polySurface Member List

This is the complete list of members for polySurface, including all inherited members.

addWatch(const fileName &)regIOobjectvirtual
append(const face &val)List< face >inline
append(face &&val)List< face >inline
append(const UList< face > &list)List< face >inline
append(const IndirectListBase< face, Addr > &list)List< face >inline
at(const word &key)HashTable< regIOobject * >inline
at(const word &key) constHashTable< regIOobject * >inline
AUTO_WRITE enum valueIOobject
BAD enum valueIOobject
bad() constIOobjectinline
begin()HashTable< regIOobject * >inline
begin() constHashTable< regIOobject * >inline
BoundaryMesh typedefpolySurface
boundaryPoints() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
capacity() const noexceptHashTable< regIOobject * >inline
caseName() constIOobject
cbegin() constHashTable< regIOobject * >inline
cend() const noexceptHashTable< regIOobject * >inline
Cf() constpolySurfaceinline
cfind(const word &key) constHashTable< regIOobject * >inline
cfindObject(const word &name, const bool recursive=false) constobjectRegistry
checkIn(regIOobject *io) constobjectRegistry
checkIn(regIOobject &io) constobjectRegistry
checkOut(regIOobject *io) constobjectRegistry
checkOut(regIOobject &io) constobjectRegistry
checkOut(const word &key) constobjectRegistry
checkPointManifold(const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
checkTopology(const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
classes() constobjectRegistry
classes(const MatchPredicate &matchName) constobjectRegistry
classes(const MatchPredicate &matchName) constobjectRegistry
classesImpl(const objectRegistry &list, const MatchPredicate &matchName)objectRegistry
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::clear()List< face >inline
clearPatchMeshAddr()PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
clearTopology()PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
Foam::clone() constIOobjectinline
Foam::clone(const objectRegistry &registry) constIOobjectinline
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::clone() constList< face >inline
const_key_iterator typedefHashTable< regIOobject * >
const_pointerHashTable< regIOobject * >
const_referenceHashTable< regIOobject * >
copySurface(const pointField &points, const faceList &faces, bool unused=false)polySurface
copySurface(const meshedSurf &surf, bool unused=false)polySurface
copySurface(const MeshedSurface< face > &surf, bool unused=false)polySurface
count(const char *clsName) constobjectRegistry
count(const MatchPredicate &matchClass) constobjectRegistry
count(const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) constobjectRegistry
count(const bool strict=false) constobjectRegistry
count(const MatchPredicate &matchName) constobjectRegistry
count(const MatchPredicate &matchClass) constobjectRegistry
count(const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) constobjectRegistry
count(const MatchPredicate &matchName) constobjectRegistry
count(const bool strict) constobjectRegistry
countEntries(const BinaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert=false) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
countEntries(const BinaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
countImpl(const objectRegistry &list, const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName)objectRegistry
countKeys(const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert=false) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
countKeys(const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
countTypeImpl(const objectRegistry &list, const MatchPredicate &matchName)objectRegistry
countValues(const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert=false) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
countValues(const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
db() constIOobject
dbDir() constobjectRegistryinlinevirtual
difference_type typedefHashTable< regIOobject * >
edgeFaces() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
edgeLoops() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
edges() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
emplace(const word &key, Args &&... args)HashTable< regIOobject * >inline
empty() const noexceptHashTable< regIOobject * >inline
end() noexceptHashTable< regIOobject * >inline
end() const noexceptHashTable< regIOobject * >inline
erase(const iterator &iter)objectRegistry
erase(const word &key)objectRegistry
erase(std::initializer_list< word > keys)objectRegistry
erase(const UList< word > &keys)objectRegistry
HashTable< regIOobject * >::erase(const HashTable< AnyType, word, AnyHash > &other)HashTable< regIOobject * >
HashTable< regIOobject * >::erase(InputIter first, InputIter last)HashTable< regIOobject * >inline
HashTable< regIOobject * >::erase(const FixedList< word, N > &keys)HashTable< regIOobject * >inline
eventNo() constregIOobjectinline
FACE_DATA enum valuepolySurface
FACE_POINT_DATA enum valuepolySurface
face_type typedefPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
faceAreas() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
faceCentres() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
faceData() constpolySurface
faceEdges() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
faceFaces() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
faceIds() constmeshedSurfinlinevirtual
FaceListType typedefPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
faceNormals() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
faces() constpolySurfaceinlinevirtual
FaceType typedefPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
FieldAssociation enum namepolySurface
fieldData() constpolySurfaceinline
fieldData() constpolySurfaceinline
fileCheckTypes enum nameIOobject
fileNameComponents(const fileName &path, fileName &instance, fileName &local, word &name)IOobjectstatic
filePath() constregIOobjectvirtual
filterEntries(const BinaryPredicate &pred, const bool pruning=false)HashTable< regIOobject * >
filterEntries(const BinaryPredicate &pred, const bool pruning)HashTable< regIOobject * >
filterKeys(const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool pruning=false)HashTable< regIOobject * >
filterKeys(const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool pruning)HashTable< regIOobject * >
filterValues(const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool pruning=false)HashTable< regIOobject * >
filterValues(const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool pruning)HashTable< regIOobject * >
find(const word &key)HashTable< regIOobject * >inline
find(const word &key) constHashTable< regIOobject * >inline
findFieldObject(const word &fieldName, const FieldAssociation association) constpolySurface
findFieldObject(const word &fieldName) constpolySurface
findFieldObject(const word &fieldName) constpolySurface
findFieldObject(const word &fieldName) constpolySurface
findFieldObject(const word &fieldName) constpolySurface
findFieldObject(const word &fieldName) constpolySurface
findFieldObject(const word &fieldName) constpolySurface
findObject(const word &name, const bool recursive=false) constobjectRegistry
findObject(const word &name, const bool recursive=false)objectRegistry
found(const word &name, const bool recursive=false) constobjectRegistry
HashTable< regIOobject * >::found(const word &key) constHashTable< regIOobject * >inline
foundObject(const word &name, const bool recursive=false) constobjectRegistry
getEvent() constobjectRegistry
getObjectPtr(const word &name, const bool recursive=false) constobjectRegistry
global() constregIOobjectinlinevirtual
globalFilePath(const word &typeName, const bool search=true) constIOobject
globalObject() constIOobjectinline
GOOD enum valueIOobject
good() constIOobjectinline
group(const word &name)IOobjectstatic
group() constIOobjectinline
groupName(StringType base, const word &group)IOobjectinlinestatic
groupName(StringType base, const word &group)IOobjectinline
hasFaceAreas() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
hasFaceCentres() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
hasFaceNormals() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
hasher typedefHashTable< regIOobject * >
HashTable()HashTable< regIOobject * >
HashTable(const label size)HashTable< regIOobject * >explicit
HashTable(Istream &is, const label size=128)HashTable< regIOobject * >
HashTable(const this_type &ht)HashTable< regIOobject * >
HashTable(this_type &&rhs)HashTable< regIOobject * >
HashTable(std::initializer_list< std::pair< word, regIOobject * >> list)HashTable< regIOobject * >
hasPointNormals() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
headerClassName() constIOobjectinline
ILLEGAL enum valuePrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
info() constIOobjectinline
inotify enum valueIOobject
inotifyMaster enum valueIOobject
insert(const word &key, const regIOobject * &obj)HashTable< regIOobject * >inline
insert(const word &key, regIOobject * &&obj)HashTable< regIOobject * >inline
instance() constIOobjectinline
IOobject(const IOobject &)=defaultIOobject
IOobject(const word &name, const fileName &instance, const objectRegistry &registry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true)IOobject
IOobject(const word &name, const fileName &instance, const fileName &local, const objectRegistry &registry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true, bool globalObject=false)IOobject
IOobject(const fileName &path, const objectRegistry &registry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true, bool globalObject=false)IOobject
IOobject(const IOobject &io, const objectRegistry &registry)IOobject
IOobject(const IOobject &io, const word &name)IOobject
isHeaderClassName(const word &clsName) constIOobjectinline
isHeaderClassName() constIOobjectinline
isHeaderClassName() constIOobjectinline
isInternalEdge(const label edgei) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
iterator_erase(node_type *&entry, label &index)HashTable< regIOobject * >protected
key_iterator typedefHashTable< regIOobject * >
key_type typedefHashTable< regIOobject * >
keys() constHashTable< regIOobject * >inline
labelByteSize() constIOobjectinline
List() noexceptList< face >inline
List(const label len)List< face >explicit
List(const label len, const face &val)List< face >
List(const label len, const zero)List< face >
List(const one, const face &val)List< face >
List(const one, face &&val)List< face >
List(const one, const zero)List< face >
List(const List< face > &a)List< face >
List(const UList< face > &a)List< face >explicit
List(List< face > &a, bool reuse)List< face >
List(const UList< face > &list, const labelUList &indices)List< face >
List(const UList< face > &list, const FixedList< label, N > &indices)List< face >
List(InputIterator begIter, InputIterator endIter)List< face >
List(const FixedList< face, N > &list)List< face >explicit
List(const PtrList< face > &list)List< face >explicit
List(const SLList< face > &list)List< face >explicit
List(const IndirectListBase< face, Addr > &list)List< face >explicit
List(std::initializer_list< face > list)List< face >
List(List< face > &&list)List< face >
List(DynamicList< face, SizeMin > &&list)List< face >
List(SortableList< face > &&list)List< face >
List(SLList< face > &&list)List< face >
List(Istream &is)List< face >
local() constIOobjectinline
localFaces() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
localFilePath(const word &typeName, const bool search=true) constIOobject
localPointOrder() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
localPoints() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
lookup(const word &key, const regIOobject * &deflt) constHashTable< regIOobject * >inline
lookupClass(const bool strict=false) constobjectRegistry
lookupClass(const bool strict=false)objectRegistry
lookupClass(const bool strict) constobjectRegistry
lookupClass(const bool strict)objectRegistry
lookupObject(const word &name, const bool recursive=false) constobjectRegistry
lookupObjectPtr(const word &name, bool recursive=false) constobjectRegistryinline
lookupObjectRef(const word &name, const bool recursive=false) constobjectRegistry
lookupObjectRefPtr(const word &name, bool recursive=false) constobjectRegistryinline
magFaceAreas() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
magSf() constpolySurfaceinline
MANIFOLD enum valuePrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
mapped_type typedefHashTable< regIOobject * >
member(const word &name)IOobjectstatic
member() constIOobjectinline
Mesh typedefpolySurface
meshEdges(const edgeList &allEdges, const labelListList &cellEdges, const labelList &faceCells) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
meshEdges(const edgeList &allEdges, const labelListList &pointEdges) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
meshedSurf() noexcept=defaultmeshedSurf
meshPointMap() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
meshPoints() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
modified() constobjectRegistryvirtual
movePoints(const Field< point_type > &)PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >virtual
MUST_READ enum valueIOobject
MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED enum valueIOobject
name() constIOobjectinline
names() constobjectRegistry
names(const char *clsName) constobjectRegistry
names(const MatchPredicate &matchClass) constobjectRegistry
names(const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) constobjectRegistry
names() constobjectRegistry
names(const MatchPredicate &matchName) constobjectRegistry
names(const MatchPredicate &matchClass) constobjectRegistry
names(const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) constobjectRegistry
names() constobjectRegistry
names(const MatchPredicate &matchName) constobjectRegistry
namesImpl(const objectRegistry &list, const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName, const bool doSort)objectRegistry
namesTypeImpl(const objectRegistry &list, const MatchPredicate &matchName, const bool doSort)objectRegistry
nEdges() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
newElmt(const label i)List< face >inline
nFaceData() constpolySurface
nFaces() constpolySurfaceinlinevirtual
nInternalEdges() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
NO_DATA enum valuepolySurface
NO_READ enum valueIOobject
NO_WRITE enum valueIOobject
note() constIOobjectinline
nPointData() constpolySurface
nPoints() constpolySurfaceinlinevirtual
null()List< face >inlinestatic
objectPath() constIOobjectinline
objectRegistry(const Time &db, const label nObjects=128)objectRegistryexplicit
objectRegistry(const IOobject &io, const label nObjects=128)objectRegistryexplicit
objectState enum nameIOobject
OPEN enum valuePrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
operator!=(const this_type &rhs) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
operator()(const word &key)HashTable< regIOobject * >inline
operator()(const word &key, const regIOobject * &deflt)HashTable< regIOobject * >inline
operator+=(const this_type &rhs)HashTable< regIOobject * >
Foam::regIOobject::operator=(const IOobject &io)regIOobject
Foam::HashTable< regIOobject * >::operator=(const this_type &rhs)HashTable< regIOobject * >
Foam::HashTable< regIOobject * >::operator=(std::initializer_list< std::pair< word, regIOobject * >> rhs)HashTable< regIOobject * >
Foam::HashTable< regIOobject * >::operator=(this_type &&rhs)HashTable< regIOobject * >
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::operator=(const PrimitivePatch< ::Foam::List< face >, pointField > &rhs)PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::operator=(PrimitivePatch< ::Foam::List< face >, pointField > &&rhs)PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
List< face >::operator=(const UList< face > &a)List< face >
List< face >::operator=(const List< face > &list)List< face >
List< face >::operator=(const SLList< face > &list)List< face >
List< face >::operator=(const IndirectListBase< face, Addr > &list)List< face >
List< face >::operator=(const FixedList< face, N > &list)List< face >
List< face >::operator=(std::initializer_list< face > list)List< face >
List< face >::operator=(const face &val)List< face >inline
List< face >::operator=(const zero)List< face >inline
List< face >::operator=(List< face > &&list)List< face >
List< face >::operator=(DynamicList< face, SizeMin > &&list)List< face >
List< face >::operator=(SortableList< face > &&list)List< face >
List< face >::operator=(SLList< face > &&list)List< face >
operator==(const this_type &rhs) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
operator[](const word &key)HashTable< regIOobject * >inline
operator[](const word &key) constHashTable< regIOobject * >inline
ownedByRegistry() constregIOobjectinline
parent() constobjectRegistryinline
path() constIOobject
path(const word &instance, const fileName &local=fileName::null) constIOobject
POINT_DATA enum valuepolySurface
point_type typedefPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
pointData() constpolySurface
pointEdges() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
pointer typedefHashTable< regIOobject * >
pointFaces() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
PointFieldType typedefPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
pointNormals() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
points() constpolySurfaceinlinevirtual
polySurface(const IOobject &io, bool doCheckIn=false)polySurfaceexplicit
polySurface(const word &surfName, const objectRegistry &obr, bool doCheckIn=false)polySurface
polySurface(const IOobject &io, const MeshedSurface< face > &surf, bool doCheckIn=false)polySurface
polySurface(const IOobject &io, MeshedSurface< face > &&surf, bool doCheckIn=false)polySurface
PrimitivePatch(const ::Foam::List< face > &faces, const pointField &points)PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
PrimitivePatch(::Foam::List< face > &&faces, const pointField &points)PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
PrimitivePatch(::Foam::List< face > &faces, pointField &points, const bool reuse)PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
PrimitivePatch(const PrimitivePatch< ::Foam::List< face >, pointField > &pp)PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
printInfo(Ostream &os) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
projectFaceCentres(const ToPatch &targetPatch, const Field< point_type > &projectionDirection, const intersection::algorithm=intersection::FULL_RAY, const intersection::direction=intersection::VECTOR) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
projectFaceCentres(const ToPatch &targetPatch, const Field< typename Foam::PrimitivePatch< ::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::point_type > &projectionDirection, const intersection::algorithm alg, const intersection::direction dir) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
projectPoints(const ToPatch &targetPatch, const Field< point_type > &projectionDirection, const intersection::algorithm=intersection::FULL_RAY, const intersection::direction=intersection::VECTOR) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
projectPoints(const ToPatch &targetPatch, const Field< typename Foam::PrimitivePatch< ::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::point_type > &projectionDirection, const intersection::algorithm alg, const intersection::direction dir) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
queryFieldAssociation(const word &fieldName) constpolySurface
READ_IF_PRESENT enum valueIOobject
readData(Istream &)regIOobjectvirtual
readHeader(Istream &is)IOobject
readHeaderOk(const IOstream::streamFormat PstreamFormat, const word &typeName)regIOobjectprotected
readOpt() constIOobjectinline
readOption enum nameIOobject
readStream(const word &, const bool valid=true)regIOobject
reference typedefHashTable< regIOobject * >
regIOobject(const IOobject &io, const bool isTime=false)regIOobject
regIOobject(const regIOobject &rio)regIOobject
regIOobject(const regIOobject &rio, bool registerCopy)regIOobject
regIOobject(const word &newName, const regIOobject &, bool registerCopy)regIOobject
regIOobject(const IOobject &io, const regIOobject &rio)regIOobject
registerObject() constIOobjectinline
release(const bool unregister=false)regIOobjectinline
rename(const word &newName)objectRegistryvirtual
Foam::resize(const label sz)HashTable< regIOobject * >
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::resize(const label newSize)List< face >inline
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::resize(const label newSize, const face &val)List< face >
retain(const HashTable< AnyType, word, AnyHash > &other)HashTable< regIOobject * >
retain(const HashTable< AnyType, word, AnyHash > &other)HashTable< regIOobject * >
rootPath() constIOobject
scalarByteSize() constIOobjectinline
scopedName(StringType scope, const word &name)IOobjectinlinestatic
scopedName(StringType scope, const word &name)IOobjectinline
selectIO(const IOobject &io, const fileName &altFile, const word &ioName="")IOobjectstatic
Foam::set(const word &key, const regIOobject * &obj)HashTable< regIOobject * >inline
Foam::set(const word &key, regIOobject * &&obj)HashTable< regIOobject * >inline
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::set(const label i, bool val=true)List< face >inline
setBad(const string &s)IOobjectprotected
setSize(const label newSize)List< face >inline
setSize(const label newSize, const face &val)List< face >inline
Sf() constpolySurfaceinline
shallowCopy(const UList< face > &)=deleteList< face >
size() constpolySurfaceinlinevirtual
size_type typedefHashTable< regIOobject * >
sortedNames() constobjectRegistry
sortedNames(const char *clsName) constobjectRegistry
sortedNames(const MatchPredicate &matchClass) constobjectRegistry
sortedNames(const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) constobjectRegistry
sortedNames() constobjectRegistry
sortedNames(const MatchPredicate &matchName) constobjectRegistry
sortedNames(const MatchPredicate &matchClass) constobjectRegistry
sortedNames(const MatchPredicate1 &matchClass, const MatchPredicate2 &matchName) constobjectRegistry
sortedNames() constobjectRegistry
sortedNames(const MatchPredicate &matchName) constobjectRegistry
sortedToc() constHashTable< regIOobject * >
sortedToc(const Compare &comp) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
sortedToc(const Compare &comp) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
store(Type *p)regIOobjectinlinestatic
store(autoPtr< Type > &aptr)regIOobjectinlinestatic
store(autoPtr< Type > &&aptr)regIOobjectinlinestatic
store(tmp< Type > &tptr)regIOobjectinlinestatic
store(tmp< Type > &&tptr)regIOobjectinlinestatic
storedFaces() constpolySurfaceinlineprotected
storeField(const word &fieldName, const dimensionSet &dims, const Field< Type > &values)polySurface
storeField(const word &fieldName, const dimensionSet &dims, Field< Type > &&values)polySurface
subList typedefList< face >
subRegistry(const word &name, const bool forceCreate=false, const bool recursive=false) constobjectRegistry
surfaceTopo enum namePrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
surfaceType() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
Foam::swap(HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &rhs)HashTable< regIOobject * >
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::swap(PrimitivePatch &)=deletePrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
this_type typedefHashTable< regIOobject * >
thisDb() constobjectRegistryinline
time() constobjectRegistryinline
timeStamp enum valueIOobject
timeStampMaster enum valueIOobject
toc() constHashTable< regIOobject * >
tocEntries(const BinaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert=false) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
tocEntries(const BinaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
tocKeys(const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert=false) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
tocKeys(const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
tocValues(const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert=false) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
tocValues(const UnaryPredicate &pred, const bool invert) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
transfer(pointField &&points, faceList &&faces, labelList &&zoneIds=labelList())polySurface
transfer(MeshedSurface< face > &surf, bool validate=false)polySurface
Foam::objectRegistry::transfer(HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &rhs)HashTable< regIOobject * >
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::transfer(List< face > &list)List< face >
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::transfer(DynamicList< face, SizeMin > &list)List< face >
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::transfer(SortableList< face > &list)List< face >
typeHeaderOk(const bool checkType=true, const bool search=true, const bool verbose=true)IOobject
upToDate(const regIOobject &) constregIOobject
upToDate(const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) constregIOobject
upToDate(const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) constregIOobject
upToDate(const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) constregIOobject
value_type typedefHashTable< regIOobject * >
warnNoRereading() constIOobject
watchIndices() constregIOobjectinline
whichEdge(const edge &) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
whichPoint(const label gp) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
whichRegistry(const word &fieldName) constpolySurface
whichRegistry(const word &fieldName) constpolySurface
whichRegistry(const word &fieldName) constpolySurface
whichRegistry(const word &fieldName) constpolySurface
whichRegistry(const word &fieldName) constpolySurface
whichRegistry(const word &fieldName) constpolySurface
write(const bool valid=true) constregIOobjectvirtual
writeBanner(Ostream &os, bool noHint=false)IOobjectstatic
writeData(Ostream &) constobjectRegistryinlinevirtual
writeDivider(Ostream &os)IOobjectstatic
writeEndDivider(Ostream &os)IOobjectstatic
writeHeader(Ostream &os) constIOobject
writeHeader(Ostream &os, const word &objectType) constIOobject
writeKeys(Ostream &os, const label shortLen=0) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
writeObject(IOstreamOption streamOpt, const bool valid) constpolySurfacevirtual
Foam::regIOobject::writeObject(IOstream::streamFormat fmt, IOstream::versionNumber ver, IOstream::compressionType comp, const bool valid) constregIOobjectvirtual
writeOpt() constIOobjectinline
writeOption enum nameIOobject
zoneIds() constpolySurfaceinlinevirtual
~HashTable()HashTable< regIOobject * >
~List()List< face >
~PrimitivePatch()PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >virtual