class Type>
class indexedOctree;
107 scalar& nearestDistSqr,
138 point& intersectionPoint
191 return edgeLabels_.
221 const scalar radiusSqr
Minimal example by using system/controlDict.functions:
void size(const label n)
Older name for setAddressableSize.
Non-pointer based hierarchical recursive searching.
Standard boundBox with extra functionality for use in octree.
Holds data for octree to work on an edges subset.
bool overlaps(const label index, const treeBoundBox &sampleBb) const
Does (bb of) shape at index overlap bb.
const edgeList & edges() const
const labelList & edgeLabels() const
volumeType getVolumeType(const indexedOctree< treeDataEdge > &, const point &) const
Get type (inside,outside,mixed,unknown) of point w.r.t. surface.
pointField shapePoints() const
const pointField & points() const
An enumeration wrapper for classification of a location as being inside/outside of a volume.
#define ClassName(TypeNameString)
Add typeName information from argument TypeNameString to a class.
bool ln(const fileName &src, const fileName &dst)
Create a softlink. dst should not exist. Returns true if successful.