The time value with time-stepping information, user-defined remapping, etc.
Construct a zero time state, using the current time formatting.
virtual scalar timeToUserTime(const scalar t) const
Convert the real-time (s) into user-time (e.g. CA deg)
virtual scalar userTimeToTime(const scalar theta) const
Convert the user-time (e.g. CA deg) to real-time (s).
bool outputTime() const noexcept
Deprecated(2016-05) return true if this is a write time.
scalar timeOutputValue() const
Return current time value.
virtual ~TimeState()=default
dimensionedScalar deltaT0() const
Return old time step.
label timeIndex() const noexcept
Return current time index.
scalar deltaTValue() const noexcept
Return time step value.
dimensionedScalar deltaT() const
Return time step.
bool writeTime() const noexcept
True if this is a write time.
scalar deltaT0Value() const noexcept
Return old time step value.