graph Member List

This is the complete list of members for graph, including all inherited members.

clear()HashPtrTable< curve >
const_iterator typedefHashPtrTable< curve >
erase(iterator &iter)HashPtrTable< curve >
erase(const word &key)HashPtrTable< curve >
graph(const string &title, const string &xName, const string &yName, const scalarField &x)graph
graph(const string &title, const string &xName, const string &yName, const scalarField &x, const scalarField &y)graph
graph(const string &title, const string &xName, const string &yName, Istream &is)graph
graph(Istream &is)graph
HashPtrTable()HashPtrTable< curve >inline
HashPtrTable(const label size)HashPtrTable< curve >inlineexplicit
HashPtrTable(Istream &is, const INew &inew)HashPtrTable< curve >
HashPtrTable(Istream &is)HashPtrTable< curve >
HashPtrTable(const dictionary &dict)HashPtrTable< curve >explicit
HashPtrTable(const this_type &ht)HashPtrTable< curve >
HashPtrTable(this_type &&ht)HashPtrTable< curve >
insert(const word &, curve *)=deleteHashPtrTable< curve >inline
insert(const word &key, autoPtr< curve > &aptr)HashPtrTable< curve >inline
insert(const word &key, autoPtr< curve > &&aptr)HashPtrTable< curve >inline
iterator typedefHashPtrTable< curve >
operator<<(Ostream &, const graph &)graphfriend
operator=(const this_type &rhs)HashPtrTable< curve >
operator=(this_type &&rhs)HashPtrTable< curve >
parent_type typedefHashPtrTable< curve >
remove(iterator &iter)HashPtrTable< curve >
remove(const word &key)HashPtrTable< curve >
set(const word &key, curve *ptr)HashPtrTable< curve >inline
set(const word &key, autoPtr< curve > &aptr)HashPtrTable< curve >inline
set(const word &key, autoPtr< curve > &&aptr)HashPtrTable< curve >inline
setXRange(const scalar x0, const scalar x1)graph
this_type typedefHashPtrTable< curve >
title() constgraphinline
wordify(const string &sname)graphstatic
write(Ostream &, const word &format) constgraph
write(const fileName &pName, const word &format) constgraph
write(const fileName &path, const word &name, const word &format) constgraph
HashPtrTable< curve >::write(Ostream &os) constHashPtrTable< curve >
writeTable(Ostream &) constgraph
x() constgraphinline
xName() constgraphinline
y() constgraph
yName() constgraphinline
~HashPtrTable()HashPtrTable< curve >