edge Member List

This is the complete list of members for edge, including all inherited members.

centre(const UList< point > &pts) constedgeinline
commonVertex(const edge &other) constedgeinline
compare(const edge &a, const edge &b)edgeinlinestatic
Foam::Pair::compare(const Pair< T > &a, const Pair< T > &b)Pair< T >inlinestatic
connects(const edge &other) constedgeinline
count() constedgeinline
edge(const label from, const label to)edgeinline
edge(const labelPair &pair)edgeinline
edge(const FixedList< label, 2 > &list)edgeinline
edge(const label from, const label to, const bool doSort)edgeinline
edge(const FixedList< label, 2 > &list, const bool doSort)edgeinline
edge(Istream &is)edgeinline
empty() constedgeinline
end() constedgeinline
erase(const label index)edgeinline
erase(InputIterator begIter, InputIterator endIter)edgeinline
erase(std::initializer_list< label > list)edgeinline
erase(const FixedList< label, N > &list)edgeinline
erase(const labelUList &list)edgeinline
erase(InputIterator begIter, InputIterator endIter)edgeinline
erase(const FixedList< label, N > &list)edgeinline
flip()Pair< T >inline
found(const label pointLabel) constedgeinline
hashval(unsigned seed=0) constedgeinline
insert(const label index)edgeinline
insert(InputIterator begIter, InputIterator endIter)edgeinline
insert(std::initializer_list< label > list)edgeinline
insert(const FixedList< label, N > &list)edgeinline
insert(const labelUList &list)edgeinline
insert(InputIterator begIter, InputIterator endIter)edgeinline
insert(const FixedList< label, N > &list)edgeinline
line(const UList< point > &pts) constedgeinline
mag(const UList< point > &pts) constedgeinline
maxVertex() constedgeinline
minVertex() constedgeinline
operator[](const label i)edgeinline
operator[](const label i) constedgeinline
other(const T &a) constPair< T >inline
otherVertex(const label pointLabel) constedgeinline
Pair()=defaultPair< T >
Pair(const T &f, const T &s)Pair< T >inline
Pair(T &&f, T &&s)Pair< T >inline
Pair(const std::pair< T, T > &vals)Pair< T >inline
Pair(std::pair< T, T > &&vals)Pair< T >inline
Pair(const FixedList< T, 2 > &list)Pair< T >inline
Pair(const T &f, const T &s, const bool doSort)Pair< T >inline
Pair(const FixedList< T, 2 > &list, const bool doSort)Pair< T >inline
Pair(Istream &is)Pair< T >inlineexplicit
reverseEdge() constedgeinline
second() const noexceptedgeinline
second() noexceptedgeinline
Foam::Pair::second() const noexceptPair< T >inline
Foam::Pair::second() noexceptPair< T >inline
sort()Pair< T >inline
sorted() constPair< T >inline
start() constedgeinline
unitVec(const UList< point > &pts) constedgeinline
valid() constedgeinline
vec(const UList< point > &pts) constedgeinline
which(const label pointLabel) constedgeinline