Utility function objects
Collaboration diagram for Utility function objects:


class  abort
 Watches for presence of the named trigger file in the case directory and signals a simulation stop (or other) event if found. More...
class  codedFunctionObject
 Provides a general interface to enable dynamic code compilation. More...
class  ensightWrite
 Writes fields in ensight format. More...
class  parProfiling
 Simple (simplistic) mpi-profiling. More...
class  removeRegisteredObject
 Removes registered objects if present in the database. More...
class  runTimeControl
 Controls when the calculation is terminated based on satisfying user-specified conditions. More...
class  setTimeStepFunctionObject
 This function object overrides the calculation time step. More...
class  solverInfo
 Writes solver information for a list of user-specified fields. More...
class  systemCall
 Executes system calls, entered in the form of string lists. More...
class  thermoCoupleProbes
 Sample probe for temperature using a thermocouple. More...
class  timeActivatedFileUpdate
 Performs a file copy/replacement once a specified time has been reached. More...
class  vtkWrite
 Writes fields in VTK (xml or legacy) format. Writes cell-values or point-interpolated values for volFields. More...
class  writeDictionary
 Writes dictionaries on start-up and on change. More...
class  writeObjects
 Allows specification of different writing frequency of objects registered to the database. More...
class  probes
 Set of locations to sample. More...
class  sampledSet
 Holds list of sampling points which is filled at construction time. Various implementations of this base class to e.g. get sampling points at uniform distance along a line (uniformSet) or directly specified (cloudSet) More...
class  sampledSurface
 An abstract class for surfaces with sampling. More...

Detailed Description

This group contains utility-based function objects

Function objects in this group are packaged into the libutilityFunctionObjects.so library.