) const |
| The complete path with alternative instance and local. More...
fileName | objectPath () const |
| The complete path + object name. More...
fileName | objectRelPath () const |
| The object path relative to the root. More...
fileName | localFilePath (const word &typeName, const bool search=true) const |
| Helper for filePath that searches locally. More...
fileName | globalFilePath (const word &typeName, const bool search=true) const |
| Helper for filePath that searches up if in parallel. More...
IOstreamOption | parseHeader (const dictionary &headerDict) |
bool | readHeader (Istream &is) |
bool | readHeader (dictionary &headerDict, Istream &is) |
template<class Type > |
bool | typeHeaderOk (const bool checkType=true, const bool search=true, const bool verbose=true) |
| Read header (uses typeFilePath to find file) and check its info. More...
template<class Type > |
void | warnNoRereading () const |
| Helper: warn that type does not support re-reading. More...
bool | writeHeader (Ostream &os) const |
| Write header with current type() More...
bool | writeHeader (Ostream &os, const word &objectType) const |
| Write header with override of type. More...
void | writeHeader (dictionary &dict, IOstreamOption streamOpt) const |
void | writeHeader (dictionary &dict, const word &objectType, IOstreamOption streamOpt) const |
bool | good () const noexcept |
| Did last readHeader() succeed? More...
bool | bad () const noexcept |
| Did last readHeader() fail? More...
InfoProxy< IOobject > | info () const |
| Return info proxy, for printing information to a stream. More...
void | operator= (const IOobject &io) |
| Copy assignment, copies all values (except the registry) More...
readOption & | readOpt () noexcept |
| Access to the read option. More...
writeOption & | writeOpt () noexcept |
| Access to the write option. More...
bool & | registerObject () noexcept |
| Access to the register object option. More...
bool & | globalObject () noexcept |
| Access to the global object option. More...
template<> |
bool | isHeaderClass () const |
| Specialization for void always returns true (no headerClassName check). More...
template<class StringType > |
Foam::word | groupName (StringType base, const word &group) |
| HashTable () |
| Default construct with default (128) table capacity. More...
| HashTable (const label size) |
| Construct given initial table capacity. More...
| HashTable (Istream &is, const label size=128) |
| Construct from Istream with default table capacity. More...
| HashTable (const this_type &ht) |
| Copy construct. More...
| HashTable (this_type &&rhs) |
| Move construct. More...
| HashTable (std::initializer_list< std::pair< word, regIOobject * > > list) |
| Construct from an initializer list. More...
| ~HashTable () |
| Destructor. More...
label | capacity () const noexcept |
| The size of the underlying table. More...
label | size () const noexcept |
| The number of elements in table. More...
bool | empty () const noexcept |
| True if the hash table is empty. More...
regIOobject * & | at (const word &key) |
| Find and return a hashed entry. FatalError if it does not exist. More...
const regIOobject * & | at (const word &key) const |
| Find and return a hashed entry. FatalError if it does not exist. More...
bool | found (const word &key) const |
| Return true if hashed entry is found in table. More...
iterator | find (const word &key) |
| Find and return an iterator set at the hashed entry. More...
const_iterator | find (const word &key) const |
| Find and return an const_iterator set at the hashed entry. More...
const_iterator | cfind (const word &key) const |
| Find and return an const_iterator set at the hashed entry. More...
const regIOobject * & | lookup (const word &key, const regIOobject * &deflt) const |
| Return hashed entry if it exists, or return the given default. More...
List< word > | toc () const |
| The table of contents (the keys) in unsorted order. More...
List< word > | sortedToc () const |
| The table of contents (the keys) in sorted order. More...
List< word > | sortedToc (const Compare &comp) const |
Foam::List< word > | sortedToc (const Compare &comp) const |
List< word > | tocKeys (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert=false) const |
Foam::List< word > | tocKeys (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert) const |
List< word > | tocValues (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert=false) const |
Foam::List< word > | tocValues (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert) const |
List< word > | tocEntries (const BinaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert=false) const |
Foam::List< word > | tocEntries (const BinaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert) const |
UPtrList< const node_type > | csorted () const |
UPtrList< const node_type > | sorted () const |
UPtrList< node_type > | sorted () |
label | countKeys (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert=false) const |
| Count the number of keys that satisfy the unary predicate. More...
Foam::label | countKeys (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert) const |
label | countValues (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert=false) const |
| Count the number of values that satisfy the unary predicate. More...
Foam::label | countValues (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert) const |
label | countEntries (const BinaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert=false) const |
| Count the number of entries that satisfy the binary predicate. More...
Foam::label | countEntries (const BinaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert) const |
bool | emplace (const word &key, Args &&... args) |
| Emplace insert a new entry, not overwriting existing entries. More...
bool | emplace_set (const word &key, Args &&... args) |
| Emplace set an entry, overwriting any existing entries. More...
bool | insert (const word &key, const regIOobject * &obj) |
| Copy insert a new entry, not overwriting existing entries. More...
bool | insert (const word &key, regIOobject * &&obj) |
| Move insert a new entry, not overwriting existing entries. More...
bool | set (const word &key, const regIOobject * &obj) |
| Copy assign a new entry, overwriting existing entries. More...
bool | set (const word &key, regIOobject * &&obj) |
| Move assign a new entry, overwriting existing entries. More...
bool | erase (const iterator &iter) |
| Erase an entry specified by given iterator. More...
bool | erase (const word &key) |
| Erase an entry specified by the given key. More...
label | erase (const HashTable< AnyType, word, AnyHash > &other) |
| Remove table entries given by keys of the other hash-table. More...
label | erase (std::initializer_list< word > keys) |
| Remove table entries given by the listed keys. More...
label | erase (InputIter first, InputIter last) |
| Remove multiple entries using an iterator range of keys. More...
label | erase (const FixedList< word, N > &keys) |
| Remove table entries given by the listed keys. More...
label | erase (const UList< word > &keys) |
| Remove table entries given by the listed keys. More...
Foam::label | erase (InputIter first, InputIter last) |
Foam::label | erase (const FixedList< word, N > &keys) |
Foam::label | erase (const HashTable< AnyType, word, AnyHash > &other) |
label | retain (const HashTable< AnyType, word, AnyHash > &other) |
| Retain table entries given by keys of the other hash-table. More...
Foam::label | retain (const HashTable< AnyType, word, AnyHash > &other) |
label | filterKeys (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool pruning=false) |
| Generalized means to filter table entries based on their keys. More...
Foam::label | filterKeys (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool pruning) |
label | filterValues (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool pruning=false) |
| Generalized means to filter table entries based on their values. More...
Foam::label | filterValues (const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool pruning) |
label | filterEntries (const BinaryPredicate &pred, const bool pruning=false) |
| Generalized means to filter table entries based on their key/value. More...
Foam::label | filterEntries (const BinaryPredicate &pred, const bool pruning) |
void | resize (const label sz) |
| Resize the hash table for efficiency. More...
void | clear () |
| Clear all entries from table. More...
void | clearStorage () |
| Clear the table entries and the table itself. More...
void | swap (HashTable< regIOobject *, word, Foam::Hash< word > > &rhs) |
| Swap contents into this table. More...
void | transfer (HashTable< regIOobject *, word, Foam::Hash< word > > &rhs) |
| Transfer contents into this table. More...
regIOobject * & | operator[] (const word &key) |
| Find and return a hashed entry. FatalError if it does not exist. More...
const regIOobject * & | operator[] (const word &key) const |
| Find and return a hashed entry. FatalError if it does not exist. More...
regIOobject * & | operator() (const word &key) |
| Return existing entry or create a new entry. More...
regIOobject * & | operator() (const word &key, const regIOobject * &deflt) |
| Return existing entry or insert a new entry. More...
void | operator= (const this_type &rhs) |
| Copy assign. More...
void | operator= (std::initializer_list< std::pair< word, regIOobject * > > rhs) |
| Copy assign from an initializer list. More...
void | operator= (this_type &&rhs) |
| Move assign. More...
bool | operator== (const this_type &rhs) const |
bool | operator!= (const this_type &rhs) const |
| The opposite of the equality operation. More...
this_type & | operator+= (const this_type &rhs) |
| Add entries into this HashTable. More...
const_iterator_pair< const_key_iterator, this_type > | keys () const |
| A const iterator begin/end pair for iterating over keys. More...
iterator | begin () |
| iterator set to the beginning of the HashTable More...
const_iterator | begin () const |
| const_iterator set to the beginning of the HashTable More...
const_iterator | cbegin () const |
| const_iterator set to the beginning of the HashTable More...
iterator | end () noexcept |
| iterator to signal the end (for any HashTable) More...
const_iterator | end () const noexcept |
| const_iterator to signal the end (for any HashTable) More...
constexpr const_iterator | cend () const noexcept |
| const_iterator to signal the end (for any HashTable) More...
Ostream & | printInfo (Ostream &os) const |
| Print information. More...
Ostream & | writeKeys (Ostream &os, const label shortLen=0) const |
| ClassName ("HashTable") |
| Declare type-name (with debug switch) More...
| HashTableCore ()=default |
| Default construct. More...
| ClassName ("primitiveMesh") |
| primitiveMesh (const label nPoints, const label nInternalFaces, const label nFaces, const label nCells) |
| Construct from components. More...
virtual | ~primitiveMesh () |
| Destructor. More...
void | reset (const label nPoints, const label nInternalFaces, const label nFaces, const label nCells) |
| Reset this primitiveMesh given the primitive array sizes. More...
void | reset (const label nPoints, const label nInternalFaces, const label nFaces, const label nCells, cellList &cells) |
| Reset this primitiveMesh given the primitive array sizes and cells. More...
void | resetGeometry (pointField &&faceCentres, pointField &&faceAreas, pointField &&cellCentres, scalarField &&cellVolumes) |
| Reset the local geometry. More...
virtual bool | init (const bool doInit) |
| Initialise all non-demand-driven data. More...
label | nPoints () const noexcept |
| Number of mesh points. More...
label | nEdges () const |
| Number of mesh edges. More...
label | nFaces () const noexcept |
| Number of mesh faces. More...
label | nCells () const noexcept |
| Number of mesh cells. More...
label | nInternalFaces () const noexcept |
| Number of internal faces. More...
label | nBoundaryFaces () const noexcept |
| Number of boundary faces (== nFaces - nInternalFaces) More...
label | nInternalPoints () const noexcept |
| Points not on boundary. More...
label | nInternal0Edges () const |
label | nInternal1Edges () const |
| Internal edges using 0 or 1 boundary point. More...
label | nInternalEdges () const |
| Internal edges using 0,1 or 2 boundary points. More...
virtual const pointField & | points () const =0 |
| Return mesh points. More...
virtual const faceList & | faces () const =0 |
| Return faces. More...
virtual const labelList & | faceOwner () const =0 |
| Face face-owner addressing. More...
virtual const labelList & | faceNeighbour () const =0 |
| Face face-neighbour addressing. More...
virtual const pointField & | oldPoints () const =0 |
| Return old points for mesh motion. More...
const cellShapeList & | cellShapes () const |
| Return cell shapes. More...
const edgeList & | edges () const |
| Return mesh edges. Uses calcEdges. More...
const labelListList & | cellCells () const |
const labelListList & | edgeCells () const |
const labelListList & | pointCells () const |
const cellList & | cells () const |
const labelListList & | edgeFaces () const |
const labelListList & | pointFaces () const |
const labelListList & | cellEdges () const |
const labelListList & | faceEdges () const |
const labelListList & | pointEdges () const |
const labelListList & | pointPoints () const |
const labelListList & | cellPoints () const |
const vectorField & | cellCentres () const |
const vectorField & | faceCentres () const |
const scalarField & | cellVolumes () const |
const vectorField & | faceAreas () const |
void | movePoints (const pointField &p, const pointField &oldP) |
| Move points. More...
bool | isInternalFace (const label faceIndex) const noexcept |
| Return true if given face label is internal to the mesh. More...
virtual bool | checkUpperTriangular (const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const |
| Check face ordering. More...
virtual bool | checkCellsZipUp (const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const |
| Check cell zip-up. More...
virtual bool | checkFaceVertices (const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const |
| Check uniqueness of face vertices. More...
virtual bool | checkPoints (const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const |
| Check for unused points. More...
virtual bool | checkFaceFaces (const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const |
| Check face-face connectivity. More...
virtual bool | checkClosedBoundary (const bool report=false) const |
| Check boundary for closedness. More...
virtual bool | checkClosedCells (const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr, labelHashSet *highAspectSetPtr=nullptr, const Vector< label > &solutionD=Vector< label >::one) const |
| Check cells for closedness. More...
virtual bool | checkFaceAreas (const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const |
| Check for negative face areas. More...
virtual bool | checkCellVolumes (const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const |
| Check for negative cell volumes. More...
virtual bool | checkFaceOrthogonality (const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const |
| Check for non-orthogonality. More...
virtual bool | checkFacePyramids (const bool report=false, const scalar minPyrVol=-SMALL, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const |
| Check face pyramid volume. More...
virtual bool | checkFaceSkewness (const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const |
| Check face skewness. More...
virtual bool | checkFaceAngles (const bool report=false, const scalar maxSin=10, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const |
| Check face angles. More...
virtual bool | checkFaceFlatness (const bool report, const scalar warnFlatness, labelHashSet *setPtr) const |
| Check face warpage: decompose face and check ratio between. More...
virtual bool | checkPointNearness (const bool report, const scalar reportDistSqr, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const |
| Check for point-point-nearness,. More...
virtual bool | checkEdgeLength (const bool report, const scalar minLenSqr, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const |
| Check edge length. More...
virtual bool | checkConcaveCells (const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const |
| Check for concave cells by the planes of faces. More...
virtual bool | checkTopology (const bool report=false) const |
| Check mesh topology for correctness. More...
virtual bool | checkGeometry (const bool report=false) const |
| Check mesh geometry (& implicitly topology) for correctness. More...
virtual bool | checkMesh (const bool report=false) const |
| Check mesh for correctness. Returns false for no error. More...
bool | pointInCellBB (const point &p, label celli, scalar inflationFraction=0) const |
| Return true if the point in the cell bounding box. More...
bool | pointInCell (const point &p, label celli) const |
| Return true if the point is in the cell. More...
label | findNearestCell (const point &location) const |
| Find the cell with the nearest cell centre to location. More...
label | findCell (const point &location) const |
| Find cell enclosing this location (-1 if not in mesh) More...
void | printAllocated () const |
| Print a list of all the currently allocated mesh data. More...
bool | hasCellShapes () const noexcept |
bool | hasEdges () const noexcept |
bool | hasCellCells () const noexcept |
bool | hasEdgeCells () const noexcept |
bool | hasPointCells () const noexcept |
bool | hasCells () const noexcept |
bool | hasEdgeFaces () const noexcept |
bool | hasPointFaces () const noexcept |
bool | hasCellEdges () const noexcept |
bool | hasFaceEdges () const noexcept |
bool | hasPointEdges () const noexcept |
bool | hasPointPoints () const noexcept |
bool | hasCellPoints () const noexcept |
bool | hasCellCentres () const noexcept |
bool | hasCellVolumes () const noexcept |
bool | hasFaceCentres () const noexcept |
bool | hasFaceAreas () const noexcept |
const labelList & | cellCells (const label celli, DynamicList< label > &) const |
| cellCells using cells. More...
const labelList & | cellCells (const label celli) const |
const labelList & | cellPoints (const label celli, labelHashSet &, DynamicList< label > &) const |
| cellPoints using cells More...
const labelList & | cellPoints (const label celli) const |
const labelList & | pointCells (const label pointi, DynamicList< label > &) const |
| pointCells using pointFaces More...
const labelList & | pointCells (const label pointi) const |
const labelList & | pointPoints (const label pointi, DynamicList< label > &) const |
| pointPoints using edges, pointEdges More...
const labelList & | pointPoints (const label pointi) const |
const labelList & | faceEdges (const label facei, DynamicList< label > &) const |
| faceEdges using pointFaces, edges, pointEdges More...
const labelList & | faceEdges (const label facei) const |
const labelList & | edgeFaces (const label edgeI, DynamicList< label > &) const |
| edgeFaces using pointFaces, edges, pointEdges More...
const labelList & | edgeFaces (const label edgeI) const |
const labelList & | edgeCells (const label edgeI, DynamicList< label > &) const |
| edgeCells using pointFaces, edges, pointEdges More...
const labelList & | edgeCells (const label edgeI) const |
const labelList & | cellEdges (const label celli, labelHashSet &, DynamicList< label > &) const |
| cellEdges using cells, pointFaces, edges, pointEdges More...
const labelList & | cellEdges (const label celli) const |
virtual void | updateGeom () |
| Update all geometric data. More...
void | clearGeom () |
| Clear geometry. More...
void | clearCellGeom () |
| Clear cell-based geometry only. More...
void | clearAddressing () |
| Clear topological data. More...
void | clearOut () |
| Clear all geometry and addressing unnecessary for CFD. More...
| TypeName ("lduMesh") |
| Runtime type information. More...
virtual | ~lduMesh ()=default |
| Destructor. More...
virtual bool | hasDb () const =0 |
| Return true if thisDb() is a valid DB. More...
virtual const objectRegistry & | thisDb () const |
| Return the object registry. More...
virtual const lduAddressing & | lduAddr () const =0 |
| Return ldu addressing. More...
virtual lduInterfacePtrsList | interfaces () const =0 |
virtual label | comm () const =0 |
| Return communicator used for parallel communication. More...
template<class T , class BinaryOp > |
void | reduce (T &Value, const BinaryOp &bop) const |
| Helper: reduce with current communicator. More...
InfoProxy< lduMesh > | info () const |
| Return info proxy. More...
| fvSchemes (const fvSchemes &)=delete |
| No copy construct. More...
void | operator= (const fvSchemes &)=delete |
| No copy assignment. More...
| fvSchemes (const objectRegistry &obr, const IOobject::readOption rOpt, const word &dictName, const dictionary *fallback=nullptr) |
| Construct for objectRegistry, readOption, (system) dictionary name. More...
| fvSchemes (const objectRegistry &obr, const word &dictName, const dictionary *fallback=nullptr) |
| fvSchemes (const objectRegistry &obr, const IOobject::readOption rOpt, const dictionary *fallback=nullptr) |
| fvSchemes (const objectRegistry &obr, const dictionary *fallback=nullptr) |
| fvSchemes (const objectRegistry &obr, const dictionary &dict) |
| schemesLookup (const objectRegistry &obr, const IOobject::readOption rOpt, const word &dictName, const dictionary *fallback=nullptr) |
| Construct for objectRegistry, readOption, (system) dictionary name. More...
| schemesLookup (const objectRegistry &obr, const word &dictName, const dictionary *fallback=nullptr) |
const dictionary & | schemesDict () const |
| The current schemes dictionary, respects the "select" keyword. More...
bool | steady () const noexcept |
| True if default ddtScheme is steady-state. More...
bool | transient () const noexcept |
| True if default ddtScheme is not steady-state. More...
ITstream & | ddtScheme (const word &name) const |
| Get ddt scheme for given name, or default. More...
ITstream & | d2dt2Scheme (const word &name) const |
| Get d2dt2 scheme for given name, or default. More...
ITstream & | interpolationScheme (const word &name) const |
| Get interpolation scheme for given name, or default. More...
ITstream & | divScheme (const word &name) const |
| Get div scheme for given name, or default. More...
ITstream & | gradScheme (const word &name) const |
| Get grad scheme for given name, or default. More...
ITstream & | lnGradScheme (const word &name) const |
| Get (finiteArea) lnGrad scheme for given name, or default. More...
ITstream & | snGradScheme (const word &name) const |
| Get (finiteVolume) snGrad scheme for given name, or default. More...
ITstream & | laplacianScheme (const word &name) const |
| Get laplacian scheme for given name, or default. More...
void | setFluxRequired (const word &name) const |
| Get flux-required for given name, or default. More...
bool | fluxRequired (const word &name) const |
| Set flux-required for given name (mutable) More...
const dictionary & | ddtSchemes () const noexcept |
| Access ddt schemes dictionary. More...
const dictionary & | d2dt2Schemes () const noexcept |
| Access d2dt2 schemes dictionary. More...
const dictionary & | interpolationSchemes () const noexcept |
| Access interpolation schemes dictionary. More...
const dictionary & | divSchemes () const noexcept |
| Access div schemes dictionary. More...
const dictionary & | gradSchemes () const noexcept |
| Access grad schemes dictionary. More...
const dictionary & | lnGradSchemes () const noexcept |
| Access lnGrad schemes dictionary (finiteArea) More...
const dictionary & | snGradSchemes () const noexcept |
| Access snGrad schemes dictionary (finiteVolume) More...
const dictionary & | laplacianSchemes () const noexcept |
| Access laplacian schemes dictionary. More...
const dictionary & | fluxRequired () const noexcept |
| Access to flux required dictionary. More...
dictionary & | ddtSchemes () noexcept |
| Access ddt schemes dictionary. More...
dictionary & | d2dt2Schemes () noexcept |
| Access d2dt2 schemes dictionary. More...
dictionary & | interpolationSchemes () noexcept |
| Access interpolation schemes dictionary. More...
dictionary & | divSchemes () noexcept |
| Access div schemes dictionary. More...
dictionary & | gradSchemes () noexcept |
| Access grad schemes dictionary. More...
dictionary & | lnGradSchemes () noexcept |
| Access lnGrad schemes dictionary (finiteArea) More...
dictionary & | snGradSchemes () noexcept |
| Access snGrad schemes dictionary (finiteVolume) More...
dictionary & | laplacianSchemes () noexcept |
| Access laplacian schemes dictionary. More...
dictionary & | fluxRequired () noexcept |
| Access to flux required dictionary. More...
bool | read () |
| Read schemes from IOdictionary, respects the "select" keyword. More...
void | writeDicts (Ostream &os) const |
| Write dictionary (possibly modified) settings. More...
| IOdictionary (const IOobject &io, const dictionary *fallback=nullptr) |
| IOdictionary (const IOobject &io, const dictionary &dict) |
| IOdictionary (const IOobject &io, const word &wantedType, const dictionary *fallback=nullptr) |
| IOdictionary (const IOobject &io, Istream &is) |
| Construct given an IOobject and Istream. More...
virtual | ~IOdictionary ()=default |
| Destructor. More...
virtual bool | global () const |
| Is object global. More...
virtual fileName | filePath () const |
| Return complete path + object name if the file exists. More...
| TypeName ("dictionary") |
| Declare type-name, virtual type (with debug switch) More...
| baseIOdictionary (const baseIOdictionary &)=default |
| Copy construct. More...
| baseIOdictionary (baseIOdictionary &&)=default |
| Move construct. More...
virtual | ~baseIOdictionary ()=default |
| Destructor. More...
| baseIOdictionary (const IOobject &io, const dictionary *fallback=nullptr) |
| baseIOdictionary (const IOobject &io, const dictionary &dict) |
| baseIOdictionary (const IOobject &io, Istream &is) |
| Construct given an IOobject and Istream (ununsed) More...
virtual fileName | filePath () const =0 |
const word & | name () const |
virtual bool | readData (Istream &) |
| The readData function required by regIOobject read operation. More...
virtual bool | writeData (Ostream &) const |
| The writeData function required by regIOobject write operation. More...
virtual bool | global () const =0 |
| Is object global. More...
void | operator= (const baseIOdictionary &rhs) |
| Copy assignment of dictionary entries (leave regIOobject untouched) More...
void | operator= (const dictionary &rhs) |
| Copy assignment of dictionary entries. More...
| ClassName ("dictionary") |
| dictionary () |
| Default construct, a top-level empty dictionary. More...
| dictionary (const fileName &name) |
| Construct top-level empty dictionary with given name. More...
| dictionary (const fileName &name, const dictionary &parentDict, Istream &is, bool keepHeader=false) |
| dictionary (Istream &is) |
| dictionary (Istream &is, bool keepHeader) |
| dictionary (const dictionary &parentDict, const dictionary &dict) |
| Copy construct given the parent dictionary. More...
| dictionary (const dictionary &dict) |
| Copy construct top-level dictionary. More...
| dictionary (const dictionary *dict) |
| Construct top-level dictionary as copy from pointer to dictionary. More...
| dictionary (const dictionary &parentDict, dictionary &&dict) |
| Move construct for given parent dictionary. More...
| dictionary (dictionary &&dict) |
| Move construct top-level dictionary. More...
autoPtr< dictionary > | clone () const |
| Construct and return clone. More...
virtual | ~dictionary () |
| Destructor. More...
const fileName & | name () const noexcept |
| The dictionary name. More...
fileName & | name () noexcept |
| The dictionary name for modification (use with caution). More...
word | dictName () const |
| The local dictionary name (final part of scoped name) More...
fileName | relativeName (const bool caseTag=false) const |
| The dictionary name relative to the case. More...
bool | isNullDict () const noexcept |
| The dictionary is actually dictionary::null (root dictionary) More...
const dictionary & | parent () const noexcept |
| Return the parent dictionary. More...
const dictionary & | topDict () const |
| Return the top of the tree. More...
label | startLineNumber () const |
| Return line number of first token in dictionary. More...
label | endLineNumber () const |
| Return line number of last token in dictionary. More...
SHA1Digest | digest () const |
| Return the SHA1 digest of the dictionary contents. More...
tokenList | tokens () const |
| Return the dictionary as a list of tokens. More...
bool | found (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
| Search for an entry (const access) with the given keyword. More...
entry * | findEntry (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) |
| Find for an entry (non-const access) with the given keyword. More...
const entry * | findEntry (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
| Find an entry (const access) with the given keyword. More...
const entry * | findScoped (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
| Search for a scoped entry (const access) with the given keyword. More...
dictionary * | findDict (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) |
| Find and return a sub-dictionary pointer if present. More...
const dictionary * | findDict (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
| Find and return a sub-dictionary pointer if present. More...
const entry & | lookupEntry (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt) const |
| Search for an entry (const access) with the given keyword. More...
ITstream & | lookup (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
template<class T > |
T | get (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
template<class T > |
T | getOrDefault (const word &keyword, const T &deflt, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
template<class T > |
T | getOrAdd (const word &keyword, const T &deflt, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) |
template<class T > |
bool | readEntry (const word &keyword, T &val, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX, bool mandatory=true) const |
template<class T > |
bool | readIfPresent (const word &keyword, T &val, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
template<class T , class Predicate > |
T | getCheck (const word &keyword, const Predicate &pred, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
template<class T , class Predicate > |
T | getCheckOrDefault (const word &keyword, const T &deflt, const Predicate &pred, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
template<class T , class Predicate > |
T | getCheckOrAdd (const word &keyword, const T &deflt, const Predicate &pred, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) |
template<class T , class Predicate > |
bool | readCheck (const word &keyword, T &val, const Predicate &pred, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX, bool mandatory=true) const |
template<class T , class Predicate > |
bool | readCheckIfPresent (const word &keyword, T &val, const Predicate &pred, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
bool | isDict (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
| Check if entry is found and is a sub-dictionary. More...
const dictionary & | subDict (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
| Find and return a sub-dictionary. More...
dictionary & | subDict (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) |
| Find and return a sub-dictionary for manipulation. More...
dictionary & | subDictOrAdd (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) |
| Find and return a sub-dictionary for manipulation. More...
dictionary | subOrEmptyDict (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX, const bool mandatory=false) const |
const dictionary & | optionalSubDict (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
| Find and return a sub-dictionary, otherwise return this dictionary. More...
wordList | toc () const |
| Return the table of contents. More...
wordList | sortedToc () const |
| Return the sorted table of contents. More...
template<class Compare > |
wordList | sortedToc (const Compare &comp) const |
| Return table of contents sorted using the specified comparator. More...
List< keyType > | keys (bool patterns=false) const |
| Return the list of available keys or patterns. More...
bool | substituteKeyword (const word &keyword, bool mergeEntry=false) |
| Substitute the given keyword (which is prefixed by '$') More...
bool | substituteScopedKeyword (const word &keyword, bool mergeEntry=false) |
| Substitute the given scoped keyword (which is prefixed by '$') More...
entry * | add (entry *entryPtr, bool mergeEntry=false) |
| Add a new entry. More...
entry * | add (const entry &e, bool mergeEntry=false) |
| Add an entry. More...
entry * | add (const keyType &k, const word &v, bool overwrite=false) |
| Add a word entry. More...
entry * | add (const keyType &k, const string &v, bool overwrite=false) |
| Add a string entry. More...
entry * | add (const keyType &k, const label v, bool overwrite=false) |
| Add a label entry. More...
entry * | add (const keyType &k, const scalar v, bool overwrite=false) |
| Add a scalar entry. More...
entry * | add (const keyType &k, const dictionary &d, bool mergeEntry=false) |
| Add a dictionary entry. More...
template<class T > |
entry * | add (const keyType &k, const T &v, bool overwrite=false) |
| Add a T entry. More...
entry * | set (entry *entryPtr) |
| Assign a new entry, overwriting any existing entry. More...
entry * | set (const entry &e) |
| Assign a new entry, overwriting any existing entry. More...
entry * | set (const keyType &k, const dictionary &v) |
| Assign a dictionary entry, overwriting any existing entry. More...
template<class T > |
entry * | set (const keyType &k, const T &v) |
| Assign a T entry, overwriting any existing entry. More...
bool | remove (const word &keyword) |
| Remove an entry specified by keyword. More...
bool | changeKeyword (const keyType &oldKeyword, const keyType &newKeyword, bool overwrite=false) |
| Change the keyword for an entry,. More...
bool | merge (const dictionary &dict) |
| Merge entries from the given dictionary. More...
void | clear () |
| Clear the dictionary. More...
void | transfer (dictionary &dict) |
| Transfer the contents of the argument and annul the argument. More...
void | checkITstream (const ITstream &is, const word &keyword) const |
bool | read (Istream &is) |
| Read dictionary from Istream. Discards the header. More...
bool | read (Istream &is, bool keepHeader) |
| Read dictionary from Istream, optionally keeping the header. More...
void | writeEntry (Ostream &os) const |
| Write sub-dictionary with its dictName as its header. More...
void | writeEntry (const keyType &keyword, Ostream &os) const |
| Write sub-dictionary with the keyword as its header. More...
void | writeEntries (Ostream &os, const bool extraNewLine=false) const |
| Write dictionary entries. More...
void | write (Ostream &os, const bool subDict=true) const |
| Write dictionary, normally with sub-dictionary formatting. More...
const_searcher | csearch (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
| Search dictionary for given keyword. More...
const_searcher | search (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
| Search dictionary for given keyword. More...
searcher | search (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) |
| Search dictionary for given keyword. More...
const_searcher | csearchScoped (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt) const |
| Search using scoping. More...
const_searcher | searchScoped (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt) const |
| Search using dot or slash scoping. More...
searcher | searchScoped (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt) |
| Search using dot or slash scoping. More...
const dictionary * | cfindScopedDict (const fileName &dictPath) const |
| Locate a sub-dictionary using slash-scoping. More...
const dictionary * | findScopedDict (const fileName &dictPath) const |
| Locate a sub-dictionary using slash-scoping. More...
dictionary * | findScopedDict (const fileName &dictPath) |
| Locate a sub-dictionary using slash-scoping. More...
dictionary * | makeScopedDict (const fileName &dictPath) |
| Locate existing or create sub-dictionary using slash-scoping. More...
const_searcher | csearchCompat (const word &keyword, std::initializer_list< std::pair< const char *, int > > compat, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
| Search dictionary for given keyword and any compatibility names. More...
bool | foundCompat (const word &keyword, std::initializer_list< std::pair< const char *, int > > compat, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
| Search dictionary for given keyword and any compatibility names. More...
const entry * | findCompat (const word &keyword, std::initializer_list< std::pair< const char *, int > > compat, enum keyType::option matchOpt) const |
const entry & | lookupEntryCompat (const word &keyword, std::initializer_list< std::pair< const char *, int > > compat, enum keyType::option matchOpt) const |
ITstream & | lookupCompat (const word &keyword, std::initializer_list< std::pair< const char *, int > > compat, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
template<class T > |
T | getCompat (const word &keyword, std::initializer_list< std::pair< const char *, int > > compat, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
template<class T > |
T | getOrDefaultCompat (const word &keyword, std::initializer_list< std::pair< const char *, int > > compat, const T &deflt, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
template<class T > |
bool | readCompat (const word &keyword, std::initializer_list< std::pair< const char *, int > > compat, T &val, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX, bool mandatory=true) const |
template<class T > |
bool | readIfPresentCompat (const word &keyword, std::initializer_list< std::pair< const char *, int > > compat, T &val, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
void | operator= (const dictionary &rhs) |
| Copy assignment. More...
void | operator+= (const dictionary &rhs) |
| Include entries from the given dictionary. More...
void | operator|= (const dictionary &rhs) |
| Conditionally include entries from the given dictionary. More...
void | operator<<= (const dictionary &rhs) |
| Unconditionally include entries from the given dictionary. More...
template<class T > |
T | lookupOrDefault (const word &keyword, const T &deflt, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
template<class T > |
T | lookupOrAddDefault (const word &keyword, const T &deflt, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) |
template<class T > |
T | lookupOrDefaultCompat (const word &keyword, std::initializer_list< std::pair< const char *, int > > compat, const T &deflt, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
ITstream & | operator[] (const word &keyword) const |
| Deprecated(2018-07) find and return an entry data stream. More...
bool | found (const word &keyword, bool recursive, bool patternMatch=true) const |
| Deprecated(2018-10) More...
entry * | lookupEntryPtr (const word &keyword, bool recursive, bool patternMatch) |
| Deprecated(2018-10) More...
const entry * | lookupEntryPtr (const word &keyword, bool recursive, bool patternMatch) const |
| Deprecated(2018-10) More...
const entry * | lookupScopedEntryPtr (const word &keyword, bool recursive, bool patternMatch) const |
| Deprecated(2018-10) More...
const dictionary * | subDictPtr (const word &keyword) const |
| Deprecated(2018-10) More...
dictionary * | subDictPtr (const word &keyword) |
const entry & | lookupEntry (const word &keyword, bool recursive, bool patternMatch) const |
| Deprecated(2018-10) More...
ITstream & | lookup (const word &keyword, bool recursive, bool patternMatch=true) const |
| Deprecated(2018-10) More...
template<class T > |
T | lookupOrDefault (const word &keyword, const T &deflt, bool recursive, bool patternMatch=true) const |
| Deprecated(2018-10) More...
template<class T > |
T | lookupOrAddDefault (const word &keyword, const T &deflt, bool recursive, bool patternMatch=true) |
| Deprecated(2018-10) More...
template<class T > |
bool | readIfPresent (const word &keyword, T &val, bool recursive, bool patternMatch=true) const |
| Deprecated(2018-10) More...
template<class T > |
T | lookupType (const word &keyword, bool recursive=false, bool patternMatch=true) const |
| Deprecated(2018-10) find and return a T. More...
bool | getBool (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
| Same as get< bool >(const word&, keyType::option) More...
label | getLabel (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
| Same as get< label >(const word&, keyType::option) More...
scalar | getScalar (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
| Same as get< scalar >(const word&, keyType::option) More...
string | getString (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
| Same as get< string >(const word&, keyType::option) More...
word | getWord (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
| Same as get< word >(const word&, keyType::option) More...
fileName | getFileName (const word &keyword, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const |
| Same as get< fileName >(const word&, keyType::option) More...
template<class Compare > |
Foam::wordList | sortedToc (const Compare &comp) const |
template<class T > |
Foam::entry * | add (const keyType &k, const T &v, bool overwrite) |
template<class T > |
Foam::entry * | set (const keyType &k, const T &v) |
| ILList ()=default |
| Default construct. More...
| ILList (T *item) |
| Construct and add initial item pointer. More...
| ILList (Istream &is) |
| Construct from Istream. More...
| ILList (const ILList< LListBase, T > &lst) |
| Copy construct using the 'clone()' method for each element. More...
| ILList (ILList< LListBase, T > &&lst) |
| Move construct. More...
template<class CloneArg > |
| ILList (const ILList< LListBase, T > &lst, const CloneArg &cloneArg) |
| Copy constructor with additional argument for clone 'clone()'. More...
template<class INew > |
| ILList (Istream &is, const INew &inew) |
| Construct from Istream using given Istream constructor class. More...
| ~ILList () |
| Destructor. More...
bool | eraseHead () |
| Remove the head element specified from the list and delete it. More...
bool | erase (T *item) |
| Remove the specified element from the list and delete it. More...
void | clear () |
| Clear the contents of the list. More...
void | transfer (ILList< LListBase, T > &lst) |
void | operator= (const ILList< LListBase, T > &lst) |
| Copy assignment using the 'clone()' method for each element. More...
void | operator= (ILList< LListBase, T > &&lst) |
| Move assignment. More...
| UILList ()=default |
| Default construct. More...
| UILList (T *item) |
| Construct and add initial item pointer. More...
| UILList (const UILList< LListBase, T > &lst) |
| Construct as copy. More...
T * | first () |
| The first entry in the list. More...
const T * | first () const |
| The first entry in the list (const access) More...
T * | last () |
| The last entry in the list. More...
const T * | last () const |
| The last entry in the list (const access) More...
T * | removeHead () |
| Remove and return head. More...
T * | remove (T *item) |
| Remove and return element. More...
T * | remove (iterator &iter) |
| Remove and return item specified by iterator. More...
void | operator= (const UILList< LListBase, T > &lst) |
| Copy assignment. More...
bool | operator== (const UILList< LListBase, T > &lst) const |
| Equality. True both lists are element-wise equal. More...
bool | operator!= (const UILList< LListBase, T > &lst) const |
| The opposite of the equality operation. Takes linear time. More...
Ostream & | writeList (Ostream &os, const label shortLen=0) const |
| Write UILList with line-breaks when length exceeds shortLen. More...
iterator | begin () |
| Iterator to first item in list with non-const access. More...
const_iterator | cbegin () const |
| Iterator to first item in list with const access. More...
reverse_iterator | rbegin () |
| Iterator to last item in list with non-const access. More...
const_reverse_iterator | crbegin () const |
| Iterator to last item in list with const access. More...
const_iterator | begin () const |
| Iterator to first item in list with const access. More...
const_reverse_iterator | rbegin () const |
| Iterator to last item in list with const access. More...
const iterator & | end () |
| End of list for forward iterators. More...
const const_iterator & | cend () const |
| End of list for forward iterators. More...
const reverse_iterator & | rend () |
| End of list for reverse iterators. More...
const const_reverse_iterator & | crend () const |
| End of list for reverse iterators. More...
const const_iterator & | end () const |
| End of list for forward iterators. More...
const const_reverse_iterator & | rend () const |
| End of list for reverse iterators. More...
| ClassName ("surfaceInterpolation") |
| surfaceInterpolation (const fvMesh &) |
| Construct given an fvMesh. More...
virtual | ~surfaceInterpolation () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual const fvGeometryScheme & | geometry () const |
| Return reference to geometry calculation scheme. More...
void | geometry (tmp< fvGeometryScheme > &) |
| Set geometry calculation scheme. More...
virtual const surfaceScalarField & | weights () const |
| Return reference to linear difference weighting factors. More...
virtual const surfaceScalarField & | deltaCoeffs () const |
| Return reference to cell-centre difference coefficients. More...
virtual const surfaceScalarField & | nonOrthDeltaCoeffs () const |
| Return reference to non-orthogonal cell-centre difference. More...
virtual const surfaceVectorField & | nonOrthCorrectionVectors () const |
| Return reference to non-orthogonality correction vectors. More...
virtual bool | movePoints () |
| Do what is necessary if the mesh has moved. More...
virtual void | updateGeom () |
| Update all geometric data. More...
bool | hasWeights () const noexcept |
| Has weights. More...
virtual void | updateMesh (const mapPolyMesh &mpm) |
| Update mesh for topology changes. More...
| fvSolution (const fvSolution &)=delete |
| No copy construct. More...
void | operator= (const fvSolution &)=delete |
| No copy assignment. More...
| fvSolution (const objectRegistry &obr, const IOobject::readOption rOpt, const word &dictName, const dictionary *fallback=nullptr) |
| Construct for objectRegistry, readOption, (system) dictionary name. More...
| fvSolution (const objectRegistry &obr, const word &dictName, const dictionary *fallback=nullptr) |
| fvSolution (const objectRegistry &obr, const IOobject::readOption rOpt, const dictionary *fallback=nullptr) |
| fvSolution (const objectRegistry &obr, const dictionary *fallback=nullptr) |
| fvSolution (const objectRegistry &obr, const dictionary &dict) |
| solution (const objectRegistry &obr, const IOobject::readOption rOpt, const fileName &dictName, const dictionary *fallback=nullptr) |
| Construct for objectRegistry, readOption, (system) dictionary name. More...
| solution (const objectRegistry &obr, const fileName &dictName, const dictionary *fallback=nullptr) |
virtual | ~solution () |
| Destructor. More...
bool | cache (const word &name) const |
| Return true if the given field should be cached. More...
bool | relaxField (const word &name) const |
| Return true if the relaxation factor is given for the field. More...
bool | relaxEquation (const word &name) const |
| Return true if the relaxation factor is given for the equation. More...
scalar | fieldRelaxationFactor (const word &name) const |
| Return the relaxation factor for the given field. More...
scalar | equationRelaxationFactor (const word &name) const |
| Return the relaxation factor for the given equation. More...
const dictionary & | solutionDict () const |
const dictionary & | solverDict (const word &name) const |
| Return the solver controls dictionary for the given field. More...
const dictionary & | solver (const word &name) const |
| Return the solver controls dictionary for the given field. More...
bool | read () |
| Read the solution dictionary. More...
| data (const objectRegistry &obr) |
| Construct for objectRegistry. More...
| data (const objectRegistry &obr, const dictionary &dict) |
| Construct for objectRegistry and initial contents. More...
const dictionary & | solverPerformanceDict () const |
template<class Type > |
void | setSolverPerformance (const word &name, const SolverPerformance< Type > &sp) const |
| Add/set the solverPerformance entry for the named field. More...
template<class Type > |
void | setSolverPerformance (const SolverPerformance< Type > &sp) const |
| Add/set the solverPerformance entry, using its fieldName. More...