STLsurfaceFormat< Face > Class Template Reference

Provide a means of reading/writing STL files (ASCII and BINARY). More...

Inheritance diagram for STLsurfaceFormat< Face >:
Collaboration diagram for STLsurfaceFormat< Face >:

Public Member Functions

 STLsurfaceFormat (const fileName &filename)
 Construct from file name. More...
virtual ~STLsurfaceFormat ()=default
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool read (const fileName &filename)
 Read from file. More...
virtual void write (const fileName &name, const dictionary &options=dictionary::null) const
 Write surface mesh to file. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MeshedSurface< Face >
 ClassName ("MeshedSurface")
 Runtime type information. More...
 MeshedSurface ()
 Construct null, an empty surface. More...
 MeshedSurface (const MeshedSurface &surf)
 Copy construct. More...
 MeshedSurface (const UnsortedMeshedSurface< Face > &surf)
 Copy construct from an UnsortedMeshedSurface. More...
 MeshedSurface (MeshedSurface &&surf)
 Move construct. More...
 MeshedSurface (UnsortedMeshedSurface< Face > &&surf)
 Move construct from an UnsortedMeshedSurface. More...
 MeshedSurface (const pointField &pointLst, const UList< Face > &faceLst, const UList< surfZone > &zoneLst)
 Copy construct from components (points, faces, zones). More...
 MeshedSurface (pointField &&pointLst, List< Face > &&faceLst, const UList< surfZone > &zoneLst)
 Move construct from components (points, faces). More...
 MeshedSurface (const pointField &pointLst, const UList< Face > &faceLst, const labelUList &zoneSizes=labelUList(), const UList< word > &zoneNames=UList< word >())
 Copy construct from components (points, faces). More...
 MeshedSurface (pointField &&pointLst, List< Face > &&faceLst, const labelUList &zoneSizes=labelUList(), const UList< word > &zoneNames=UList< word >())
 Move construct from components (points, faces). More...
 MeshedSurface (const polyBoundaryMesh &bMesh, const bool globalPoints=false)
 Construct from a boundary mesh with local points/faces. More...
 MeshedSurface (const surfMesh &mesh)
 Construct from a surfMesh. More...
 MeshedSurface (const fileName &name)
 Construct from file name (uses extension to determine type) More...
 MeshedSurface (const fileName &name, const word &ext)
 Construct from file name (uses extension to determine type) More...
 MeshedSurface (Istream &is)
 Construct from Istream. More...
 MeshedSurface (const Time &runTime, const word &surfName=word::null)
 Construct from database. More...
 declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, MeshedSurface, fileExtension,(const fileName &name),(name))
virtual ~MeshedSurface ()
 Destructor. More...
 declareMemberFunctionSelectionTable (void, UnsortedMeshedSurface, write, fileExtension,(const fileName &name, const MeshedSurface< Face > &surf, const dictionary &options),(name, surf, options))
label size () const
 The surface size is the number of faces. More...
const List< Face > & surfFaces () const
 Return const access to the faces. More...
const surfZoneListsurfZones () const
 Const access to the surface zones. More...
const vectorFieldSf () const
 Face area vectors (normals) More...
const scalarFieldmagSf () const
 Face area magnitudes. More...
const vectorFieldCf () const
 Face centres. More...
virtual void clear ()
 Clear all storage. More...
virtual void addZones (const UList< surfZone > &, const bool cullEmpty=false)
 Add surface zones. More...
virtual void addZones (const labelUList &sizes, const UList< word > &names, const bool cullEmpty=false)
 Add surface zones. More...
virtual void addZones (const labelUList &sizes, const bool cullEmpty=false)
 Add surface zones. More...
bool addZonesToFaces ()
 Propagate zone information on face regions. More...
virtual void removeZones ()
 Remove surface zones. More...
virtual void movePoints (const pointField &newPoints)
 Move points. More...
virtual void scalePoints (const scalar scaleFactor)
 Scale points. A non-positive factor is ignored. More...
virtual void cleanup (const bool verbose)
 Remove invalid faces. More...
virtual bool stitchFaces (const scalar tol=SMALL, const bool verbose=false)
virtual bool checkFaces (const bool verbose=false)
virtual label nTriangles () const
 Count number of triangles. More...
virtual label nTriangles (List< label > &faceMap) const
 Count number of triangles, returning a face map of original ids. More...
virtual label triangulate ()
 Triangulate in-place, returning the number of triangles added. More...
virtual label triangulate (List< label > &faceMap)
 Triangulate in-place, returning the number of triangles added. More...
template<class BoolListType >
MeshedSurface subsetMesh (const BoolListType &include, labelList &pointMap, labelList &faceMap) const
 Return new surface. More...
MeshedSurface subsetMesh (const bitSet &include) const
 Return new surface. More...
MeshedSurface subsetMesh (const labelHashSet &include) const
 Return new surface. More...
void swap (MeshedSurface< Face > &surf)
 Swap contents. More...
void transfer (pointField &pointLst, List< Face > &faceLst)
 Transfer the components. More...
void transfer (MeshedSurface< Face > &surf)
 Transfer the contents of the argument and annul the argument. More...
void transfer (UnsortedMeshedSurface< Face > &surf)
 Transfer the contents of the argument and annul the argument. More...
autoPtr< MeshedSurface< Face > > releaseGeom ()
 Release (clear) geometry and return for reuse. More...
void swapFaces (List< Face > &faces)
 Swap the stored faces. More...
void swapPoints (pointField &points)
 Swap the stored points. More...
void swapZones (surfZoneList &zones)
 Swap the stored zones. More...
bool read (const fileName &name, const word &ext)
 Read from file. Chooses reader based on explicit extension. More...
void writeStats (Ostream &os) const
void write (const Time &t, const word &surfName=word::null) const
 Write to database. More...
void operator= (const MeshedSurface< Face > &surf)
 Copy assignment. More...
void operator= (MeshedSurface< Face > &&surf)
 Move assignment. More...
 operator MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face > () const
 Conversion operator to MeshedSurfaceProxy. More...
template<class Face>
 MeshedSurface (const MeshedSurface< Face > &surf)
template<class Face>
 MeshedSurface (MeshedSurface< Face > &&surf)
template<class BoolListType >
Foam::MeshedSurface< Face > subsetMesh (const BoolListType &include, labelList &pointMap, labelList &faceMap) const
bool addZonesToFaces ()
 Specialization for labelledTri. More...
bool addZonesToFaces ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void writeAscii (const fileName &filename, const MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face > &surf)
 Write surface mesh components by proxy (as ASCII) More...
static void writeBinary (const fileName &filename, const MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face > &surf)
 Write surface mesh components by proxy (as BINARY) More...
static void writeAscii (const fileName &filename, const UnsortedMeshedSurface< Face > &surf)
 Write UnsortedMeshedSurface (as ASCII) sorted by zone. More...
static void writeBinary (const fileName &filename, const UnsortedMeshedSurface< Face > &surf)
 Write UnsortedMeshedSurface (as BINARY) unsorted by zone. More...
static void write (const fileName &filename, const MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face > &surf, const STLFormat format)
 Write surface mesh components by proxy. More...
static void write (const fileName &filename, const UnsortedMeshedSurface< Face > &surf, const STLFormat format)
 Write UnsortedMeshedSurface. More...
static void write (const fileName &filename, const MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face > &surf, const dictionary &options=dictionary::null)
 Write surface mesh components by proxy. More...
static void write (const fileName &filename, const UnsortedMeshedSurface< Face > &surf, const dictionary &options=dictionary::null)
 Write UnsortedMeshedSurface. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MeshedSurface< Face >
static bool canRead (const fileName &name, bool verbose=false)
 Can we read this file format? More...
static bool canReadType (const word &ext, bool verbose=false)
 Can we read this file format? More...
static bool canWriteType (const word &ext, bool verbose=false)
 Can we write this file format? More...
static wordHashSet readTypes ()
 Known readable file-types. More...
static wordHashSet writeTypes ()
 Known writable file-types. More...
static autoPtr< MeshedSurfaceNew (const fileName &name, const word &ext)
 Select constructed from filename (explicit extension) More...
static autoPtr< MeshedSurfaceNew (const fileName &name)
 Select constructed from filename (implicit extension) More...
static void write (const fileName &name, const MeshedSurface< Face > &surf, const dictionary &options=dictionary::null)
 Write to file, selecting writer based on its extension. More...
static void write (const fileName &name, const word &ext, const MeshedSurface< Face > &surf, const dictionary &options=dictionary::null)
 Write to file, selecting writer based on the given extension. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from MeshedSurface< Face >
typedef Face FaceType
 Face type used. More...
- Public Types inherited from STLCore
 Enumeration for the format of data in the stream. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MeshedSurface< Face >
void transcribe (MeshedSurface< face > &surf)
 Transfer points/zones from 'face' to other other shapes. More...
void checkZones ()
 Basic sanity check on zones. More...
pointFieldstoredPoints ()
 Non-const access to global points. More...
List< Face > & storedFaces ()
 Non-const access to the faces. More...
surfZoneListstoredZones ()
 Non-const access to the zones. More...
void sortFacesAndStore (DynamicList< Face > &unsortedFaces, DynamicList< label > &zoneIds, const bool sorted)
 Sort faces by zones and store sorted faces. More...
virtual void remapFaces (const labelUList &faceMap)
 Set new zones from faceMap. More...
void transcribe (MeshedSurface< face > &surf)
void transcribe (MeshedSurface< face > &surf)
void transcribe (MeshedSurface< face > &surf)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from STLCore
 STLCore ()=default
 Construct null. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from STLCore
static bool isBinaryName (const fileName &filename, const STLFormat format)
 Detect 'stlb' extension as binary when format = UNKNOWN. More...
static int detectBinaryHeader (const fileName &filename)
 Check contents to detect if the file is a binary STL. More...
static autoPtr< std::istream > readBinaryHeader (const fileName &filename, label &nTrisEstimated)
 Read STL binary file header. More...
static void writeBinaryHeader (ostream &os, uint32_t nTris)
 Write STL binary file and number of triangles to stream. More...

Detailed Description

template<class Face>
class Foam::fileFormats::STLsurfaceFormat< Face >

Provide a means of reading/writing STL files (ASCII and BINARY).

For efficiency, the zones are sorted before creating the faces. The class is thus derived from MeshedSurface.
Source files

Definition at line 62 of file STLsurfaceFormat.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ STLsurfaceFormat()

STLsurfaceFormat ( const fileName filename)

Construct from file name.

Definition at line 106 of file STLsurfaceFormat.C.

References Foam::blockMeshTools::read().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~STLsurfaceFormat()

virtual ~STLsurfaceFormat ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ writeAscii() [1/2]

void writeAscii ( const fileName filename,
const MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face > &  surf 

Write surface mesh components by proxy (as ASCII)

Definition at line 203 of file STLsurfaceFormat.C.

References Foam::endl(), Foam::exit(), Foam::faceMap(), MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face >::faceMap(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, IOstream::good(), zone::name(), Foam::nl, MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face >::points(), MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face >::surfFaces(), MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face >::surfZones(), and MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face >::useFaceMap().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ writeBinary() [1/2]

void writeBinary ( const fileName filename,
const MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face > &  surf 

Write surface mesh components by proxy (as BINARY)

Definition at line 257 of file STLsurfaceFormat.C.

References Foam::exit(), f(), Foam::faceMap(), MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face >::faceMap(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face >::nTriangles(), MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face >::points(), MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face >::surfFaces(), MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face >::surfZones(), and MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face >::useFaceMap().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ writeAscii() [2/2]

void writeAscii ( const fileName filename,
const UnsortedMeshedSurface< Face > &  surf 

Write UnsortedMeshedSurface (as ASCII) sorted by zone.

Definition at line 317 of file STLsurfaceFormat.C.

References Foam::exit(), f(), Foam::faceMap(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, IOstream::good(), Foam::nl, UnsortedMeshedSurface< Face >::sortedZones(), and UnsortedMeshedSurface< Face >::zoneToc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ writeBinary() [2/2]

void writeBinary ( const fileName filename,
const UnsortedMeshedSurface< Face > &  surf 

Write UnsortedMeshedSurface (as BINARY) unsorted by zone.

Definition at line 365 of file STLsurfaceFormat.C.

References Foam::exit(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, forAll, and UnsortedMeshedSurface< Face >::zoneIds().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write() [1/5]

void write ( const fileName filename,
const MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face > &  surf,
const STLFormat  format 

Write surface mesh components by proxy.

as ASCII or BINARY or dependent on the extension

Definition at line 424 of file STLsurfaceFormat.C.

References format().

Referenced by STLsurfaceFormat< Face >::write().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write() [2/5]

void write ( const fileName filename,
const UnsortedMeshedSurface< Face > &  surf,
const STLFormat  format 

Write UnsortedMeshedSurface.

as ASCII or BINARY or dependent on the extension

Definition at line 465 of file STLsurfaceFormat.C.

References format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write() [3/5]

void write ( const fileName filename,
const MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face > &  surf,
const dictionary options = dictionary::null 

Write surface mesh components by proxy.

as ASCII or BINARY, depending on the extension

Definition at line 402 of file STLsurfaceFormat.C.

◆ write() [4/5]

void write ( const fileName filename,
const UnsortedMeshedSurface< Face > &  surf,
const dictionary options = dictionary::null 

Write UnsortedMeshedSurface.

as ASCII or BINARY, depending on the extension

Definition at line 443 of file STLsurfaceFormat.C.

◆ read()

bool read ( const fileName filename)

Read from file.

Reimplemented from MeshedSurface< Face >.

Definition at line 118 of file STLsurfaceFormat.C.

References clear(), List< T >::clear(), Foam::faceMap(), forAll, STLReader::mergePointsMap(), STLReader::names(), STLReader::points(), STLReader::sizes(), STLReader::sorted(), Foam::sortedOrder(), and STLReader::zoneIds().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write() [5/5]

virtual void write ( const fileName name,
const dictionary options = dictionary::null 
) const

Write surface mesh to file.

Reimplemented from MeshedSurface< Face >.

Definition at line 174 of file STLsurfaceFormat.H.

References Foam::name(), and STLsurfaceFormat< Face >::write().

Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: