createExternalCoupledPatchGeometry.C File Reference

Generate the patch geometry (points and faces) for use with the externalCoupled functionObject. More...

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Detailed Description

Generate the patch geometry (points and faces) for use with the externalCoupled functionObject.

Original source file createExternalCoupledPatchGeometry.C

createExternalCoupledPatchGeometry \<patchGroup\> [OPTION]
Specify an alternative communications directory (default is comms in the case directory)
Specify an alternative mesh region.
-regions(<name1> <name2> .. <namen>)
Specify alternative mesh regions. The region names will be sorted alphabetically and a single composite name will be created <nameX>_<nameY>.._<nameZ>

On execution, the combined patch geometry (points and faces) are output to the communications directory.

Note: The addressing is patch-local, i.e. point indices for each patch point used for face addressing starts at index 0.

See also

Definition in file createExternalCoupledPatchGeometry.C.