v2106: OpenFOAM Community
Community contributions
The release of OpenFOAM v2106 builds upon ongoing efforts to engage the wider OpenFOAM community to unify OpenFOAM developments, acknowledging the efforts of contributions from outside of the core OpenFOAM team.
If you would like to explore the possibility to collaborate and include your developments, please contact us.
Thank you
A big Thank you to the following people who contributed to OpenFOAM since the last release.
Contributions to the issue tracker:
- @hikassem (Hassan Kassem): block face orientation checks don't consider the curved edges GL#1925
- @Ramkumar47 (Ramkumar): Paraview_plugins compilation error GL#1926
- @knowlesrd (Robin): Possible typo in solidProperties.C variable name definition GL#1927
- @johan_roenby (Johan Roenby): BUG: geometricVoF included twice in interIsoFoam/Make/options GL#1928
- @significantcell2 (s.o.matrous): foamMonitor: Adding possibility to specify the file using process substitution GL#1931
- @m-tamura (Mamoru Tamura): A minus sign is missing in Lee.C of icoReactingMultiphaseInterFoam GL#1934
- @volker-weissmann (Volker Weißmann): Merge Request: Better C++ language server and Visual Studio Code support. GL#1936
- @Ricky-11 (Riccardo Rossi): Alpha.water/particles behavior in multiple rotating frame GL#1941
- @carpemonf (Carlos Peña-Monferrer): Accessing field in codedSource with codeCorrect GL#1943
- @vaggelisp (Vaggelis Papoutsis): BUG: problem with collated format and writing of NURBS3DVolume control points GL#1947
- @vaggelisp (Vaggelis Papoutsis): BUG: First extrapolated value of the merit function is computed wrongly GL#1948
- @Henning86 (Henning Scheufler): interIsoFoam crashes with AMR with load balancing GL#1955
- @robertsawko (Robert Manson-Sawko): Incorrect eigenvalues for a symmetric positive-definite matrix GL#1957
- @louisgag (Louis): displacementLaplacian cannot handle rotations > 90° GL#1959
- @carpemonf (Carlos Peña-Monferrer): scaledFixedValue error with pimpleFoam GL#1960
- @Richard97 (Richard Love): Attempt to cast type zeroGradient to type nutWallFunction GL#1966
- @majksner (Nikola Majksner): The dummy Pstream library cannot be used in parallel mode GL#1970
- @Ernarasim (Luxmi Narasimman): Solid particle injection and mesh size issue in simpleReactingParcelFoam GL#1971
- @brecht.devolder (Brecht Devolder): Incompressible non-uniform density turbulent model for VOF not compatible with multiphaseStabilizedTurbulence fvOption GL#1972
- @DavinciiG (David Gomez): apt-get update error : It seems that the xenial distribution does not exits? GL#1975
- @fzilic (Federico Zilic): Possible bug in prescribedRotation restrain GL#1976
- @blttkgl (Bulut Tekgul): Contribution: Dynamic load balancing for combustion simulations GL#1977
- @atuljaiswal (Atul Jaiswal): bug in using function objects such as yPlus and wallShearStress with DPMFoam solver GL#1978
- @johan_roenby (Johan Roenby): Problem with totalFlux calculation in adjustPhi GL#1979
- @johan_roenby (Johan Roenby): fixedNormalSlipFvPatchField does not write its value GL#1981
- @simrego (Simon): BUG in nearestPatchFaceAMI between regions (v2012) GL#1982
- @volker-weissmann (Volker Weißmann): Meson build system GL#1984
- @RenaudGaban (Renaud Gaban): snappyHexMesh : unwanted illimited refinement between curved triangulated surfaces GL#1985
- @Henning86 (Henning Scheufler): FunctionObject from foamNewFunctionObject does not compile GL#1987
- @apatel (Akash Patel): Feature: Mesh motion and adaptive mesh refinement GL#1989
- @furtak (Eden Furtak-Cole): Possible bug in snappyHexMesh for large coordinates GL#1990
- @significantcell2 (s.o.matrous): Problem with reconstructPar GL#1991
- @jairogut (Jairo Andrés Gutiérrez): Error tracking a particle when the containing cell is unrefined (DPMDyMFoam) GL#1992
- @volker-weissmann (Volker Weißmann): PR: Nonexisiting includes GL#1993
- @volker-weissmann (Volker Weißmann): Dead code, Unused files GL#1994
- @lumpor (Fabian Friberg): Docker container feedback GL#2001
- @Ricky-11 (Riccardo Rossi): Potential bug with explicitPorositySource when using a cylindrical reference system GL#2004
- @majksner (Nikola Majksner): Possible memory leak in setFields with surfaceToCell GL#2006
- @h.norouzi (Hamidreza Norouzi): Interfacial Composition Model formulation GL#2008
- @Zype77 (Fabien Farella): Manually updating cellDisplacement in displacementMotionSolver GL#2009
- @xuegy (Guanyang Xue): Can't compile with eigenVectors() GL#2011
- @rcd (Ryan Danks): SetExprFields fails when run from the command line GL#2012
- @xuegy (Guanyang Xue): wmake-with-bear doesn't work with macOS properly GL#2013
- @rcd (Ryan Danks): Usability enhancements for expression based BC's and utilities GL#2014
- @HappyKiter (Michael Alletto): interIsoFoam runs into an endless loop GL#2016
- @vaggelisp (Vaggelis Papoutsis): Potential problem with reading an IOdictionary containing binary data GL#2017
- @xuegy (Guanyang Xue): 'fourth' snGrad Scheme GL#2018
- @Henning86 (Henning Scheufler): flowrate(Inlet/Outlet)velocity division by zero GL#2025
- @simrego (Simon): twoPhaseMixtureThermo + solidificationMeltingSource GL#2026
- @ah (Andras): snappyHexMesh fails to detect locationInMesh on ARM64 v8 GL#2030
- @hikassem (Hassan Kassem): atmFlatTerrain precursor atmAmbientTurbSource setup GL#2031
- @fedeOF (Federico): Bug: reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam does not reproduce the analytical solution for the Sod Shock tube problem GL#2033
- @choist31 (sung won choi): chtMultiRegionTwoPhaseEulerFoam runing issue according OF version GL#2037
- @ee (du l): Wall parameter oscillation of flow field behind shock wave GL#2038
- @significantcell2 (s.o.matrous): Renumbering mesh results in high non-orthogonality and skewness GL#2043
- @t-karatsu (Tomoki, Karatsu): Add Function suggestion: Add Fujitsu-MPI for A64FX. GL#2044
- @choist31 (sung won choi): fvOptions SemiImplicitSource issue GL#2045
- @wyj216 (Youjiang Wang): ccmToFoam -merge option leads to negative volume mesh GL#2048
- @rvadrabade (RAHUL VADRABADE): Is Foam::multiphaseMixture::surfaceTensionForce() depends on phase order in transportProperties? GL#2051
- @MartinK99 (Martins Klevs): IsoAdvector unphysical alpha separation at sharp, high curvature boundary layers GL#2052
- @fof3822 (Franz D): Phase-constrained ScalarTransport only diffusive and not phase-constrained GL#2053
- @Hasenoch (MINHAO XU): Question about GAMG solver strategy (only V cycles currently) GL#2054
- @jonggwan (DO, JONG GWAN): Intel compiler update including oneAPI compiler GL#2056
- @YDE_1981 (Yogesh Deshmukh): mapFieldsPar not execute on windows OS with source path in forward slashes GL#2057
- @Patil (Sandeep): Windows OpenFOAM version not writing field files with name including ":" GL#2058
- @lin (Hua Zen): sixDoFRigidBodyState functions does not work for overInterDyMFoam solver GL#2059
- @hcsala (Hunor Csala): Wrong initialization of stepFraction_ in particle.C GL#2060
- @Venu41 (Angirekula Venu): Discrepancy with phi(mass flowrate) calculation at the patch with buoyantSimpleFoam solver. GL#2061
- @elorriaux (Etienne Lorriaux): reconstructPar fails to reconstruct pointDisplacement field with ACMI GL#2062
- @martinHeinrich (Martin Heinrich): rhoCentralDyMFoam + maxwellSlipU = Crash GL#2064
- @zein.elserfy (zein elserfy): surfaceFieldValue is not exporting fields using sampledSurface GL#2066
- @jdefoe (Jeff Defoe): linesample function object does not work correctly if line crosses processor boundaries GL#2067
- @Ramkumar47 (Ramkumar): update dependencies OpenSUSE Leap 15.2 GL#2068
- @carpemonf (Carlos Peña-Monferrer): Possible bug in Fuchs-Knudsen evaporation model GL#2069
- @johan_roenby (Johan Roenby): Dead link on homepage GL#2074
- @Mortesins (Mortesins): OpenFOAM v2012 writes following links GL#2075
- @Henning86 (Henning Scheufler): planned changes to geometricVoF GL#2076
- @MikeBaz (Michael Bazarewsky): Missing "make" causes misleading error about missing C++ compiler rule GL#2077
- @dhora (David Hora): Crash with dynamicMotionSolverFvMeshAMI GL#2078
- @Zymorui (Hendrik Hetmann): DEShybrid leads to crash for single and mixed precision versions of OpenFOAM GL#2082
- @majksner (Nikola Majksner): snappyHexMesh bumps (bulges) when using different refinementSurfaces levels GL#2085
- @CFDanielGER (Daniel Stuntz): Function randomise only applicable to entire flow regions, but not to sets or zones GL#2086
- @Mark.Yobb (Mark Yobb): blockMesh fails when mergePatchPairs is used and regions are declared GL#2088
- @Henning86 (Henning Scheufler): Style: PDRFOAM GL#2091
- @jairogut (Jairo Andrés Gutiérrez): manualInjection fails with sprayFoam GL#2096
- @chen112p (Junting Chen): BUG: atmBoundaryLayerInlet GL#2101
- @chen112p (Junting Chen): BUG: force write into a separated file instead of overwriting GL#2102
- @Mark.Yobb (Mark Yobb): foamMonitor complains when viewing solverinfo.dat files and creates a STDERR stream plus line colors are duplicated GL#2104
- @matteomo (Matteo Montecchia): Inconsistent foamToVTK -legacy with previous versions GL#2105
- @louisgag (Louis): allow overset hole to be further away from the wall patch GL#2106
- @tonyladd (Tony Ladd): Coded BC does not parse parameter values GL#2107
- @zein.elserfy (zein elserfy): UMean is not found for acousticDampingSource calculations GL#2109
- @Siassei (Thomas Enzinger): Custom option from shared library does not execute addsup GL#2110
- @scleakey (Shannon Leakey): cellLimited limiter is not differentiable GL#2113
- @pcaron (Pablo Caron): SnappyHexMesh doesn't create layers on a not aligned surface GL#2115
- @fractalss (Saurav Mitra): reactingFoam laminar combustion solver not running for v2012 GL#2116
- @Zymorui (Hendrik Hetmann): codedFunctionObjects: Info stream in #codeRead is executed twice + Feature request: Info stream number of total cells to standard log. GL#2117
- @JaniS (Jani Sandgren): functionObject momentum doesn't write into time folders GL#2121
- @mfricke (George Fricke): Illegal Operand when OpenFoam is compiled with GCC GL#2123