coupledFaPatch Member List

This is the complete list of members for coupledFaPatch, including all inherited members.

append(const label &val)List< label >inline
append(label &&val)List< label >inline
append(const UList< label > &list)List< label >inline
append(const IndirectListBase< label, Addr > &list)List< label >inline
BoundaryMesh typedeffaPatch
boundaryMesh() constfaPatch
calcGeometry()=0coupledFaPatchpure virtual
calcPointEdges() constfaPatchprotected
calcPointLabels() constfaPatchprotected
calcTransformTensors(const vector &Cf, const vector &Cr, const vector &nf, const vector &nr) constcoupledFaPatchprotected
calcTransformTensors(const vectorField &Cf, const vectorField &Cr, const vectorField &nf, const vectorField &nr) constcoupledFaPatchprotected
clear()List< label >inline
clone(const faBoundaryMesh &bm, const labelList &edgeLabels, const label index, const label ngbPolyPatchIndex) constfaPatchinlinevirtual
List< label >::clone() constList< label >inline
coupled() constcoupledFaPatchinlinevirtual
coupledFaPatch(const word &name, const labelList &edgeLabels, const label index, const faBoundaryMesh &bm, const label ngbPolyPatchIndex)coupledFaPatchinline
coupledFaPatch(const word &name, const dictionary &dict, const label index, const faBoundaryMesh &bm)coupledFaPatchinline
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, faPatch, dictionary,(const word &name, const dictionary &dict, const label index, const faBoundaryMesh &bm),(name, dict, index, bm))faPatch
delta() const =0coupledFaPatchpure virtual
deltaCoeffs() constfaPatch
edgeCentres() constfaPatch
edgeFaceCentres() constfaPatch
edgeFaces() constfaPatch
edgeLengths() constfaPatch
edgeNormals() constfaPatch
faceCells() constcoupledFaPatchinlinevirtual
faPatch(const word &name, const labelList &edgeLabels, const label index, const faBoundaryMesh &bm, const label ngbPolyPatchIndex)faPatch
faPatch(const word &name, const dictionary &dict, const label index, const faBoundaryMesh &bm)faPatch
faPatch(const faPatch &, const faBoundaryMesh &)faPatch
forwardT() constcoupledFaPatchinline
index() constpatchIdentifierinline
inGroup(const word &name) constpatchIdentifier
inGroups() constpatchIdentifierinline
initGeometry()=0coupledFaPatchpure virtual
initInternalFieldTransfer(const Pstream::commsTypes commsType, const labelUList &iF) constcoupledFaPatchinlinevirtual
initMovePoints(const pointField &)=0coupledFaPatchpure virtual
initTransfer(const Pstream::commsTypes commsType, const labelUList &interfaceData) constcoupledFaPatchinlinevirtual
interfaceInternalField(const labelUList &internalData) const =0coupledFaPatchpure virtual
internalFieldTransfer(const Pstream::commsTypes commsType, const labelUList &iF) const =0coupledFaPatchpure virtual
List() noexceptList< label >inline
List(const label len)List< label >explicit
List(const label len, const label &val)List< label >
List(const label len, const zero)List< label >
List(const one, const label &val)List< label >
List(const one, label &&val)List< label >
List(const one, const zero)List< label >
List(const List< label > &a)List< label >
List(const UList< label > &a)List< label >explicit
List(List< label > &a, bool reuse)List< label >
List(const UList< label > &list, const labelUList &mapAddressing)List< label >
List(InputIterator begIter, InputIterator endIter)List< label >
List(const FixedList< label, N > &list)List< label >explicit
List(const PtrList< label > &list)List< label >explicit
List(const SLList< label > &list)List< label >explicit
List(const IndirectListBase< label, Addr > &list)List< label >explicit
List(std::initializer_list< label > list)List< label >
List(List< label > &&list)List< label >
List(DynamicList< label, SizeMin > &&list)List< label >
List(SortableList< label > &&list)List< label >
List(SLList< label > &&list)List< label >
List(Istream &is)List< label >
lookupPatchField(const word &name, const GeometricField *=nullptr, const Type *=nullptr) constfaPatch
magEdgeLengths() constfaPatch
makeDeltaCoeffs(scalarField &) const =0coupledFaPatchprotectedpure virtual
makeWeights(scalarField &) const =0coupledFaPatchprotectedpure virtual
movePoints(const pointField &)=0coupledFaPatchpure virtual
name() constpatchIdentifierinline
New(const word &name, const dictionary &dict, const label index, const faBoundaryMesh &bm)faPatchstatic
newElmt(const label i)List< label >inline
ngbPolyPatchFaceNormals() constfaPatch
ngbPolyPatchFaces() constfaPatch
ngbPolyPatchIndex() constfaPatch
ngbPolyPatchPointNormals() constfaPatch
nPoints() constfaPatchinline
null()List< label >inlinestatic
List< label >::operator=(const UList< label > &a)List< label >
List< label >::operator=(const List< label > &list)List< label >
List< label >::operator=(const SLList< label > &list)List< label >
List< label >::operator=(const IndirectListBase< label, Addr > &list)List< label >
List< label >::operator=(std::initializer_list< label > list)List< label >
List< label >::operator=(const label &val)List< label >inline
List< label >::operator=(const zero)List< label >inline
List< label >::operator=(List< label > &&list)List< label >
List< label >::operator=(DynamicList< label, SizeMin > &&list)List< label >
List< label >::operator=(SortableList< label > &&list)List< label >
List< label >::operator=(SLList< label > &&list)List< label >
parallel() constcoupledFaPatchinline
patchField(const GeometricField &) constfaPatch
patchIdentifier(const word &name, const label index, const word &physicalType=word::null, const wordList &inGroups=wordList())patchIdentifier
patchIdentifier(const word &name, const dictionary &dict, const label index)patchIdentifier
patchIdentifier(const patchIdentifier &p, const label index)patchIdentifier
patchInternalField(const UList< Type > &) constfaPatch
patchInternalField(const UList< Type > &f) constfaPatch
patchSlice(const List< T > &l) constfaPatchinline
physicalType() constpatchIdentifierinline
pointEdges() constfaPatch
pointLabels() constfaPatch
resetEdges(const labelList &)faPatch
resize(const label newSize)List< label >inline
resize(const label newSize, const label &val)List< label >
resize(const label newSize)List< label >inline
reverseT() constcoupledFaPatchinline
separated() constcoupledFaPatchinline
separation() constcoupledFaPatchinline
set(const label i, bool val=true)List< label >inline
setSize(const label newSize)List< label >inline
setSize(const label newSize, const label &val)List< label >inline
shallowCopy(const UList< label > &)=deleteList< label >
size() constfaPatchinlinevirtual
start() constfaPatch
subList typedefList< label >
transfer(const Pstream::commsTypes commsType, const labelUList &interfaceData) const =0coupledFaPatchpure virtual
Foam::faPatch::transfer(List< label > &list)List< label >
Foam::faPatch::transfer(DynamicList< label, SizeMin > &list)List< label >
Foam::faPatch::transfer(SortableList< label > &list)List< label >
weights() constfaPatch
whichEdge(const label l) constfaPatchinline
write(Ostream &) constfaPatchvirtual
~List()List< label >