An infinite plane. The plane can be used to cut-out part of the domain, where the mesh in the plane normal direction will be preserved. The plane can be specified according to:
planeEquation Employs the algebraic plane equation:
\[ ax + by + cz + d = 0 \]
Plane defined by point and a normal vector:
plane { type searchablePlane; planeType pointAndNormal; pointAndNormalDict { basePoint (1 1 1); normal (0 1 0); } }
Plane defined by 3 points on the plane:
plane { type searchablePlane; planeType embeddedPoints; embeddedPointsDict { point1 (1 1 1); point2 (0 1 0); point3 (0 0 1) } }
Plane defined by plane equation:
plane { type searchablePlane; planeType planeEquation; planeEquationDict { a 0; b 0; c 1; // to create plane with normal towards +z direction ... d 2; // ... at coordinate: z = 2 } }
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