

The interfaceHeight function object reports the height of the interface above a set of locations. For each location, it writes the vertical distance of the interface above both the location and the lowest boundary. It also writes the point on the interface from which these heights are computed. It uses an integral approach, so if there are multiple interfaces above or below a location then this method will generate average values.


Operand Type Location
input - -
output file 1 dat $FOAM_CASE/postProcessing/<FO>/<time>/height
output file 2 dat $FOAM_CASE/postProcessing/<FO>/<time>/position
output field - -


Example of the interfaceHeight function object by using functions sub-dictionary in system/controlDict file:

    // Mandatory entries (unmodifiable)
    type            interfaceHeight;
    libs            (fieldFunctionObjects);

    // Mandatory entries (runtime modifiable)
    locations       ((0 0 0) (10 0 0) (20 0 0));

    // Optional entries (runtime modifiable)
    alpha           alpha.water;
    liquid          true;
    direction       (1 0 0);
    interpolationScheme    cellPoint;

    // Optional (inherited) entries
    writePrecision  8;
    writeToFile     true;
    useUserTime     true;
    region          region0;
    enabled         true;
    log             true;
    timeStart       0;
    timeEnd         1000;
    executeControl  timeStep;
    executeInterval 1;
    writeControl    timeStep;
    writeInterval   1;

where the entries mean:

Property Description Type Required Default
type Type name: interfaceHeight word yes -
libs Library name: fieldFunctionObjects word yes -
locations Locations to report the height at vectorList yes -
alpha Name of alpha field word no alpha
liquid Flag if the alpha field that of the liquid bool no true
direction Direction of interface vector no g
interpolationScheme Interpolation scheme word no cellPoint

The inherited entries are elaborated in:

Usage by the postProcess utility is not available.

Further information


Source code:


  • Introduced in version v2006