ensightFile Class Reference

Ensight output with specialized write() for strings, integers and floats. Correctly handles binary write as well. More...

Inheritance diagram for ensightFile:
Collaboration diagram for ensightFile:

Public Member Functions

 ensightFile (const fileName &pathname, IOstream::streamFormat format=IOstream::BINARY)
 Construct from pathname. More...
 ensightFile (const fileName &path, const fileName &name, IOstream::streamFormat format=IOstream::BINARY)
 Construct from path and name. More...
 ~ensightFile ()=default
 Destructor. More...
virtual Ostreamwrite (const char *buf, std::streamsize count)
 Binary write. More...
virtual OstreamwriteKeyword (const keyType &key)
 Write element keyword with trailing newline, optionally with undef. More...
OstreamwriteBinaryHeader ()
 Write "C Binary" for binary files (eg, geometry/measured) More...
OstreamwriteUndef ()
 Write undef value. More...
Ostreamwrite (const char *)
 Write C-string as "%79s" or as binary (max 80 chars) More...
Ostreamwrite (const string &)
 Write string as "%79s" or as binary (max 80 chars) More...
Ostreamwrite (const label)
 Write integer as "%10d" or as binary. More...
Ostreamwrite (const label, const label fieldWidth)
 Write integer with specified width or as binary. More...
Ostreamwrite (const scalar)
 Write float as "%12.5e" or as binary. More...
void newline ()
 Add carriage return to ascii stream. More...
void beginPart (const label index)
 Begin a part (0-based index internally). More...
void beginParticleCoordinates (const label nparticles)
 Begin a "particle coordinates" block (measured data) More...
void writeList (const UList< label > &field)
 Write a list of integers as float values. More...
void writeList (const UList< scalar > &field)
 Write a list of floats as "%12.5e" or as binary. More...
void writeList (const UList< scalar > &field, const labelUList &addr)
 Write an indirect list of scalars as "%12.5e" or as binary. More...
virtual bool write (const token &tok)=0
 Inherit write from Ostream. More...
virtual Ostreamwrite (const char c)=0
 Inherit write from Ostream. More...
virtual Ostreamwrite (const char *str)=0
 Inherit write from Ostream. More...
virtual Ostreamwrite (const word &str)=0
 Inherit write from Ostream. More...
virtual Ostreamwrite (const keyType &kw)
 Inherit write from Ostream. More...
virtual Ostreamwrite (const string &str)=0
 Inherit write from Ostream. More...
virtual Ostreamwrite (const int32_t val)=0
 Inherit write from Ostream. More...
virtual Ostreamwrite (const int64_t val)=0
 Inherit write from Ostream. More...
virtual Ostreamwrite (const floatScalar val)=0
 Inherit write from Ostream. More...
virtual Ostreamwrite (const doubleScalar val)=0
 Inherit write from Ostream. More...
virtual Ostreamwrite (const char *data, std::streamsize count)=0
 Inherit write from Ostream. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from OFstream
 ClassName ("OFstream")
 OFstream (const fileName &pathname, streamFormat format=ASCII, versionNumber version=currentVersion, compressionType compression=UNCOMPRESSED, const bool append=false)
 Construct from pathname. More...
 ~OFstream ()=default
 Destructor. More...
virtual std::ostream & stdStream ()
 Access to underlying std::ostream. More...
virtual const std::ostream & stdStream () const
 Const access to underlying std::ostream. More...
void print (Ostream &os) const
 Print description of IOstream to Ostream. More...
virtual const fileNamename () const
 Read/write access to the name of the stream. More...
virtual fileNamename ()
 Read/write access to the name of the stream. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from OSstream
 OSstream (std::ostream &os, const string &name, streamFormat format=ASCII, versionNumber version=currentVersion, compressionType compression=UNCOMPRESSED)
 Construct as wrapper around std::ostream and set stream status. More...
virtual const fileNamename () const
 Return the name of the stream. More...
virtual fileNamename ()
 Return non-const access to the name of the stream. More...
virtual ios_base::fmtflags flags () const
 Return flags of output stream. More...
virtual bool write (const token &tok)
 Write token to stream or otherwise handle it. More...
virtual Ostreamwrite (const char c)
 Write character. More...
virtual Ostreamwrite (const word &str)
 Write word. More...
virtual OstreamwriteQuoted (const std::string &str, const bool quoted=true)
 Write std::string surrounded by quotes. More...
virtual Ostreamwrite (const int32_t val)
 Write int32_t. More...
virtual Ostreamwrite (const int64_t val)
 Write int64_t. More...
virtual Ostreamwrite (const floatScalar val)
 Write floatScalar. More...
virtual Ostreamwrite (const doubleScalar val)
 Write doubleScalar. More...
virtual OstreamwriteRaw (const char *data, std::streamsize count)
 Low-level raw binary output. More...
virtual bool beginRawWrite (std::streamsize count)
 Begin marker for low-level raw binary output. More...
virtual bool endRawWrite ()
 End marker for low-level raw binary output. More...
virtual void indent ()
 Add indentation characters. More...
virtual ios_base::fmtflags flags (const ios_base::fmtflags f)
 Set stream flags. More...
virtual void flush ()
 Flush stream. More...
virtual void endl ()
 Add newline and flush stream. More...
virtual char fill () const
 Get the current padding character. More...
virtual char fill (const char fillch)
 Set padding character for formatted field up to field width. More...
virtual int width () const
 Get width of output field. More...
virtual int width (const int w)
 Set width of output field. More...
virtual int precision () const
 Get precision of output field. More...
virtual int precision (const int p)
 Set precision of output field. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ostream
 Ostream (streamFormat format=ASCII, versionNumber version=currentVersion, compressionType compression=UNCOMPRESSED)
 Construct and set stream status. More...
virtual ~Ostream ()=default
 Destructor. More...
virtual Ostreamwrite (const keyType &kw)
 Write keyType. More...
unsigned short indentSize () const
 Return indent level. More...
unsigned short & indentSize ()
 Access to indent size. More...
unsigned short indentLevel () const
 Return indent level. More...
unsigned short & indentLevel ()
 Access to indent level. More...
void incrIndent ()
 Increment the indent level. More...
void decrIndent ()
 Decrement the indent level. More...
virtual OstreambeginBlock (const keyType &kw)
 Write begin block group with the given name. More...
virtual OstreambeginBlock ()
 Write begin block group without a name. More...
virtual OstreamendBlock ()
 Write end block group. More...
virtual OstreamendEntry ()
 Write end entry (';') followed by newline. More...
template<class T >
OstreamwriteEntry (const keyType &key, const T &value)
 Write a keyword/value entry. More...
template<class T >
OstreamwriteEntryIfDifferent (const word &key, const T &value1, const T &value2)
 Write a keyword/value entry only when the two values differ. More...
Ostreamoperator() () const
 Return a non-const reference to const Ostream. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IOstream
 IOstream (const IOstreamOption option)
 Construct with specified stream option. More...
 IOstream (streamFormat format, versionNumber version, compressionType compression=UNCOMPRESSED)
 Construct with format, version. More...
virtual ~IOstream ()=default
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool check (const char *operation) const
 Check IOstream status for given operation. More...
void fatalCheck (const char *operation) const
 Check IOstream status for given operation. More...
bool opened () const
 Return true if stream has been opened. More...
bool closed () const
 Return true if stream is closed. More...
bool good () const
 Return true if next operation might succeed. More...
bool eof () const
 Return true if end of input seen. More...
bool fail () const
 Return true if next operation will fail. More...
bool bad () const
 Return true if stream is corrupted. More...
 operator bool () const
 Return true if the stream has not failed. More...
bool operator! () const
 Return true if the stream has failed. More...
unsigned labelByteSize () const
 The label byte-size associated with the stream. More...
unsigned scalarByteSize () const
 The scalar byte-size associated with the stream. More...
void setLabelByteSize (unsigned nbytes)
 Set the label byte-size associated with the stream. More...
void setScalarByteSize (unsigned nbytes)
 Set the scalar byte-size associated with the stream. More...
template<class T = label>
std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value, bool >::type checkLabelSize () const
template<class T = scalar>
std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value, bool >::type checkScalarSize () const
label lineNumber () const
 Const access to the current stream line number. More...
labellineNumber ()
 Non-const access to the current stream line number. More...
label lineNumber (const label num)
 Set the stream line number. More...
void setEof ()
 Set stream to have reached eof. More...
void setFail ()
 Set stream to have failed. More...
void setBad ()
 Set stream to be bad. More...
ios_base::fmtflags setf (const ios_base::fmtflags f)
 Set flags of stream. More...
ios_base::fmtflags setf (const ios_base::fmtflags f, const ios_base::fmtflags mask)
 Set flags of given field of stream. More...
void unsetf (const ios_base::fmtflags f)
 Unset flags of stream. More...
void print (Ostream &os, const int streamState) const
 Print information about the stream state bits. More...
InfoProxy< IOstreaminfo () const
 Return info proxy. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IOstreamOption
 IOstreamOption () noexcept
 Construct null. (default: ASCII, uncompressed, currentVersion) More...
 IOstreamOption (streamFormat format) noexcept
 Construct with format. (default: uncompressed, currentVersion) More...
 IOstreamOption (streamFormat format, compressionType compression, versionNumber version=currentVersion) noexcept
 Construct with format and compression, optionally with version. More...
 IOstreamOption (streamFormat format, versionNumber version, compressionType compression) noexcept
 Construct with format, version, compression. More...
streamFormat format () const noexcept
 Get the current stream format. More...
streamFormat format (const streamFormat format) noexcept
 Set the stream format. More...
streamFormat format (const word &formatName)
 Set the stream format, from string value. More...
compressionType compression () const noexcept
 Get the stream compression. More...
compressionType compression (const compressionType comp) noexcept
 Set the stream compression. More...
compressionType compression (const word &compressionName)
 Set the stream compression, from string value. More...
versionNumber version () const noexcept
 Get the stream version. More...
versionNumber version (const versionNumber verNum) noexcept
 Set the stream version. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static const ensightFilenull ()
 Return a null ensightFile. More...
static bool allowUndef ()
 Return setting for whether 'undef' values are allowed in results. More...
static string mask ()
 The '*' mask appropriate for subDir. More...
static string subDir (const label)
 Consistent zero-padded numbers for subdirectories. More...
static void subDirWidth (const label)
 Set width of subDir and mask. Default width is 8 digits. More...
static label subDirWidth ()
 Return current width of subDir and mask. More...
static bool allowUndef (bool enabled)
 Enable/disable use of undef keyword and value. More...
static scalar undefValue (const scalar value)
 Assign the value to represent undef in the results. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IOstream
static unsigned int defaultPrecision ()
 Return the default precision. More...
static unsigned int defaultPrecision (unsigned int prec)
 Reset the default precision. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IOstreamOption
static streamFormat formatEnum (const word &formatName)
 The stream format enum corresponding to the string. More...
static compressionType compressionEnum (const word &compName)
 The compression enum corresponding to the string. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from IOstream
enum  streamAccess : char { CLOSED = 0, OPENED }
 Enumeration for stream open/closed state. More...
- Public Types inherited from IOstreamOption
enum  streamFormat : char { ASCII, BINARY }
 Data format (ascii | binary) More...
enum  compressionType : char { UNCOMPRESSED = 0, COMPRESSED }
 Compression treatment (UNCOMPRESSED | COMPRESSED) More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from IOstream
static unsigned int precision_
 Default precision. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from IOstreamOption
static const Enum< streamFormatformatNames
 Stream format names (ascii, binary) More...
static const versionNumber originalVersion
 The original version number. More...
static const versionNumber currentVersion
 The current version number. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OFstreamAllocator
 OFstreamAllocator (const fileName &pathname, IOstream::compressionType compression=IOstream::UNCOMPRESSED, const bool append=false)
 Construct from pathname. More...
 ~OFstreamAllocator ()
 Destructor. More...
void deallocate ()
 Delete the stream pointer. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IOstream
void setOpened ()
 Set stream opened. More...
void setClosed ()
 Set stream closed. More...
void setState (ios_base::iostate state)
 Set stream state. More...
void setGood ()
 Set stream to be good. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from OFstreamAllocator
std::ostream * allocatedPtr_
 The allocated stream pointer (ofstream or ogzstream). More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Ostream
unsigned short indentSize_ = 4
 Number of spaces per indent level. More...
unsigned short indentLevel_ = 0
 Current indent level. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from IOstream
streamAccess openClosed_
ios_base::iostate ioState_
unsigned short labelByteSize_
 The label byte-size (could also be stored as byte) More...
unsigned short scalarByteSize_
 The scalar byte-size (could also be stored as byte) More...
label lineNumber_
 The file line. More...
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Ostream
static constexpr const unsigned short entryIndentation_ = 16
 Indentation of the entry from the start of the keyword. More...
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from IOstream
static fileName staticName_
 Name for any generic stream - normally treat as readonly. More...

Detailed Description

Ensight output with specialized write() for strings, integers and floats. Correctly handles binary write as well.

Definition at line 54 of file ensightFile.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ensightFile() [1/2]

ensightFile ( const fileName pathname,
IOstream::streamFormat  format = IOstream::BINARY 

Construct from pathname.

The entire pathname is checked for valid ensight naming.

Definition at line 105 of file ensightFile.C.

◆ ensightFile() [2/2]

ensightFile ( const fileName path,
const fileName name,
IOstream::streamFormat  format = IOstream::BINARY 

Construct from path and name.

Only the name portion is checked for valid ensight naming.

Definition at line 117 of file ensightFile.C.

◆ ~ensightFile()

~ensightFile ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ null()

static const ensightFile& null ( )

Return a null ensightFile.

Definition at line 90 of file ensightFile.H.

◆ allowUndef() [1/2]

bool allowUndef ( )

Return setting for whether 'undef' values are allowed in results.

Definition at line 131 of file ensightFile.C.

◆ mask()

Foam::string mask ( )

The '*' mask appropriate for subDir.

Definition at line 49 of file ensightFile.C.

◆ subDir()

Foam::string subDir ( const label  n)

Consistent zero-padded numbers for subdirectories.

Definition at line 55 of file ensightFile.C.

References n.

◆ subDirWidth() [1/2]

void subDirWidth ( const label  n)

Set width of subDir and mask. Default width is 8 digits.

Max width is 31 digits.

Definition at line 64 of file ensightFile.C.

References n.

◆ subDirWidth() [2/2]

Foam::label subDirWidth ( )

Return current width of subDir and mask.

Definition at line 82 of file ensightFile.C.

◆ allowUndef() [2/2]

bool allowUndef ( bool  enabled)

Enable/disable use of undef keyword and value.

Definition at line 137 of file ensightFile.C.

◆ undefValue()

Foam::scalar undefValue ( const scalar  value)

Assign the value to represent undef in the results.

Returns the previous value NB: do not use values larger than floatScalarVGREAT

Definition at line 145 of file ensightFile.C.

◆ write() [1/17]

Foam::Ostream & write ( const char *  buf,
std::streamsize  count 

Binary write.

Reimplemented from OSstream.

Definition at line 157 of file ensightFile.C.

References Foam::BitOps::count(), and Ostream::write().

Referenced by Foam::operator<<(), ensightPartCells::write(), ensightPartFaces::write(), Foam::ensightOutput::writeCloudField(), Foam::ensightOutput::writeCloudPositions(), and Foam::writeMeasured().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ writeKeyword()

Foam::Ostream & writeKeyword ( const keyType key)

Write element keyword with trailing newline, optionally with undef.

Reimplemented from Ostream.

Reimplemented in ensightGeoFile.

Definition at line 285 of file ensightFile.C.

References Foam::vtk::write().

Referenced by ensightWriter::writeCollated(), Foam::ensightOutput::Detail::writeFieldComponents(), and ensightWriter::writeUncollated().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ writeBinaryHeader()

Foam::Ostream & writeBinaryHeader ( )

Write "C Binary" for binary files (eg, geometry/measured)

Definition at line 304 of file ensightFile.C.

References IOstreamOption::BINARY, format(), and Foam::vtk::write().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ writeUndef()

Foam::Ostream & writeUndef ( )

Write undef value.

Definition at line 278 of file ensightFile.C.

References Foam::vtk::write().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write() [2/17]

Foam::Ostream & write ( const char *  value)

Write C-string as "%79s" or as binary (max 80 chars)

Reimplemented from OSstream.

Definition at line 167 of file ensightFile.C.

References IOstreamOption::BINARY, format(), and Foam::vtk::write().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write() [3/17]

Foam::Ostream & write ( const string value)

Write string as "%79s" or as binary (max 80 chars)

Reimplemented from OSstream.

Definition at line 193 of file ensightFile.C.

References Foam::vtk::write().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write() [4/17]

Foam::Ostream & write ( const label  value)

Write integer as "%10d" or as binary.

Definition at line 199 of file ensightFile.C.

References IOstreamOption::BINARY, format(), and Foam::vtk::write().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write() [5/17]

Foam::Ostream & write ( const label  value,
const label  fieldWidth 

Write integer with specified width or as binary.

Definition at line 222 of file ensightFile.C.

References IOstreamOption::BINARY, format(), and Foam::vtk::write().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write() [6/17]

Foam::Ostream & write ( const scalar  value)

Write float as "%12.5e" or as binary.

Definition at line 247 of file ensightFile.C.

References IOstreamOption::BINARY, format(), and Foam::vtk::write().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ newline()

void newline ( )

Add carriage return to ascii stream.

Definition at line 269 of file ensightFile.C.

References IOstreamOption::ASCII, format(), and Foam::nl.

Referenced by ensightPartCells::write(), ensightPartFaces::write(), Foam::ensightOutput::writeCloudField(), and Foam::writeMeasured().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ beginPart()

void beginPart ( const label  index)

Begin a part (0-based index internally).

Definition at line 319 of file ensightFile.C.

References Foam::vtk::write().

Referenced by Foam::ensightOutput::Detail::writeCellField(), Foam::ensightOutput::Detail::writeFaceField(), Foam::ensightOutput::Detail::writeFaceSubField(), Foam::ensightOutput::Detail::writePointField(), and Foam::ensightOutput::Serial::writePointField().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ beginParticleCoordinates()

void beginParticleCoordinates ( const label  nparticles)

Begin a "particle coordinates" block (measured data)

Definition at line 328 of file ensightFile.C.

References Foam::vtk::write().

Referenced by Foam::ensightOutput::writeCloudPositions().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ writeList() [1/3]

void writeList ( const UList< label > &  field)

Write a list of integers as float values.

Definition at line 337 of file ensightFile.C.

References field(), Foam::val, and Foam::vtk::write().

Referenced by Foam::ensightOutput::Detail::writeFieldComponents().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ writeList() [2/3]

void writeList ( const UList< scalar > &  field)

Write a list of floats as "%12.5e" or as binary.

With carriage return after each value (ascii stream)

Definition at line 347 of file ensightFile.C.

References field(), Foam::val, and Foam::vtk::write().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ writeList() [3/3]

void writeList ( const UList< scalar > &  field,
const labelUList addr 

Write an indirect list of scalars as "%12.5e" or as binary.

With carriage return after each value (ascii stream)

Definition at line 367 of file ensightFile.C.

References field(), and Foam::vtk::write().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write() [7/17]

virtual bool write

Inherit write from Ostream.

◆ write() [8/17]

virtual Ostream& write

Inherit write from Ostream.

◆ write() [9/17]

virtual Ostream& write

Inherit write from Ostream.

◆ write() [10/17]

virtual Ostream& write

Inherit write from Ostream.

◆ write() [11/17]

Foam::Ostream & write

Inherit write from Ostream.

Definition at line 51 of file Ostream.C.

◆ write() [12/17]

virtual Ostream& write

Inherit write from Ostream.

◆ write() [13/17]

virtual Ostream& write

Inherit write from Ostream.

◆ write() [14/17]

virtual Ostream& write

Inherit write from Ostream.

◆ write() [15/17]

virtual Ostream& write

Inherit write from Ostream.

◆ write() [16/17]

virtual Ostream& write

Inherit write from Ostream.

◆ write() [17/17]

virtual Ostream& write

Inherit write from Ostream.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: