Surface interpolation schemes
Collaboration diagram for Surface interpolation schemes:


 Limited interpolation schemes


class  cellCoBlended< Type >
 Two-scheme cell-based Courant number based blending differencing scheme. More...
class  CentredFitScheme< Type, Polynomial, Stencil >
 Centred fit surface interpolation scheme which applies an explicit correction to linear. More...
class  clippedLinear< Type >
 Central-differencing interpolation scheme using clipped-weights to improve stability on meshes with very rapid variations in cell size. More...
class  CoBlended< Type >
 Two-scheme Courant number based blending differencing scheme. More...
class  cubic< Type >
 Cubic interpolation scheme class derived from linear and returns linear weighting factors but also applies an explicit correction. More...
class  downwind< Type >
 Downwind differencing scheme class. More...
class  fixedBlended< Type >
 Two-scheme fixed-blending differencing scheme. More...
class  harmonic
 Harmonic-mean differencing scheme class. More...
class  limiterBlended< Type >
 Blends two specified schemes using the limiter function provided by a limitedSurfaceInterpolationScheme. More...
class  linear< Type >
 Central-differencing interpolation scheme class. More...
class  linearUpwind< Type >
 linearUpwind interpolation scheme class derived from upwind and returns upwind weighting factors and also applies a gradient-based explicit correction. More...
class  localBlended< Type >
 Two-scheme localBlended differencing scheme. More...
class  localMax< Type >
 LocalMax-mean differencing scheme class. More...
class  localMin< Type >
 LocalMin-mean differencing scheme class. More...
class  LUST< Type >
 LUST: Linear-upwind stabilised transport. More...
class  midPoint< Type >
 Mid-point interpolation (weighting factors = 0.5) scheme class. More...
class  outletStabilised< Type >
 Outlet-stabilised interpolation scheme which applies upwind differencing to the faces of the cells adjacent to outlets. More...
class  pointLinear< Type >
 Face-point interpolation scheme class derived from linear and returns linear weighting factors but also applies an explicit correction. More...
class  PureUpwindFitScheme< Type, Polynomial, Stencil >
 Upwind biased fit surface interpolation scheme that applies an explicit correction to upwind. More...
class  reverseLinear< Type >
 Inversed weight central-differencing interpolation scheme class. More...
class  skewCorrected< Type >
 Skewness-corrected interpolation scheme that applies an explicit correction to given scheme. More...
class  UpwindFitScheme< Type, Polynomial, Stencil >
 Upwind biased fit surface interpolation scheme that applies an explicit correction to linear. More...
class  weighted< Type >
 Interpolation scheme class using weights looked-up from the objectRegistry. More...

Detailed Description

This group contains finite volume surface interpolation schemes