entry Member List

This is the complete list of members for entry, including all inherited members.

checkITstream(const ITstream &is) constentry
clone(const dictionary &parentDict) const =0entrypure virtual
clone() constentryvirtual
dict() const =0entrypure virtual
dict()=0entrypure virtual
dictPtr() const noexceptentryinlinevirtual
dictPtr() noexceptentryinlinevirtual
endLineNumber() const =0entrypure virtual
entry(const keyType &keyword)entry
entry(const entry &e)entry
get() constentryinline
getCheck(const Predicate &pred) constentryinline
inputMode enum nameentry
isDict() const noexceptentryinlinevirtual
isStream() const noexceptentryinlinevirtual
keyword() const noexceptentryinline
keyword() noexceptentryinline
name() const =0entrypure virtual
name()=0entrypure virtual
New(dictionary &parentDict, Istream &is, const inputMode inpMode=inputMode::GLOBAL, const int endChar=0)entrystatic
New(Istream &is)entrystatic
operator!=(const entry &e) constentry
operator<<(Ostream &os, const entry &e)entryfriend
operator=(const entry &e)entry
operator==(const entry &e) constentry
readCheck(T &val, const Predicate &pred) constentryinline
readEntry(T &val) constentryinline
relativeName() const =0entrypure virtual
reportReadWarning(const IOstream &, const std::string &)entryprotectedstatic
startLineNumber() const =0entrypure virtual
stream() const =0entrypure virtual
write(Ostream &os) const =0entrypure virtual