PDRblock::location Class Reference

Grid locations in an axis direction. More...

Inheritance diagram for PDRblock::location:
Collaboration diagram for PDRblock::location:

Public Member Functions

bool valid () const
 The locations are valid if they contain 2 or more points. More...
label nCells () const
 The number of cells in this direction. More...
label nPoints () const
 The number of points in this direction. More...
bool contains (const scalar p) const
 True if the location is within the range. More...
const scalar & min () const
 The first() value is considered the min value. More...
const scalar & max () const
 The last() value is considered the max value. More...
scalar centre () const
 Mid-point location, zero for an empty list. More...
void checkIndex (const label i) const
 Check that element index is within valid range. More...
scalar width (const label i) const
 Cell size at element position. More...
scalar C (const label i) const
 Cell centre at element position. More...
label findCell (const scalar p) const
 Find the cell index enclosing this location. More...
label findIndex (const scalar p, const scalar tol) const
 Find the grid index, within the given tolerance. More...
const scalar & clip (const scalar &val) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from List< scalar >
constexpr List () noexcept
 Null constructor. More...
 List (const label len)
 Construct with given size. More...
 List (const label len, const scalar &val)
 Construct with given size and value for all elements. More...
 List (const label len, const zero)
 Construct with given size initializing all elements to zero. More...
 List (const one, const scalar &val)
 Construct with length=1, copying the value as the only content. More...
 List (const one, scalar &&val)
 Construct with length=1, moving the value as the only content. More...
 List (const one, const zero)
 Construct with length=1, initializing content to zero. More...
 List (const List< scalar > &a)
 Copy construct from list. More...
 List (const UList< scalar > &a)
 Copy construct contents from list. More...
 List (List< scalar > &a, bool reuse)
 Construct as copy or re-use as specified. More...
 List (const UList< scalar > &list, const labelUList &mapAddressing)
 Construct as subset. More...
 List (InputIterator begIter, InputIterator endIter)
 Construct given begin/end iterators. More...
 List (const FixedList< scalar, N > &list)
 Construct as copy of FixedList<T, N> More...
 List (const PtrList< scalar > &list)
 Construct as copy of PtrList<T> More...
 List (const SLList< scalar > &list)
 Construct as copy of SLList<T> More...
 List (const IndirectListBase< scalar, Addr > &list)
 Construct as copy of IndirectList contents. More...
 List (std::initializer_list< scalar > list)
 Construct from an initializer list. More...
 List (List< scalar > &&list)
 Move construct from List. More...
 List (DynamicList< scalar, SizeMin > &&list)
 Move construct from DynamicList. More...
 List (SortableList< scalar > &&list)
 Move construct from SortableList. More...
 List (SLList< scalar > &&list)
 Move construct from SLList. More...
 List (Istream &is)
 Construct from Istream. More...
autoPtr< List< scalar > > clone () const
 Clone. More...
 ~List ()
 Destructor. More...
void resize (const label newSize)
 Adjust allocated size of list. More...
void resize (const label newSize, const scalar &val)
 Adjust allocated size of list and set val for new elements. More...
void resize (const label newSize)
void setSize (const label newSize)
 Alias for resize(const label) More...
void setSize (const label newSize, const scalar &val)
 Alias for resize(const label, const T&) More...
void clear ()
 Clear the list, i.e. set size to zero. More...
void append (const scalar &val)
 Append an element at the end of the list. More...
void append (scalar &&val)
 Move append an element at the end of the list. More...
void append (const UList< scalar > &list)
 Append a List to the end of this list. More...
void append (const IndirectListBase< scalar, Addr > &list)
 Append IndirectList contents at the end of this list. More...
void transfer (List< scalar > &list)
void transfer (DynamicList< scalar, SizeMin > &list)
void transfer (SortableList< scalar > &list)
scalar & newElmt (const label i)
void operator= (const UList< scalar > &a)
 Assignment to UList operator. Takes linear time. More...
void operator= (const List< scalar > &list)
 Assignment operator. Takes linear time. More...
void operator= (const SLList< scalar > &list)
 Assignment to SLList operator. Takes linear time. More...
void operator= (const IndirectListBase< scalar, Addr > &list)
 Assignment from IndirectList. Takes linear time. More...
void operator= (std::initializer_list< scalar > list)
 Assignment to an initializer list. More...
void operator= (const scalar &val)
 Assignment of all entries to the given value. More...
void operator= (const zero)
 Assignment of all entries to zero. More...
void operator= (List< scalar > &&list)
 Move assignment. Takes constant time. More...
void operator= (DynamicList< scalar, SizeMin > &&list)
 Move assignment. Takes constant time. More...
void operator= (SortableList< scalar > &&list)
 Move assignment. Takes constant time. More...
void operator= (SLList< scalar > &&list)
 Move assignment. Takes constant time. More...
void shallowCopy (const UList< scalar > &)=delete
 No shallowCopy permitted. More...
std::enable_if< std::is_same< bool, TypeT >::value, bool >::type set (const label i, bool val=true)
 A bitSet::set() method for a list of bool. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from List< scalar >
typedef SubList< scalar > subList
 Declare type of subList. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from List< scalar >
static const List< scalar > & null ()
 Return a null List. More...

Detailed Description

Grid locations in an axis direction.

The number of points is one larger than the number of elements it represents

Definition at line 153 of file PDRblock.H.

Member Function Documentation

◆ valid()

bool valid ( ) const

The locations are valid if they contain 2 or more points.

Definition at line 43 of file PDRblockI.H.

◆ nCells()

Foam::label nCells ( ) const

The number of cells in this direction.

Definition at line 49 of file PDRblockI.H.

Referenced by PDRblock::location::findCell().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nPoints()

Foam::label nPoints ( ) const

The number of points in this direction.

Definition at line 55 of file PDRblockI.H.

◆ contains()

bool contains ( const scalar  p) const

True if the location is within the range.

Definition at line 61 of file PDRblockI.H.

References p.

◆ min()

const Foam::scalar & min ( ) const

The first() value is considered the min value.

Definition at line 67 of file PDRblockI.H.

◆ max()

const Foam::scalar & max ( ) const

The last() value is considered the max value.

Definition at line 73 of file PDRblockI.H.

◆ centre()

Foam::scalar centre ( ) const

Mid-point location, zero for an empty list.

Definition at line 79 of file PDRblockI.H.

◆ checkIndex()

void checkIndex ( const label  i) const

Check that element index is within valid range.

Definition at line 85 of file PDRblockI.H.

References Foam::abort(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, and Foam::nl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ width()

Foam::scalar width ( const label  i) const

Cell size at element position.

Definition at line 97 of file PDRblockI.H.

◆ C()

Foam::scalar C ( const label  i) const

Cell centre at element position.

Treats -1 and nCells positions like a halo cell.

Definition at line 107 of file PDRblockI.H.

◆ findCell()

Foam::label findCell ( const scalar  p) const

Find the cell index enclosing this location.

-1 for out-of-bounds

Definition at line 33 of file PDRblockLocation.C.

References Foam::equal(), Foam::findLower(), PDRblock::location::nCells(), and p.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ findIndex()

Foam::label findIndex ( const scalar  p,
const scalar  tol 
) const

Find the grid index, within the given tolerance.

Return -1 for out-of-bounds and -2 for a point that is within bounds, but not aligned with a grid point.

Definition at line 60 of file PDRblockLocation.C.

References delta, Foam::diff(), Foam::mag(), p, and Foam::val.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ clip()

const Foam::scalar & clip ( const scalar &  val) const

If out of range, return the respective min/max limits, otherwise return the value itself.

If the range is invalid, always return the value.

Definition at line 133 of file PDRblockI.H.

References Foam::val.

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