phasePairKey Member List

This is the complete list of members for phasePairKey, including all inherited members.

compare(const Pair< word > &a, const Pair< word > &b)Pair< word >inlinestatic
flip()Pair< word >inline
operator!=(const phasePairKey &a, const phasePairKey &b)phasePairKeyfriend
operator!=(const phasePairKey &a, const phasePairKey &b)phasePairKeyfriend
operator!=(const phasePairKey &a, const phasePairKey &b)phasePairKeyfriend
operator<<(Ostream &os, const phasePairKey &key)phasePairKeyfriend
operator<<(Ostream &os, const phasePairKey &key)phasePairKeyfriend
operator<<(Ostream &os, const phasePairKey &key)phasePairKeyfriend
operator==(const phasePairKey &a, const phasePairKey &b)phasePairKeyfriend
operator==(const phasePairKey &a, const phasePairKey &b)phasePairKeyfriend
operator==(const phasePairKey &a, const phasePairKey &b)phasePairKeyfriend
operator>>(Istream &is, phasePairKey &key)phasePairKeyfriend
operator>>(Istream &is, phasePairKey &key)phasePairKeyfriend
operator>>(Istream &is, phasePairKey &key)phasePairKeyfriend
ordered() constphasePairKey
ordered() constphasePairKey
ordered() constphasePairKey
other(const word &a) constPair< word >inline
Pair()=defaultPair< word >
Pair(const word &f, const word &s)Pair< word >inline
Pair(word &&f, word &&s)Pair< word >inline
Pair(const std::pair< word, word > &vals)Pair< word >inline
Pair(std::pair< word, word > &&vals)Pair< word >inline
Pair(const FixedList< word, 2 > &list)Pair< word >inline
Pair(const word &f, const word &s, const bool doSort)Pair< word >inline
Pair(const FixedList< word, 2 > &list, const bool doSort)Pair< word >inline
Pair(Istream &is)Pair< word >inlineexplicit
phasePairKey(const word &name1, const word &name2, const bool ordered=false)phasePairKey
phasePairKey(const word &name1, const word &name2, const bool ordered=false)phasePairKey
phasePairKey(const word &name1, const word &name2, const bool ordered)phasePairKey
second() const noexceptPair< word >inline
second() noexceptPair< word >inline
sort()Pair< word >inline
sorted() constPair< word >inline