

  • The class nutWallFunction is a base class that parents the derived boundary conditions which provide a wall constraint on various fields, such as turbulent viscosity, i.e. nut, or turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate, i.e. epsilon, for low- and high-Reynolds number turbulence models.
  • The class is not an executable itself, yet a provider for common entries to its derived boundary conditions.
  • The nutWallFunction condition inherits the traits of the fixedValue boundary condition.

Model equations

The nut predictions for the viscous and inertial sublayers can be blended by four different methods:

stepwise    | Stepwise switch (discontinuous)
max         | Maximum value switch (discontinuous)
binomial    | Binomial blending (smooth)
exponential | Exponential blending (smooth)

The stepwise switch (discontinuous) method

The viscous and inertial sublayer estimations of nut are switched between each other depending on the \(y^+\) value of the point of interrogation.

\[ \nu_t = \nu_{t_{vis}} \qquad if \quad y^+ <= y^+_{lam} \]

\[ \nu_t = \nu_{t_{log}} \qquad if \quad y^+ > y^+_{lam} \]


\( \nu_t \) = Turbulent viscosity at \(y^+\) [m2/s]
\( \nu_{t_{vis}} \) = \(\nu_t\) computed by the viscous sublayer assumptions [m2/s]
\( \nu_{t_{log}} \) = \(\nu_t\) computed by the viscous sublayer assumptions [m2/s]
\( y^+ \) = Estimated wall-normal distance of the cell centre in wall units
\( y^+_{lam} \) = Estimated intersection of the viscous and inertial sublayers in wall units

The maximum-value switch (discontinuous) method

The maximum value of the viscous and inertial sublayer estimations of nut is set as the nut estimation at \(y^+\) ([62], Eq. 27).

\[ \nu_t = \max( \nu_{t_{vis}}, \nu_{t_{log}} ) \]

The binomial blending (continuous) method

The nut estimation at \(y^+\) is blended between the viscous and intertial sublayer estimations by using a binomial function ([51], Eqs. 15-16).

\[ \nu_t = ( (\nu_{t_{vis}} )^n + (\nu_{t_{log}} )^n)^{1/n} \]


\( n \) = Binomial blending exponent

The exponential blending (continuous) method

The nut estimation at \(y^+\) is blended between the viscous and intertial sublayer estimations by using an exponential function ([62], Eq. 32).

\[ \nu_t = \nu_{t_{vis}} \exp[-\Gamma] + \nu_{t_{log}} \exp[-1/\Gamma] \]

where ([62], Eq. 31)

\( \Gamma \) = Blending expression
\( \Gamma \) = \(0.01 (y^+)^4 / (1.0 + 5.0 y^+)\)


Example of the boundary condition specification:

    // Mandatory and other optional entries

    // Optional (inherited) entries
    Cmu             0.09;
    kappa           0.41;
    E               9.8;
    blending        stepwise;
    n               4.0;
    U               U;

    // Optional (inherited) entries

where the entries mean:

Property Description Type Required Default
Cmu Empirical model coefficient scalar no 0.09
kappa von Kármán constant scalar no 0.41
E Wall roughness parameter scalar no 9.8
blending Viscous/inertial sublayer blending word no stepwise
n Binomial blending exponent scalar no 2.0
U Name of the velocity field word no U

The inherited entries are elaborated in:

Options for the blending entry:

stepwise    | Stepwise switch (discontinuous)
max         | Maximum value switch (discontinuous)
binomial    | Binomial blending (smooth)
exponential | Exponential blending (smooth)

Further information

Source code