isoSurfaceBase Class Reference

Low-level components common to various iso-surface algorithms. More...

Inheritance diagram for isoSurfaceBase:
Collaboration diagram for isoSurfaceBase:

Public Types

enum  cutType : uint8_t {
  NOTCUT = 0, CUT = 0x1, TETCUT = 0x2, SPHERE = 0x4,
  ANYCUT = 0xF, UNVISITED = 0x10, BLOCKED = 0x20, SPECIAL = 0xF0
 The type of cell/face cuts. More...
enum  algorithmType
 The algorithm types. More...
enum  filterType
 The filtering (regularization) to apply. More...
- Public Types inherited from MeshedSurface< Face >
typedef Face face_type
 The face type (same as the underlying PrimitivePatch) More...
typedef point point_type
 The point type (same as the underlying PrimitivePatch) More...
- Public Types inherited from isoSurfaceParams
enum  algorithmType : uint8_t { ALGO_DEFAULT = 0, ALGO_TOPO, ALGO_CELL, ALGO_POINT }
 The algorithm types. More...
enum  filterType : uint8_t {
 The filtering (regularization) to apply. More...

Public Member Functions

 isoSurfaceBase (const polyMesh &mesh, const scalarField &cellValues, const scalarField &pointValues, const scalar iso, const isoSurfaceParams &params=isoSurfaceParams())
 Construct with mesh, cell/point values and iso-value. More...
const polyMeshmesh () const noexcept
 The mesh for which the iso-surface is associated. More...
const scalarFieldcellValues () const noexcept
 The mesh cell values used for creating the iso-surface. More...
const scalarFieldpointValues () const noexcept
 The mesh point values used for creating the iso-surface. More...
scalar isoValue () const noexcept
 The iso-value associated with the surface. More...
const labelListmeshCells () const noexcept
 For each face, the original cell in mesh. More...
labelListmeshCells () noexcept
 For each face, the original cell in mesh. More...
label blockCells (UList< cutType > &cuts, const bitSet &ignoreCells) const
 Mark ignoreCells as BLOCKED. More...
label blockCells (UList< cutType > &cuts, const boundBox &bb, const volumeType::type volType) const
 Mark cells inside/outside a (valid) bound box as BLOCKED. More...
void ignoreCyclics ()
 Set ignoreBoundaryFaces to ignore cyclics (cyclicACMI) More...
label calcCellCuts (List< cutType > &cuts) const
 Populate a list of candidate cell cuts using getCellCutType() More...
cutType getFaceCutType (const label facei) const
 Determine face cut for an individual face. More...
cutType getCellCutType (const label celli) const
virtual tmp< Field< scalar > > interpolate (const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &cellValues, const Field< scalar > &pointValues) const
 interpolate scalar cellValues, pointValues on iso-surface More...
virtual tmp< Field< vector > > interpolate (const GeometricField< vector, fvPatchField, volMesh > &cellValues, const Field< vector > &pointValues) const
 interpolate vector cellValues, pointValues on iso-surface More...
virtual tmp< Field< sphericalTensor > > interpolate (const GeometricField< sphericalTensor, fvPatchField, volMesh > &cellValues, const Field< sphericalTensor > &pointValues) const
 interpolate sphericalTensor cellValues, pointValues on iso-surface More...
virtual tmp< Field< symmTensor > > interpolate (const GeometricField< symmTensor, fvPatchField, volMesh > &cellValues, const Field< symmTensor > &pointValues) const
 interpolate symmTensor cellValues, pointValues on iso-surface More...
virtual tmp< Field< tensor > > interpolate (const GeometricField< tensor, fvPatchField, volMesh > &cellValues, const Field< tensor > &pointValues) const
 interpolate tensor cellValues, pointValues on iso-surface More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MeshedSurface< Face >
 ClassName ("MeshedSurface")
 Declare type-name (with debug switch) More...
 MeshedSurface ()
 Default construct, an empty surface. More...
 MeshedSurface (const MeshedSurface &surf)
 Copy construct. More...
 MeshedSurface (const UnsortedMeshedSurface< Face > &surf)
 Copy construct from an UnsortedMeshedSurface. More...
 MeshedSurface (MeshedSurface &&surf)
 Move construct. More...
 MeshedSurface (UnsortedMeshedSurface< Face > &&surf)
 Move construct from an UnsortedMeshedSurface. More...
 MeshedSurface (const pointField &pointLst, const UList< Face > &faceLst, const UList< surfZone > &zoneLst)
 Copy construct from components (points, faces, zones). More...
 MeshedSurface (pointField &&pointLst, List< Face > &&faceLst, const UList< surfZone > &zoneLst)
 Move construct from components (points, faces). More...
 MeshedSurface (const pointField &pointLst, const UList< Face > &faceLst, const labelUList &zoneSizes=labelUList(), const UList< word > &zoneNames=UList< word >())
 Copy construct from components (points, faces). More...
 MeshedSurface (pointField &&pointLst, List< Face > &&faceLst, const labelUList &zoneSizes=labelUList(), const UList< word > &zoneNames=UList< word >())
 Move construct from components (points, faces). More...
 MeshedSurface (const polyBoundaryMesh &bMesh, const bool globalPoints=false)
 Construct from a boundary mesh with local points/faces. More...
 MeshedSurface (const surfMesh &mesh)
 Construct from a surfMesh. More...
 MeshedSurface (const fileName &name)
 Construct from file name (uses extension to determine type) More...
 MeshedSurface (const fileName &name, const word &fileType)
 Construct from file name and given file type. More...
 MeshedSurface (Istream &is)
 Construct from Istream. More...
 MeshedSurface (const Time &runTime)
 Construct from database (as surfMesh) with default name. More...
 MeshedSurface (const Time &runTime, const word &surfName)
 Construct from database (as surfMesh) with given surface name. More...
 MeshedSurface (const IOobject &io, const dictionary &dict, const bool isGlobal=true)
 Read construct using IO to find the file location. More...
 declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, MeshedSurface, fileExtension,(const fileName &name),(name))
virtual ~MeshedSurface ()
 Destructor. More...
 declareMemberFunctionSelectionTable (void, UnsortedMeshedSurface, write, fileExtension,(const fileName &name, const MeshedSurface< Face > &surf, IOstreamOption streamOpt, const dictionary &options),(name, surf, streamOpt, options))
label size () const
 The surface size is the number of faces. More...
const List< Face > & surfFaces () const
 Return const access to the faces. More...
const labelListfaceIds () const
 Return const access to faces ids. More...
const surfZoneListsurfZones () const
 Const access to the surface zones. More...
const vectorFieldSf () const
 Face area vectors (normals) More...
const scalarFieldmagSf () const
 Face area magnitudes. More...
const vectorFieldCf () const
 Face centres. More...
virtual void clear ()
 Clear all storage. More...
virtual void addZones (const UList< surfZone > &, const bool cullEmpty=false)
 Add surface zones. More...
virtual void addZones (const labelUList &sizes, const UList< word > &names, const bool cullEmpty=false)
 Add surface zones. More...
virtual void addZones (const labelUList &sizes, const bool cullEmpty=false)
 Add surface zones. More...
bool addZonesToFaces ()
 Propagate zone information on face regions. More...
virtual void removeZones ()
 Remove surface zones. More...
virtual void movePoints (const pointField &newPoints)
 Move points. More...
virtual void scalePoints (const scalar scaleFactor)
 Scale points. A non-positive factor is ignored. More...
virtual void cleanup (const bool verbose)
 Remove invalid faces. More...
virtual void compactPoints (labelList &pointMap=const_cast< labelList & >(labelList::null()))
 Remove unused points and renumber faces in local visit order. More...
virtual bool stitchFaces (const scalar tol=SMALL, const bool verbose=false)
virtual bool checkFaces (const bool verbose=false)
virtual label nTriangles () const
 Count number of triangles. More...
virtual label nTriangles (labelList &faceMap) const
 Count number of triangles, returning a face map of original ids. More...
virtual label triangulate ()
 Triangulate in-place, returning the number of triangles added. More...
virtual label triangulate (labelList &faceMap)
 Triangulate in-place, returning the number of triangles added. More...
template<class BoolListType >
void subsetMeshMap (const BoolListType &include, labelList &pointMap, labelList &faceMap) const
 Create mappings for a sub-surface. More...
MeshedSurface subsetMesh (const UList< bool > &include, labelList &pointMap, labelList &faceMap) const
 Return a new surface subsetted on the selected faces. More...
MeshedSurface subsetMesh (const bitSet &include, labelList &pointMap, labelList &faceMap) const
 Return a new surface subsetted on the selected faces. More...
MeshedSurface subsetMesh (const UList< bool > &include) const
 Return a new surface subsetted on the selected faces. More...
MeshedSurface subsetMesh (const bitSet &include) const
 Return a new surface subsetted on the selected faces. More...
MeshedSurface subsetMesh (const wordRes &includeNames, const wordRes &excludeNames=wordRes()) const
 Return a new surface subsetted on the selected zone names. More...
void swap (MeshedSurface< Face > &surf)
 Swap contents. More...
void transfer (pointField &pointLst, List< Face > &faceLst)
 Transfer the components. More...
void transfer (MeshedSurface< Face > &surf)
 Transfer the contents of the argument and annul the argument. More...
void transfer (UnsortedMeshedSurface< Face > &surf)
 Transfer the contents of the argument and annul the argument. More...
autoPtr< MeshedSurface< Face > > releaseGeom ()
 Release (clear) geometry and return for reuse. More...
void swapFaces (List< Face > &faces)
 Swap the stored faces. Use with caution. More...
void swapPoints (pointField &points)
 Swap the stored points. More...
bool read (const fileName &name, const word &fileType)
 Read from file. Chooses reader based on explicit extension. More...
virtual bool read (const fileName &name)
 Read from file. Chooses reader based on detected extension. More...
void writeStats (Ostream &os) const
virtual void write (const fileName &name, IOstreamOption streamOpt=IOstreamOption(), const dictionary &options=dictionary::null) const
 Generic write routine. Chooses writer based on extension. More...
virtual void write (const fileName &name, const word &fileType, IOstreamOption streamOpt=IOstreamOption(), const dictionary &options=dictionary::null) const
 Generic write routine for given format type. More...
void write (const Time &runTime, const word &surfName=word::null) const
 Write to database. More...
void operator= (const MeshedSurface< Face > &surf)
 Copy assignment. More...
void operator= (MeshedSurface< Face > &&surf)
 Move assignment. More...
 operator MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face > () const
 Conversion operator to MeshedSurfaceProxy. More...
template<class Face>
 MeshedSurface (const MeshedSurface< Face > &surf)
template<class Face>
 MeshedSurface (MeshedSurface< Face > &&surf)
bool addZonesToFaces ()
 Specialization for labelledTri. More...
bool addZonesToFaces ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from isoSurfaceParams
 isoSurfaceParams (const algorithmType algo=algorithmType::ALGO_DEFAULT, const filterType filter=filterType::DIAGCELL) noexcept
 Default construct, or with specified algorithm. More...
 isoSurfaceParams (const dictionary &dict, const isoSurfaceParams &params=isoSurfaceParams())
 Default construct, setting parameters from dictionary. More...
 isoSurfaceParams (const dictionary &dict, const algorithmType algo, const filterType filter=filterType::DIAGCELL)
 Default construct, setting parameters from dictionary. More...
algorithmType algorithm () const noexcept
 Get current algorithm. More...
void algorithm (algorithmType algo) noexcept
 Set algorithm. More...
filterType filter () const noexcept
 Get current filter type. More...
void filter (filterType fltr) noexcept
 Set filter type. More...
bool snap () const noexcept
 Get point snapping flag. More...
void snap (bool on) noexcept
 Set point snapping flag. More...
scalar mergeTol () const noexcept
 Get current merge tolerance. More...
void mergeTol (const scalar relTol) noexcept
 Set merge tolerance (cell/point algo) More...
const boundBoxgetClipBounds () const noexcept
 Get optional clipping bounding box. More...
boundBoxgetClipBounds () noexcept
 Access optional clipping bounding box. More...
void setClipBounds (const boundBox &bb)
 Set optional clipping bounding box. More...
void print (Ostream &os) const
 Print information about the settings. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static autoPtr< isoSurfaceBaseNew (const isoSurfaceParams &params, const volScalarField &cellValues, const scalarField &pointValues, const scalar iso, const bitSet &ignoreCells=bitSet())
 Create for specified algorithm type. More...
static void resetCuts (UList< cutType > &cuts)
 Restore non-BLOCKED state to an UNVISITED state. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MeshedSurface< Face >
static wordHashSet readTypes ()
 Known readable file-types, without friends or proxies. More...
static wordHashSet writeTypes ()
 Known writable file-types, without friends or proxies. More...
static bool canReadType (const word &fileType, bool verbose=false)
 Can we read this file format? Also checks friend types. More...
static bool canWriteType (const word &fileType, bool verbose=false)
 Can we write this file format? Also checks proxy types. More...
static bool canRead (const fileName &name, bool verbose=false)
 Can we read this file format? More...
static autoPtr< MeshedSurfaceNew (const fileName &name, const word &fileType, bool mandatory=true)
 Read construct from filename with given file type. More...
static autoPtr< MeshedSurfaceNew (const fileName &name)
 Read construct from filename (file type implicit from extension) More...
static void write (const fileName &name, const MeshedSurface< Face > &surf, IOstreamOption streamOpt=IOstreamOption(), const dictionary &options=dictionary::null)
 Write to file, selecting writer based on its extension. More...
static void write (const fileName &name, const word &fileType, const MeshedSurface< Face > &surf, IOstreamOption streamOpt=IOstreamOption(), const dictionary &options=dictionary::null)
 Write to file, selecting writer based on the given extension. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from isoSurfaceParams
static algorithmType getAlgorithmType (const dictionary &dict, const algorithmType deflt)
 Get 'isoMethod' or 'isoAlgorithm' as enumeration. More...
static filterType getFilterType (const dictionary &dict, const filterType deflt)
 Get 'regularise' as bool or enumeration. More...

Protected Types

typedef meshedSurface Mesh
typedef cutType cellCutType

Protected Member Functions

template<class Type >
tmp< Field< Type > > interpolateTemplate (const GeometricField< Type, fvPatchField, volMesh > &cellValues, const Field< Type > &pointValues) const
 Dummy templated interpolate method. More...
 isoSurfaceBase (const isoSurfaceBase &)=delete
 No copy construct. More...
void operator= (const isoSurfaceBase &)=delete
 No copy assignment. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MeshedSurface< Face >
void transcribe (MeshedSurface< face > &surf)
 Transfer points/zones from 'face' to other other shapes. More...
void checkZones (const bool verbose=true)
 Sanity check/resizing on zones. More...
pointFieldstoredPoints ()
 Non-const access to global points. More...
List< Face > & storedFaces ()
 Non-const access to the faces. More...
labelListstoredFaceIds ()
 Non-const access to face ids. More...
surfZoneListstoredZones ()
 Non-const access to the zones. More...
void sortFacesAndStore (DynamicList< Face > &unsortedFaces, DynamicList< label > &zoneIds, DynamicList< label > &elemIds, bool sorted)
 Sort faces by zones and store sorted faces. More...
virtual void remapFaces (const labelUList &faceMapNewToOld)
 Set new zones from faceMap. More...
void transcribe (MeshedSurface< face > &surf)
void transcribe (MeshedSurface< face > &surf)
void transcribe (MeshedSurface< face > &surf)

Static Protected Member Functions

static label countCutType (const UList< cutType > &cuts, const uint8_t maskValue)
 Count the number of cuts matching the mask type. More...

Protected Attributes

const polyMeshmesh_
 Reference to mesh. More...
const scalarFieldcVals_
 Cell values. More...
const scalarFieldpVals_
 Point values. More...
const scalar iso_
 Iso value. More...
bitSet ignoreBoundaryFaces_
 Optional boundary faces to ignore. More...
labelList meshCells_
 For every face, the original cell in mesh. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from isoSurfaceParams
static const Enum< algorithmTypealgorithmNames
 Names for the iso-surface algorithms. More...
static const Enum< filterTypefilterNames
 Names for the filtering types. More...

Detailed Description

Low-level components common to various iso-surface algorithms.

The interpolation samplers currently require a volField for the cell values. This is largely a restriction imposed by the point algorithm and may be revised in the future.
Source files

Definition at line 66 of file isoSurfaceBase.H.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Mesh

typedef meshedSurface Mesh

Definition at line 93 of file isoSurfaceBase.H.

◆ cellCutType

typedef cutType cellCutType

Definition at line 96 of file isoSurfaceBase.H.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ cutType

enum cutType : uint8_t

The type of cell/face cuts.


Not cut.


Normal cut.


Cell cut is a tet.


All edges to cell centre cut.


Any cut type (bitmask)




Blocked (never cut)


Bitmask for specials.

Definition at line 76 of file isoSurfaceBase.H.

◆ algorithmType

enum algorithmType : uint8_t

The algorithm types.

Definition at line 114 of file isoSurfaceParams.H.

◆ filterType

enum filterType : uint8_t

The filtering (regularization) to apply.

Definition at line 123 of file isoSurfaceParams.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ isoSurfaceBase() [1/2]

isoSurfaceBase ( const isoSurfaceBase )

No copy construct.

◆ isoSurfaceBase() [2/2]

isoSurfaceBase ( const polyMesh mesh,
const scalarField cellValues,
const scalarField pointValues,
const scalar  iso,
const isoSurfaceParams params = isoSurfaceParams() 

Construct with mesh, cell/point values and iso-value.

Definition at line 78 of file isoSurfaceBase.C.

Member Function Documentation

◆ countCutType()

Foam::label countCutType ( const UList< cutType > &  cuts,
const uint8_t  maskValue 

Count the number of cuts matching the mask type.

Checks as bitmask or as zero.

Definition at line 116 of file isoSurfaceBase.C.

References Foam::BitOps::count().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ interpolateTemplate()

tmp<Field<Type> > interpolateTemplate ( const GeometricField< Type, fvPatchField, volMesh > &  cellValues,
const Field< Type > &  pointValues 
) const

Dummy templated interpolate method.

Definition at line 140 of file isoSurfaceBase.H.

◆ operator=()

void operator= ( const isoSurfaceBase )

No copy assignment.

◆ New()

Foam::autoPtr< Foam::isoSurfaceBase > New ( const isoSurfaceParams params,
const volScalarField cellValues,
const scalarField pointValues,
const scalar  iso,
const bitSet ignoreCells = bitSet() 

Create for specified algorithm type.

Currently uses hard-code lookups based in isoSurfaceParams

Definition at line 37 of file isoSurfaceBaseNew.C.

References isoSurfaceParams::algorithm(), GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::primitiveField(), and autoPtr< T >::reset().

Referenced by distanceSurface::createGeometry().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mesh()

const polyMesh& mesh ( ) const

The mesh for which the iso-surface is associated.

Definition at line 194 of file isoSurfaceBase.H.

References isoSurfaceBase::mesh_.

◆ cellValues()

const scalarField& cellValues ( ) const

The mesh cell values used for creating the iso-surface.

Definition at line 200 of file isoSurfaceBase.H.

References isoSurfaceBase::cVals_.

◆ pointValues()

const scalarField& pointValues ( ) const

The mesh point values used for creating the iso-surface.

Definition at line 206 of file isoSurfaceBase.H.

References isoSurfaceBase::pVals_.

◆ isoValue()

scalar isoValue ( ) const

The iso-value associated with the surface.

Definition at line 212 of file isoSurfaceBase.H.

References isoSurfaceBase::iso_.

◆ meshCells() [1/2]

const labelList& meshCells ( ) const

For each face, the original cell in mesh.

Definition at line 218 of file isoSurfaceBase.H.

References isoSurfaceBase::meshCells_.

◆ meshCells() [2/2]

labelList& meshCells ( )

For each face, the original cell in mesh.

Definition at line 224 of file isoSurfaceBase.H.

References isoSurfaceBase::meshCells_.

◆ resetCuts()

void resetCuts ( UList< cutType > &  cuts)

Restore non-BLOCKED state to an UNVISITED state.

Definition at line 135 of file isoSurfaceBase.C.

References BLOCKED.

◆ blockCells() [1/2]

Foam::label blockCells ( UList< cutType > &  cuts,
const bitSet ignoreCells 
) const

Mark ignoreCells as BLOCKED.

Definition at line 148 of file isoSurfaceBase.C.

References BLOCKED, Foam::BitOps::count(), and UList< T >::size().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ blockCells() [2/2]

Foam::label blockCells ( UList< cutType > &  cuts,
const boundBox bb,
const volumeType::type  volType 
) const

Mark cells inside/outside a (valid) bound box as BLOCKED.

The volType is INSIDE or OUTSIDE only

Definition at line 171 of file isoSurfaceBase.C.

References BLOCKED, boundBox::contains(), Foam::BitOps::count(), forAll, volumeType::INSIDE, volumeType::OUTSIDE, and boundBox::valid().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ignoreCyclics()

void ignoreCyclics ( )

Set ignoreBoundaryFaces to ignore cyclics (cyclicACMI)

Definition at line 99 of file isoSurfaceBase.C.

References polyMesh::boundaryMesh(), isoSurfaceBase::ignoreBoundaryFaces_, isoSurfaceBase::mesh_, and bitSet::set().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ calcCellCuts()

Foam::label calcCellCuts ( List< cutType > &  cuts) const

Populate a list of candidate cell cuts using getCellCutType()

Definition at line 208 of file isoSurfaceBase.C.

References forAll, and List< T >::resize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getFaceCutType()

Foam::isoSurfaceBase::cutType getFaceCutType ( const label  facei) const

Determine face cut for an individual face.

Definition at line 234 of file isoSurfaceBase.C.

References Foam::isFaceCut().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getCellCutType()

Foam::isoSurfaceBase::cutType getCellCutType ( const label  celli) const

Cell cut for an individual cell, with special handling for TETCUT and SPHERE cuts

Definition at line 248 of file isoSurfaceBase.C.

References f(), Foam::isFaceCut(), and tetMatcher::test().

Referenced by distanceSurface::refineBlockedCells().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ interpolate() [1/5]

virtual tmp<Field< scalar > > interpolate ( const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &  cellValues,
const Field< scalar > &  pointValues 
) const

interpolate scalar cellValues, pointValues on iso-surface

Reimplemented in isoSurfacePoint, isoSurfaceCell, and isoSurfaceTopo.

◆ interpolate() [2/5]

Foam::tmp< Foam::Field< Foam::vector > > interpolate ( const GeometricField< vector, fvPatchField, volMesh > &  cellValues,
const Field< vector > &  pointValues 
) const

interpolate vector cellValues, pointValues on iso-surface

Reimplemented in isoSurfacePoint, isoSurfaceCell, and isoSurfaceTopo.

Definition at line 36 of file isoSurfaceBase.C.

◆ interpolate() [3/5]

Foam::tmp< Foam::Field< Foam::sphericalTensor > > interpolate ( const GeometricField< sphericalTensor, fvPatchField, volMesh > &  cellValues,
const Field< sphericalTensor > &  pointValues 
) const

interpolate sphericalTensor cellValues, pointValues on iso-surface

Reimplemented in isoSurfacePoint, isoSurfaceCell, and isoSurfaceTopo.

Definition at line 36 of file isoSurfaceBase.C.

◆ interpolate() [4/5]

Foam::tmp< Foam::Field< Foam::symmTensor > > interpolate ( const GeometricField< symmTensor, fvPatchField, volMesh > &  cellValues,
const Field< symmTensor > &  pointValues 
) const

interpolate symmTensor cellValues, pointValues on iso-surface

Reimplemented in isoSurfacePoint, isoSurfaceCell, and isoSurfaceTopo.

Definition at line 36 of file isoSurfaceBase.C.

◆ interpolate() [5/5]

Foam::tmp< Foam::Field< Foam::tensor > > interpolate ( const GeometricField< tensor, fvPatchField, volMesh > &  cellValues,
const Field< tensor > &  pointValues 
) const

interpolate tensor cellValues, pointValues on iso-surface

Reimplemented in isoSurfacePoint, isoSurfaceCell, and isoSurfaceTopo.

Definition at line 36 of file isoSurfaceBase.C.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mesh_

const polyMesh& mesh_

Reference to mesh.

Definition at line 102 of file isoSurfaceBase.H.

Referenced by isoSurfaceBase::ignoreCyclics(), and isoSurfaceBase::mesh().

◆ cVals_

const scalarField& cVals_

Cell values.

Definition at line 105 of file isoSurfaceBase.H.

Referenced by isoSurfaceBase::cellValues().

◆ pVals_

const scalarField& pVals_

Point values.

Definition at line 108 of file isoSurfaceBase.H.

Referenced by isoSurfaceBase::pointValues().

◆ iso_

const scalar iso_

Iso value.

Definition at line 111 of file isoSurfaceBase.H.

Referenced by isoSurfaceBase::isoValue().

◆ ignoreBoundaryFaces_

bitSet ignoreBoundaryFaces_

Optional boundary faces to ignore.

Eg, Used to exclude cyclicACMI (since duplicate faces)

Definition at line 118 of file isoSurfaceBase.H.

Referenced by isoSurfaceBase::ignoreCyclics().

◆ meshCells_

labelList meshCells_

For every face, the original cell in mesh.

Definition at line 124 of file isoSurfaceBase.H.

Referenced by isoSurfaceBase::meshCells().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: