fam Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for fam:


file  fam.H [code]
 Namespace of functions to calculate implicit derivatives returning a matrix. Time derivatives are calculated using Euler-implicit, backward differencing or Crank-Nicholson. Spatial derivatives are calculated using Gauss' Theorem.
file  famD2dt2.C [code]
file  famD2dt2.H [code]
file  famDdt.C [code]
file  famDdt.H [code]
 Calculate the matrix for the first temporal derivative.
file  famDiv.C [code]
file  famDiv.H [code]
 Calculate the matrix for the divergence of the given field and flux.
file  famLaplacian.C [code]
file  famLaplacian.H [code]
 Calculate the matrix for the laplacian of the field.
file  famNDiv.C [code]
file  famNDiv.H [code]
 Calculate the matrix for the divergence of the given field and flux.
file  famSup.C [code]
file  famSup.H [code]
 Calculate the finiteArea matrix for implicit and explicit sources.
file  vectorFamDiv.C [code]
file  vectorFamDiv.H [code]
 Specialisation of fam div for a flux.