

The reactionsSensitivityAnalysis function object computes indicators for reaction rates of creation or destruction of species in each reaction.

This function object creates four data files named:

"consumption"    :   consumption rate
"production"     :   destruction rate
"productionInt"  :   integral between dumps of the production rate
"consumptionInt" :   integral between dumps of the consumption rate


Operand Type Location
input - -
output file dat $FOAM_CASE/postProcessing/<FO>/<time>/<file>
output field - -


Example of the reactionsSensitivityAnalysis function object by using functions sub-dictionary in system/controlDict file:

    // Mandatory entries (unmodifiable)
    type            reactionsSensitivityAnalysis;
    libs            (fieldFunctionObjects);

    // Optional (inherited) entries
    writePrecision  8;
    writeToFile     true;
    useUserTime     true;
    region          region0;
    enabled         true;
    log             true;
    timeStart       0;
    timeEnd         1000;
    executeControl  timeStep;
    executeInterval 1;
    writeControl    timeStep;
    writeInterval   1;

where the entries mean:

Property Description Type Required Default
type Type name: reactionsSensitivityAnalysis word yes -
libs Library name: fieldFunctionObjects word yes -

The inherited entries are elaborated in:

Usage by the postProcess utility is not available.

Notes on entries

  • Function object only applicable to single cell cases.
  • Needs a chemistryModel chosen.

Further information

Source code:


  • Introduced in version v1612+