39 return createAMIFaces_;
51 if (nbrPatchName_.empty())
54 label
patchID = coupleGroup_.findOtherPatchID(*
72 return AMI().srcWeights();
75 return neighbPatch().AMI().tgtWeights();
83 return AMI().srcWeightsSum();
86 return neighbPatch().AMI().tgtWeightsSum();
103 return rotationAxis_;
109 return rotationCentre_;
115 return separationVector_;
static bool & parRun() noexcept
Test if this a parallel run.
Addressing for all faces on surface of mesh. Can either be read from polyMesh or from triSurface....
const bMesh & mesh() const
vectorField & faceAreas0() const
Return access to the initial face areas.
const scalarField & weightsSum() const
Helper function to return the weights sum.
const word & neighbPatchName() const
Neighbour patch name.
const scalarListList & weights() const
Helper function to return the weights.
bool canResetAMI() const
Flag to indicate whether the AMI can be reset.
const vector & separationVector() const
Translation vector for translational cyclic AMI.
scalar fraction() const
Particle fraction increase between AMI pathces.
const point & rotationCentre() const
Point on axis of rotation for rotational cyclic AMI.
const vector & rotationAxis() const
Axis of rotation for rotational cyclic AMI.
vectorField & faceCentres0() const
Return access to the initial face centres.
bool createAMIFaces() const
Return access to the createAMIFaces flag.
bool updatingAMI() const
Return access to the updated flag.
A class for handling words, derived from Foam::string.