Applications: Fire Modelling with OpenFOAM Course

This course covers the area of fire safety applications for the design of buildings, car parks, tunnels and others.

Course summarises theoretical background behind fire safety simulations including advanced turbulence modelling with LES; combustion modelling in OpenFOAM as well as Lagrangian multiphase flows. A specific chapter is dedicated to the meshing of arbitrary geometry with snappyHexMesh. During the practical sessions, participants will compare different modelling approaches with the well known Steckler validation case. Further cases provide participants with the opportunity to investigate, discuss and understand more complex fire modelling scenarios.

Topics Covered

  • OpenFOAM capabilities for fire modelling
  • Best Practices for the meshing of complex geometries using snappyHexMesh
  • Turbulence modelling with LES and DES
  • Combustion modelling – reaction kinetic schemes, EDM
  • Radiation model setup – P1, DOM
  • Smoke extraction and ventilation
  • Modelling jet fans, ventilators and other boundary conditions
  • Best practices for numerics and efficient parallel running

Application Areas

  • Compartment fires
  • Pool fires
  • Smoke ventilation


  • Efficient parallel running
  • Numerical treatment on unstructured meshes
  • Advanced post-processing with ParaView and specific function objects

Course details


OpenCFD delivers this virtual course via your laptop’s web connection. Running any operating system (Windows, Linux, Mac OS), linked using secure ssh connection and remote desktop via VNC, you are given a secure personal login to ESI Cloud to run all OpenFOAM training exercises. Audio-visual link to the Trainer is made through a web-meeting.


For online courses, users will receive a printable pdf with a manual containing the course presentation and additional materials.
Classroom attendees will receive a high-quality, A5-sized (80-100 page) wire-bound manual containing the course presentation and additional materials.
Please note: registration and payment for classroom courses must be completed at least 10 days in advance of the training date to allow sufficient time for material delivery.


The language used in all OpenFOAM courses is English. Translations or delivery in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages are available on request.

Course times

1 day: Delivery times are suitable for attendees in EMEA time zones (Europe, Middle East and Africa). Delivery in other time-zones can be arranged on request, please contact us for details.

Target audience

This Fire Modelling with OpenFOAM course is suitable for existing users of OpenFOAM seeking to broaden their application knowledge, background knowledge and CFD best practice knowledge for CFD fire safety prediction.


Prior knowledge of OpenFOAM, C++, Linux via the Foundation course is beneficial.