73 inline ijkMesh(
const label nx,
const label ny,
const label nz);
85 inline label
88 inline label
A hexahedral cell primitive.
A simple i-j-k (row-major order) to linear addressing.
A simple i-j-k (row-major order) to linear addressing for a rectilinear mesh. Since the underlying me...
label nInternalFaces() const
The number of internal faces in the i-j-k mesh.
Construct zero-sized.
label nBoundaryFaces() const
The number of boundary faces in the i-j-k mesh.
label pointLabel(const label i, const label j, const label k) const
The linear point index for an i-j-k position.
label nCells() const
The number of mesh cells (nx*ny*nz) in the i-j-k mesh.
label nPoints() const
The number of mesh points (nx+1)*(ny+1)*(nz+1) in the i-j-k mesh.
hexCell vertLabels(const label i, const label j, const label k) const
The hex cell vertices for an i-j-k position.
label cellLabel(const label i, const label j, const label k) const
The linear cell index for an i-j-k position - same as index()
label nFaces() const
The total number of mesh faces in the i-j-k mesh.