
www.openfoam.com, OpenFOAM-v1912

engineFoam [OPTIONS]


Transient solver for compressible, turbulent engine flow with a spray particle


  • -case dir
    Specify case directory to use (instead of the cwd)
  • -decomposeParDict file
    Use specified file for decomposePar dictionary
  • -parallel
    Run in parallel [Parallel option]
  • -postProcess
    Execute functionObjects only
  • -doc
    Display documentation in browser
  • -help
    Display short help and exit
  • -help-full
    Display full help and exit


  • -debug-switch name=val
    Specify the value of a registered debug switch. Default is 1 if the value is omitted. (Can be used multiple times)
  • -fileHandler handler
    Override the file handler type
  • -hostRoots *((host1 dir1) .. (hostN dirN))*
    Per-host slave root directories for distributed running. The host specification can be a regex. [Parallel option]
  • -info-switch name=val
    Specify the value of a registered info switch. Default is 1 if the value is omitted. (Can be used multiple times)
  • -lib name
    Additional library or library list to load (can be used multiple times)
  • -listFunctionObjects
    List functionObjects
  • -listFvOptions
    List fvOptions
  • -listRegisteredSwitches
    List switches registered for run-time modification (see -listUnsetSwitches option)
  • -listScalarBCs
    List scalar field boundary conditions (fvPatchField<scalar>)
  • -listSwitches
    List switches declared in libraries (see -listUnsetSwitches option)
  • -listTurbulenceModels
    List turbulenceModels
  • -listUnsetSwitches
    Modifies switch listing to display values not set in etc/controlDict
  • -listVectorBCs
    List vector field boundary conditions (fvPatchField<vector>)
  • -noFunctionObjects
    Do not execute function objects
  • -opt-switch name=val
    Specify the value of a registered optimisation switch (int/bool). Default is 1 if the value is omitted. (Can be used multiple times)
  • -roots *(dir1 .. dirN)*
    Slave root directories for distributed running [Parallel option]
  • -doc-source
    Display source code in browser
  • -help-man
    Display full help (manpage format) and exit
  • -help-notes
    Display help notes (description) and exit

See Also

Online documentation https://www.openfoam.com/documentation/


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