

  • The atmNutWallFunction boundary condition provides a wall constraint on the turbulent viscosity, i.e. nut, based on the turbulent kinetic energy, i.e. k, and velocity, i.e. U, for atmospheric boundary layer modelling.
  • The atmNutWallFunction condition inherits the traits of the nutkWallFunction boundary condition.

Required fields:

nut    | Turbulent viscosity              [m2/s]
k      | Turbulent kinetic energy         [m2/s2]

Model equations

The boundary condition expression is (([63], Eq. 6-7), ([71], Eq. 7), ([80], Eq. 25)):

\[ \nu_{t_w} = max(\nu_{t_w}^\prime, 0) \]


\[ \nu_{t_w}^\prime = \frac{ \tau_w y}{max( u_p, \zeta )} - \nu_w \]

\[ \tau_w = {u^*_{u_p}} {u^*_k} \]

\[ u^*_{u_p} = \frac{\kappa u_p }{\ln \left( max (E^\prime, 1 + \zeta) \right)} \]

\[ E^\prime = \frac{y + z_0}{z_0 + z_{0_{min}} } \]

\[ u^*_k = C_{\mu}^{1/4} \sqrt{k} \]


\( \tau_w \) = Characteristic wall shear stress [m2/s2]
\( u^*_{u_p} \) = Local friction velocity based on near-ground velocity [m/s]
\( u^*_k \) = Local friction velocity based on near-ground k [m/s]
\( \kappa \) = von Kármán constant [-]
\( u_p \) = Magnitude of near-ground velocity field [m/s]
\( y \) = Ground-normal coordinate [m]
\( z_0 \) = Surface roughness length [m]
\( z_{0_{min}} \) = Minimum surface roughness length [m]
\( C_\mu \) = Empirical model constant [-]
\( k \) = Turbulent kinetic energy [m2/s2]
\( \zeta \) = Small value to prevent floating point exceptions [-]


Example of the boundary condition specification:

    // Mandatory entries (unmodifiable)
    type            atmNutWallFunction;
    z0Min           0.001;

    // Mandatory entries (runtime modifiable)
    z0              uniform 0.001;

    // Optional (inherited) entries
    kappa           0.41;

where the entries mean:

Property Description Type Required Default
type Type name: atmNutWallFunction word yes -
z0 Surface roughness length [m] PatchFunction1<scalar> yes -
z0Min Minimum surface roughness length [m] scalar yes -
kappa von Kármán constant scalar no 0.41

The inherited entries are elaborated in:

  • nutkWallFunction
  • PatchFunction1

Further information

Source code


  • Introduced in version v2006