momentOfInertia Member List

This is the complete list of members for momentOfInertia, including all inherited members.

applyParallelAxisTheorem(scalar mass, const vector &cM, const tensor &J, const vector &refPt)momentOfInertiastatic
massPropertiesPatch(const polyPatch &pp, scalar density, scalar &mass, vector &cM, tensor &J, bool doReduce=false)momentOfInertiastatic
massPropertiesShell(const pointField &pts, const triFaceList &triFaces, scalar density, scalar &mass, vector &cM, tensor &J, bool doReduce=false)momentOfInertiastatic
massPropertiesShell(const triSurface &surf, scalar density, scalar &mass, vector &cM, tensor &J, bool doReduce=false)momentOfInertiastatic
massPropertiesSolid(const pointField &pts, const triFaceList &triFaces, scalar density, scalar &mass, vector &cM, tensor &J)momentOfInertiastatic
massPropertiesSolid(const triSurface &surf, scalar density, scalar &mass, vector &cM, tensor &J)momentOfInertiastatic
meshInertia(const polyMesh &mesh)momentOfInertiastatic
meshInertia(const polyMesh &mesh, label celli)momentOfInertiastatic