177#ifndef Foam_turbulentDigitalFilterInletFvPatchField_H
178#define Foam_turbulentDigitalFilterInletFvPatchField_H
195class turbulentDigitalFilterInletFvPatchField
197 public fixedValueFvPatchField<Type>
202 typedef typename std::conditional
204 std::is_same<Type, scalar>::value,
213 mutable autoPtr<AMIPatchToPatchInterpolation> AMIPtr_;
216 autoPtr<PatchFunction1<Type>> meanPtr_;
219 autoPtr<PatchFunction1<TypeR>> Rptr_;
228 turbulence::IntegralScaleBox<Type> L_;
234 vector calcPatchNormal()
237 void initialisePatch();
240 void mapL(Field<Type>&
258 TypeName(
Info<< nl<< "Wrote faMesh in vtk format: "<< writer.output().name()<< nl;}{ vtk::lineWriter writer(aMesh.points(), aMesh.edges(), fileName(aMesh.mesh().time().globalPath()/"finiteArea-edges"));writer.writeGeometry();writer.beginCellData(4);writer.writeProcIDs();{ Field< scalar > fld(faMeshTools::flattenEdgeField(aMesh.magLe(), true))
Field with dimensions and associated with geometry type GeoMesh which is used to size the field and a...
Generic templated field type.
An Ostream is an abstract base class for all output systems (streams, files, token lists,...
Pointer management similar to std::unique_ptr, with some additional methods and type checking.
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by a number of values (eg,...
This boundary condition supplies a fixed value constraint, and is the base class for a number of othe...
A FieldMapper for finite-volume patch fields.
Abstract base class with a fat-interface to all derived classes covering all possible ways in which t...
A finiteVolume patch using a polyPatch and a fvBoundaryMesh.
A class for managing temporary objects.
Class to describe the integral-scale container being used in the turbulentDigitalFilterInletFvPatchFi...
Digital-filter based boundary condition for vector- and scalar-based quantities (e....
Runtime type information.
turbulentDigitalFilterInletFvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &, const Field< Type > &)
Construct from patch, internal field and patch field.
virtual void rmap(const fvPatchField< Type > &ptf, const labelList &addr)
Reverse map the given fvPatchField onto this fvPatchField.
virtual void autoMap(const fvPatchFieldMapper &m)
Map (and resize as needed) from self given a mapping object.
virtual void updateCoeffs()
Update the coefficients associated with the patch field.
virtual tmp< fvPatchField< Type > > clone() const
Construct and return a clone.
virtual tmp< fvPatchField< Type > > clone(const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &iF) const
Construct and return a clone setting internal field reference.
A Vector of values with scalar precision, where scalar is float/double depending on the compilation f...
SymmTensor< scalar > symmTensor
SymmTensor of scalars, i.e. SymmTensor<scalar>.
fileName::Type type(const fileName &name, const bool followLink=true)
Return the file type: DIRECTORY or FILE, normally following symbolic links.
Field< scalar > scalarField
Specialisation of Field<T> for scalar.
Field< vector > vectorField
Specialisation of Field<T> for vector.
#define TypeName(TypeNameString)
Declare a ClassName() with extra virtual type info.