Collaboration diagram for Patch interaction:


class  LocalInteraction< CloudType >
 Patch interaction specified on a patch-by-patch basis. More...
class  MultiInteraction< CloudType >
 Runs multiple patch interaction models in turn. Takes dictionary where all the subdictionaries are the interaction models. More...
class  NoInteraction< CloudType >
 Dummy class for 'none' option - will raise an error if any functions are called that require return values. More...
class  PatchInteractionModel< CloudType >
 Templated patch interaction model class. More...
class  Rebound< CloudType >
 Simple rebound patch interaction model. More...
class  RecycleInteraction< CloudType >
 Patch interaction model to perform parcel transfer and recycle from one patch to another. More...
class  StandardWallInteraction< CloudType >
 Wall interaction model. More...

Detailed Description

This group contains Lagrangian particle patch interaction submodels