Directories | |
directory | fvcSmooth |
Files | |
file | fvc.H [code] |
file | fvcAverage.C [code] |
file | fvcAverage.H [code] |
Area-weighted average a surfaceField creating a volField. | |
file | fvcCellReduce.C [code] |
file | fvcCellReduce.H [code] |
Construct a volume field from a surface field using a combine operator. | |
file | fvcCorrectAlpha.C [code] |
Correct flux-U difference in the internal loop using relaxation factor. | |
file | fvcCorrectAlpha.H [code] |
Correct flux-U difference in the internal loop using relaxation factor. | |
file | fvcCurl.C [code] |
file | fvcCurl.H [code] |
Calculate the curl of the given volField by constructing the Hodge-dual of the symmetric part of the gradient. | |
file | fvcD2dt2.C [code] |
file | fvcD2dt2.H [code] |
Calculate the second temporal derivative. | |
file | fvcDDt.C [code] |
file | fvcDdt.C [code] |
file | fvcDDt.H [code] |
Calculate the substantive (total) derivative. | |
file | fvcDdt.H [code] |
Calculate the first temporal derivative. | |
file | fvcDiv.C [code] |
file | fvcDiv.H [code] |
Calculate the divergence of the given field. | |
file | fvcFlux.C [code] |
file | fvcFlux.H [code] |
Calculate the face-flux of the given field. | |
file | fvcFluxTemplates.C [code] |
file | fvcGrad.C [code] |
file | fvcGrad.H [code] |
Calculate the gradient of the given field. | |
file | fvcLaplacian.C [code] |
file | fvcLaplacian.H [code] |
Calculate the laplacian of the given field. | |
file | fvcMagSqrGradGrad.C [code] |
file | fvcMagSqrGradGrad.H [code] |
Calculate the magnitiude of the square of the gradient of the gradient of the given volField. | |
file | fvcMeshPhi.C [code] |
file | fvcMeshPhi.H [code] |
Calculate the mesh motion flux and convert fluxes from absolute to relative and back. | |
file | fvcReconstruct.C [code] |
file | fvcReconstruct.H [code] |
Reconstruct volField from a face flux field. | |
file | fvcReconstructMag.C [code] |
file | fvcSimpleReconstruct.C [code] |
file | fvcSnGrad.C [code] |
file | fvcSnGrad.H [code] |
Calculate the snGrad of the given volField. | |
file | fvcSup.C [code] |
file | fvcSup.H [code] |
Calculate the field for explicit evaluation of implicit and explicit sources. | |
file | fvcSurfaceIntegrate.C [code] |
file | fvcSurfaceIntegrate.H [code] |
Surface integrate surfaceField creating a volField. Surface sum a surfaceField creating a volField. | |
file | fvcVolumeIntegrate.C [code] |
file | fvcVolumeIntegrate.H [code] |
Volume integrate volField creating a volField. | |