forceCoeffs Class Reference

Computes force and moment coefficients over a given list of patches, and optionally over given porous zones. The following coefficients can be selected and output: More...

Inheritance diagram for forceCoeffs:
Collaboration diagram for forceCoeffs:


struct  coeffDesc
class  forceComponents

Public Member Functions

 TypeName ("forceCoeffs")
 Runtime type information. More...
 forceCoeffs (const word &name, const Time &runTime, const dictionary &dict, const bool readFields=true)
 Construct from Time and dictionary. More...
 forceCoeffs (const forceCoeffs &)=delete
 No copy construct. More...
void operator= (const forceCoeffs &)=delete
 No copy assignment. More...
virtual ~forceCoeffs ()=default
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool read (const dictionary &dict)
 Read the dictionary. More...
virtual bool execute ()
 Execute the function object. More...
virtual bool write ()
 Write to data files/fields and to streams. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from forces
 TypeName ("forces")
 Runtime type information. More...
 forces (const word &name, const Time &runTime, const dictionary &dict, const bool readFields=true)
 Construct from Time and dictionary. More...
 forces (const word &name, const objectRegistry &obr, const dictionary &dict, const bool readFields=true)
 Construct from objectRegistry and dictionary. More...
 forces (const forces &)=delete
 No copy construct. More...
void operator= (const forces &)=delete
 No copy assignment. More...
virtual ~forces ()=default
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool read (const dictionary &dict)
 Read the dictionary. More...
virtual void calcForcesMoments ()
 Calculate forces and moments. More...
virtual vector forceEff () const
 Return the total force. More...
virtual vector momentEff () const
 Return the total moment. More...
virtual bool execute ()
 Execute the function object. More...
virtual bool write ()
 Write to data files/fields and to streams. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from fvMeshFunctionObject
 TypeName ("fvMeshFunctionObject")
 Runtime type information. More...
 fvMeshFunctionObject (const word &name, const Time &runTime, const dictionary &dict)
 Construct from Time and dictionary. More...
 fvMeshFunctionObject (const word &name, const objectRegistry &obr, const dictionary &dict)
 Construct from the region objectRegistry and dictionary. More...
virtual ~fvMeshFunctionObject ()=default
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from regionFunctionObject
 TypeName ("regionFunctionObject")
 Runtime type information. More...
 regionFunctionObject (const word &name, const Time &runTime, const dictionary &dict)
 Construct from Time and dictionary. More...
 regionFunctionObject (const word &name, const objectRegistry &obr, const dictionary &dict)
 Construct from the region objectRegistry and dictionary. More...
virtual ~regionFunctionObject ()=default
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool read (const dictionary &dict)
 Read optional controls. More...
template<class ObjectType >
const ObjectType * lookupObjectPtr (const word &fieldName) const
 Deprecated(2018-10) More...
template<class ObjectType >
ObjectType * lookupObjectRefPtr (const word &fieldName) const
 Deprecated(2018-10) More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from stateFunctionObject
 stateFunctionObject (const word &name, const Time &runTime)
 Construct from components. More...
virtual ~stateFunctionObject ()=default
 Destructor. More...
dictionarypropertyDict ()
 Return access to the property dictionary. More...
bool foundProperty (const word &entryName) const
 Return true if the property exists. More...
void clearTrigger ()
 Remove the trigger index from the properties. More...
label getTrigger () const
 Get the current trigger index. More...
bool setTrigger (const label triggeri)
 Set new trigger index. More...
bool getDict (const word &entryName, dictionary &dict) const
 Set dictionary, return true if set. More...
bool getObjectDict (const word &objectName, const word &entryName, dictionary &dict) const
 Set dictionary from named object, return true if set. More...
template<class Type >
Type getProperty (const word &entryName, const Type &defaultValue=Type(Zero)) const
 Retrieve generic property. More...
template<class Type >
bool getProperty (const word &entryName, Type &value) const
 Set generic property, return true if set. More...
template<class Type >
void setProperty (const word &entryName, const Type &value)
 Add generic property. More...
template<class Type >
Type getObjectProperty (const word &objectName, const word &entryName, const Type &defaultValue=Type(Zero)) const
 Retrieve generic property from named object. More...
template<class Type >
bool getObjectProperty (const word &objectName, const word &entryName, Type &value) const
 Set generic property from named object, return true if set. More...
template<class Type >
void setObjectProperty (const word &objectName, const word &entryName, const Type &value)
 Add generic property from named object. More...
template<class Type >
void setResult (const word &entryName, const Type &value)
 Add result. More...
template<class Type >
void setObjectResult (const word &objectName, const word &entryName, const Type &value)
 Add result from named object. More...
template<class Type >
Type getResult (const word &entryName, const Type &defaultValue=Type(Zero)) const
 Retrieve result. More...
template<class Type >
Type getObjectResult (const word &objectName, const word &entryName, const Type &defaultValue=Type(Zero)) const
 Retrieve result from named object. More...
template<class Type >
bool getObjectResult (const word &objectName, const word &entryName, Type &value) const
 Set result from named object, return true if set. More...
word resultType (const word &entryName) const
 Retrieve the result type. More...
word objectResultType (const word &objectName, const word &entryName) const
 Return the type of result. More...
wordList objectResultEntries () const
 Retrieve the result entries. More...
wordList objectResultEntries (const word &objectName) const
 Return result entries for named object. More...
void writeResultEntries (Ostream &os) const
 Write the results entries for all objects to stream. More...
void writeResultEntries (const word &objectName, Ostream &os) const
 Write the results entries for named object to stream. More...
void writeAllResultEntries (Ostream &os) const
 Write the results entries for all objects to stream. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from timeFunctionObject
 timeFunctionObject (const word &name, const Time &runTime)
 Construct from Time. More...
virtual ~timeFunctionObject ()=default
 Destructor. More...
const Timetime () const
 Return time database. More...
objectRegistrystoredObjects ()
const objectRegistrystoredObjects () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from functionObject
 declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, functionObject, dictionary,(const word &name, const Time &runTime, const dictionary &dict),(name, runTime, dict))
 functionObject (const word &name, const bool withNamePrefix=defaultUseNamePrefix)
 Construct from components. More...
autoPtr< functionObjectclone () const
 Return clone. More...
virtual ~functionObject ()=default
 Destructor. More...
virtual const wordtype () const =0
 Runtime type information. More...
const wordname () const noexcept
 Return the name of this functionObject. More...
bool useNamePrefix () const noexcept
 Return the flag for adding a scoping name prefix. More...
bool useNamePrefix (bool on) noexcept
 Modify the flag for adding a scoping name prefix. More...
virtual bool read (const dictionary &dict)
 Read and set the function object if its data have changed. More...
virtual bool execute ()=0
 Called at each ++ or += of the time-loop. More...
virtual bool execute (const label subIndex)
 Execute using the specified subIndex. More...
virtual bool write ()=0
 Called at each ++ or += of the time-loop. More...
virtual bool end ()
 Called when Time::run() determines that the time-loop exits. More...
virtual bool adjustTimeStep ()
 Called at the end of Time::adjustDeltaT() if adjustTime is true. More...
virtual bool filesModified () const
 Did any file get changed during execution? More...
virtual void updateMesh (const mapPolyMesh &mpm)
 Update for changes of mesh. More...
virtual void movePoints (const polyMesh &mesh)
 Update for changes of mesh. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from writeFile
 writeFile (const objectRegistry &obr, const fileName &prefix, const word &name="undefined", const bool writeToFile=true)
 Construct from objectRegistry, prefix, fileName. More...
 writeFile (const objectRegistry &obr, const fileName &prefix, const word &name, const dictionary &dict, const bool writeToFile=true)
 writeFile (const writeFile &wf)
 Construct copy. More...
virtual ~writeFile ()=default
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool read (const dictionary &dict)
 Read. More...
virtual OFstreamfile ()
 Return access to the file (if only 1) More...
virtual bool writeToFile () const
 Flag to allow writing to file. More...
virtual bool canWriteHeader () const
 Flag to allow writing the header. More...
virtual label charWidth () const
 Return width of character stream output. More...
virtual void writeCommented (Ostream &os, const string &str) const
 Write a commented string to stream. More...
virtual void writeTabbed (Ostream &os, const string &str) const
 Write a tabbed string to stream. More...
virtual void writeHeader (Ostream &os, const string &str) const
 Write a commented header to stream. More...
virtual void writeCurrentTime (Ostream &os) const
 Write the current time to stream. More...
virtual void writeBreak (Ostream &os) const
 Write a break marker to the stream. More...
template<class Type >
void writeHeaderValue (Ostream &os, const string &property, const Type &value) const
 Write a (commented) header property and value pair. More...
template<class Type >
void writeValue (Ostream &os, const Type &val) const
 Write a given value to stream with the space delimiter. More...

Protected Member Functions

void initialise ()
 Initialise containers and fields. More...
volVectorFieldforceCoeff ()
 Return access to the force coefficients field. More...
volVectorFieldmomentCoeff ()
 Return access to the moment coefficients field. More...
void reset ()
 Reset containers and fields. More...
HashTable< coeffDescselectCoeffs () const
 Return the operand coefficients. More...
void calcForceCoeffs ()
 Calculate force coefficients. More...
void calcMomentCoeffs ()
 Calculate moment coefficients. More...
List< scalar > integrateData (const List< Field< scalar > > &coeff) const
 Return integrated {total, pressure, viscous, porous} components. More...
void createIntegratedDataFile ()
 Create the integrated-coefficient file. More...
void writeIntegratedDataFileHeader (const word &header, OFstream &os) const
 Write header to the integrated-coefficient file. More...
void writeIntegratedDataFile ()
 Write integrated coefficients to the integrated-coefficient file. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from forces
void setCoordinateSystem (const dictionary &dict, const word &e3Name=word::null, const word &e1Name=word::null)
 Set the co-ordinate system from dictionary and axes names. More...
volVectorFieldforce ()
 Return access to the force field. More...
volVectorFieldmoment ()
 Return access to the moment field. More...
void initialise ()
 Initialise containers and fields. More...
void reset ()
 Reset containers and fields. More...
tmp< volSymmTensorFielddevRhoReff () const
 Return the effective stress (viscous + turbulent) More...
tmp< volScalarFieldmu () const
 Return dynamic viscosity field. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldrho () const
 Return rho if specified otherwise rhoRef. More...
scalar rho (const volScalarField &p) const
void addToPatchFields (const label patchi, const vectorField &Md, const vectorField &fP, const vectorField &fV)
 Add patch contributions to force and moment fields. More...
void addToInternalField (const labelList &cellIDs, const vectorField &Md, const vectorField &f)
void createIntegratedDataFiles ()
 Create the integrated-data files. More...
void writeIntegratedDataFileHeader (const word &header, OFstream &os) const
 Write header for an integrated-data file. More...
void writeIntegratedDataFiles ()
 Write integrated data to files. More...
void writeIntegratedDataFile (const vector &pres, const vector &vis, const vector &internal, OFstream &os) const
 Write integrated data to a file. More...
void logIntegratedData (const string &descriptor, const vector &pres, const vector &vis, const vector &internal) const
 Write integrated data to stream. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from fvMeshFunctionObject
 fvMeshFunctionObject (const fvMeshFunctionObject &)=delete
 No copy construct. More...
void operator= (const fvMeshFunctionObject &)=delete
 No copy assignment. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from regionFunctionObject
virtual const objectRegistryobr () const
 The region or sub-region registry being used. More...
template<class ObjectType >
bool foundObject (const word &fieldName) const
 Find object (eg, a field) in the (sub) objectRegistry. More...
template<class ObjectType >
const ObjectType * cfindObject (const word &fieldName) const
template<class ObjectType >
const ObjectType * findObject (const word &fieldName) const
template<class ObjectType >
ObjectType * findObject (const word &fieldName)
template<class ObjectType >
ObjectType * getObjectPtr (const word &fieldName) const
template<class ObjectType >
const ObjectType & lookupObject (const word &fieldName) const
 Lookup and return object (eg, a field) from the (sub) objectRegistry. More...
template<class ObjectType >
ObjectType & lookupObjectRef (const word &fieldName) const
 Lookup and return object (eg, a field) from the (sub) objectRegistry. More...
template<class ObjectType >
bool store (word &fieldName, const tmp< ObjectType > &tfield, bool cacheable=false)
 Store the field in the (sub) objectRegistry under the given name. More...
template<class ObjectType >
bool storeInDb (const word &fieldName, const tmp< ObjectType > &tfield, const objectRegistry &obr)
 Store the field in an optional objectRegistry under the given name. More...
bool writeObject (const word &fieldName)
 Write field if present in the (sub) objectRegistry. More...
bool clearObject (const word &fieldName)
 Clear field from the (sub) objectRegistry if present. More...
void clearObjects (const wordList &objNames)
 Clear fields from the (sub) objectRegistry if present. More...
 regionFunctionObject (const regionFunctionObject &)=delete
 No copy construct. More...
void operator= (const regionFunctionObject &)=delete
 No copy assignment. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from stateFunctionObject
const functionObjects::propertiesstateDict () const
 Return a const reference to the state dictionary. More...
functionObjects::propertiesstateDict ()
 Return non-const access to the state dictionary. More...
 stateFunctionObject (const stateFunctionObject &)=delete
 No copy construct. More...
void operator= (const stateFunctionObject &)=delete
 No copy assignment. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from timeFunctionObject
void clearOutputObjects (const wordList &objNames)
 Remove specified items from "functionObjectObjects". More...
 timeFunctionObject (const timeFunctionObject &)=delete
 No copy construct. More...
void operator= (const timeFunctionObject &)=delete
 No copy assignment. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from functionObject
word scopedName (const word &name) const
 Return a scoped (prefixed) name. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from writeFile
void initStream (Ostream &os) const
 Initialise the output stream for writing. More...
fileName baseFileDir () const
 Return the base directory for output. More...
fileName baseTimeDir () const
 Return the base directory for the current time value. More...
virtual autoPtr< OFstreamcreateFile (const word &name, scalar timeValue) const
 Return autoPtr to a new file for a given time. More...
virtual autoPtr< OFstreamcreateFile (const word &name) const
 Return autoPtr to a new file using the simulation start time. More...
virtual void resetFile (const word &name)
 Reset internal file pointer to new file with new name. More...
Omanip< int > valueWidth (const label offset=0) const
 Return the value width when writing to stream with optional offset. More...
void operator= (const writeFile &)=delete
 No copy assignment. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from functionObject
static autoPtr< functionObjectNew (const word &name, const Time &runTime, const dictionary &dict)
 Select from dictionary, based on its "type" entry. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from functionObject
bool log
 Flag to write log into Info. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from functionObject
static int debug
 Flag to execute debug content. More...
static bool postProcess
 Global post-processing mode switch. More...
static bool defaultUseNamePrefix
 Global default for useNamePrefix. More...
static word outputPrefix
 Directory prefix. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from writeFile
static label addChars = 8
 Additional characters for writing. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from forces
vector sumPatchForcesP_
 Sum of patch pressure forces. More...
vector sumPatchForcesV_
 Sum of patch viscous forces. More...
vector sumPatchMomentsP_
 Sum of patch pressure moments. More...
vector sumPatchMomentsV_
 Sum of patch viscous moments. More...
vector sumInternalForces_
 Sum of internal forces. More...
vector sumInternalMoments_
 Sum of internal moments. More...
autoPtr< OFstreamforceFilePtr_
 File stream for forces. More...
autoPtr< OFstreammomentFilePtr_
 File stream for moments. More...
autoPtr< coordinateSystemcoordSysPtr_
 Coordinate system used when evaluating forces and moments. More...
labelHashSet patchSet_
 Names of operand patches. More...
scalar rhoRef_
 Reference density needed for incompressible calculations. More...
scalar pRef_
 Reference pressure. More...
word pName_
 Name of pressure field. More...
word UName_
 Name of velocity field. More...
word rhoName_
 Name of density field. More...
word fDName_
 Name of force density field. More...
bool directForceDensity_
 Flag to directly supply force density. More...
bool porosity_
 Flag to include porosity effects. More...
bool writeFields_
 Flag to write force and moment fields. More...
bool initialised_
 Flag of initialisation (internal) More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from fvMeshFunctionObject
const fvMeshmesh_
 Reference to the fvMesh. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from regionFunctionObject
word subRegistryName_
 Name for alternative object registry. More...
const objectRegistryobr_
 Reference to the region objectRegistry. More...
const objectRegistryobrPtr_
 Pointer to alternative (eg, sub-region) objectRegistry. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from timeFunctionObject
const Timetime_
 Reference to the time database. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from writeFile
const objectRegistryfileObr_
 Reference to the region objectRegistry. More...
const fileName prefix_
 Prefix. More...
word fileName_
 Name of file. More...
autoPtr< OFstreamfilePtr_
 File pointer. More...
label writePrecision_
 Write precision. More...
bool writeToFile_
 Flag to enable/disable writing to file. More...
bool updateHeader_
bool writtenHeader_
 Flag to identify whether the header has been written. More...
bool useUserTime_
scalar startTime_
 Start time value. More...

Detailed Description

Computes force and moment coefficients over a given list of patches, and optionally over given porous zones. The following coefficients can be selected and output:

  Cd      | Drag coefficient
  Cs      | Side-force coefficient
  Cl      | Lift coefficient
  CmRoll  | Roll-moment coefficient
  CmPitch | Pitch-moment coefficient
  CmYaw   | Yaw-moment coefficient

The force coefficients can also be optionally output in terms of their front and rear axle constituents:

    Cd{f,r} = 0.5*Cd {+,-} CmRoll
    Cs{f,r} = 0.5*Cs {+,-} CmYaw
    Cl{f,r} = 0.5*Cl {+,-} CmPitch

where f and r represent front and rear axles, respectively.

Force and moment coefficients are output in their total and constituent components:

  • total force and moment coefficients
  • pressure contributions
  • viscous contributions
  • porous resistance contributions (optional)

Force and moment coefficients can be computed and output in:

  • the global Cartesian coordinate system (default)
  • a user-defined Cartesian coordinate system


Operand Type Location
input - -
output file dat postProcessing/<FO>/<time>/<file>s
output field volVectorField <time>/<outField>s

where <file>s:

      coefficient.dat  | Integrated coefficients over all patches

where <outField>s:

      <namePrefix>:forceCoeff   | Force coefficient field
      <namePrefix>:momentCoeff  | Moment coefficient field
Minimal example by using system/controlDict.functions:
    // Mandatory entries
    type                forceCoeffs;
    libs                (forces);
    patches             (<wordRes>); // (wall1 "(wall2|wall3)");
    magUInf             <scalar>;
    lRef                <scalar>;
    Aref                <scalar>;

    // Optional entries
    coefficients        (<wordHashSet>);
    directForceDensity  <bool>;
    porosity            <bool>;
    writeFields         <bool>;
    useNamePrefix       <bool>;

    // Conditional mandatory entries

        // Cartesian coordinate system specification when evaluating
        // force and moment coefficients, either of the below

        // Option-1, i.e. the centre of rotation
        // by inherently using e3=(0 0 1) and e1=(1 0 0)
        CofR                (0 0 0); // Centre of rotation
        dragDir             (1 0 0);
        liftDir             (0 0 1);

        // Option-2, i.e. local coordinate system specification
        origin              (0 0 0);
        e1                  (1 0 0);
        e3                  (0 0 1); // (e1, e2) or (e2, e3) or (e3, e1)

        // Option-3, i.e. general coordinate system specification
            type            cartesian;
            origin          (0 0 0);
                type        axes;
                e3          (0 0 1);
                e1          (1 0 0); // (e1, e2) or (e2, e3) or (e3, e1)

    // Conditional optional entries

        // if directForceDensity == true
        fD              <word>;

        // if directForceDensity == false
        p               <word>;
        U               <word>;
        rho             <word>;
        rhoInf          <scalar>; // redundant for incompressible-flow cases
        pRef            <scalar>;

    // Inherited entries

where the entries mean:

Property Description Type Reqd Deflt
type Type name: forceCoeffs word yes -
libs Library name: forces word yes -
patches Names of operand patches wordRes yes -
coefficients Names of operand coefficients wordHashSet no -
magUInf Reference velocity magnitude scalar yes -

Reference length scale for moment calculations

scalar yes -
Aref Reference area scalar yes -

Flag to directly supply force density

bool no false
porosity Flag to include porosity contributions bool no false
writeFields Flag to write force and moment fields bool no false
useNamePrefix Flag to include prefix for field names bool no false
CofR Centre of rotation vector cndtnl -
origin Origin of coordinate system vector cndtnl -
e3 e3 coordinate axis vector cndtnl -
e1 e1 coordinate axis vector cndtnl -
coordinateSystem Coordinate system specifier dictionary cndtnl -
fD Name of force density field word cndtnl-no fD
p Name of pressure field word cndtnl-no p
U Name of velocity field word cndtnl-no U
rho Name of density field word cndtnl-no rho
rhoInf Value of reference density scalar cndtnl-yes -
pRef Value of reference pressure scalar cndtnl-no 0

Options for the coefficients entry:

      Cd      | Drag coefficient
      Cs      | Side-force coefficient
      Cl      | Lift coefficient
      CmRoll  | Roll-moment coefficient
      CmPitch | Pitch-moment coefficient
      CmYaw   | Yaw-moment coefficient
      Cdf     | Front-axle drag coefficient
      Csf     | Front-axle side-force coefficient
      Clf     | Front-axle lift coefficient
      Cdr     | Rear-axle drag coefficient
      Csr     | Rear-axle side-force coefficient
      Clr     | Rear-axle lift coefficient

The inherited entries are elaborated in:

  • rhoInf is always redundant for incompressible computations. That is, rhoInf is always equal to 1 in incompressible computations no matter which input value is assigned to rhoInf. The value of rhoInf is only used for compressible computations.
  • writeControl and writeInterval entries of function object do control when to output force and moment files and fields.
  • Input for force/moment coefficient directions require an origin and two orthogonal directions where the remaining orthogonal direction is automatically computed.
  • The default direction relations are shown below:
Property Description Alias Direction
dragDir Drag direction e1 (1 0 0)
sideDir Side force direction e2 (0 1 0)
liftDir Lift direction e3 (0 0 1)
rollAxis Roll axis e1 (1 0 0)
pitchAxis Pitch axis e2 (0 1 0)
yawAxis Yaw axis e3 (0 0 1)
Source files

Definition at line 439 of file forceCoeffs.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ forceCoeffs() [1/2]

forceCoeffs ( const word name,
const Time runTime,
const dictionary dict,
const bool  readFields = true 

Construct from Time and dictionary.

Definition at line 273 of file forceCoeffs.C.

References dict, Foam::endl(), Foam::Info, forceCoeffs::read(), and forces::setCoordinateSystem().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ forceCoeffs() [2/2]

forceCoeffs ( const forceCoeffs )

No copy construct.

◆ ~forceCoeffs()

virtual ~forceCoeffs ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ initialise()

void initialise ( )

Initialise containers and fields.

Definition at line 53 of file forceCoeffs.C.

◆ forceCoeff()

Foam::volVectorField & forceCoeff ( )

Return access to the force coefficients field.

Definition at line 64 of file forceCoeffs.C.

References Foam::dimless, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE, and Foam::Zero.

◆ momentCoeff()

Foam::volVectorField & momentCoeff ( )

Return access to the moment coefficients field.

Definition at line 92 of file forceCoeffs.C.

References Foam::dimless, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE, and Foam::Zero.

◆ reset()

void reset ( )

Reset containers and fields.

Definition at line 120 of file forceCoeffs.C.

References Foam::dimless, and Foam::Zero.

◆ selectCoeffs()

Return the operand coefficients.

Definition at line 131 of file forceCoeffs.C.

References forAllConstIters, and HashTable< T, Key, Hash >::insert().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ calcForceCoeffs()

void calcForceCoeffs ( )

Calculate force coefficients.

Definition at line 157 of file forceCoeffs.C.

References Foam::dimForce, Foam::dimless, pDyn(), Foam::sqr(), and dimensioned< Type >::value().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ calcMomentCoeffs()

void calcMomentCoeffs ( )

Calculate moment coefficients.

Definition at line 181 of file forceCoeffs.C.

References Foam::dimForce, Foam::dimLength, Foam::dimless, pDyn(), Foam::sqr(), and dimensioned< Type >::value().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ integrateData()

List< scalar > integrateData ( const List< Field< scalar > > &  coeff) const

Return integrated {total, pressure, viscous, porous} components.

◆ createIntegratedDataFile()

void createIntegratedDataFile ( )

Create the integrated-coefficient file.

Definition at line 205 of file forceCoeffs.C.

◆ writeIntegratedDataFileHeader()

void writeIntegratedDataFileHeader ( const word header,
OFstream os 
) const

Write header to the integrated-coefficient file.

Definition at line 215 of file forceCoeffs.C.

References Foam::endl(), os(), and Foam::writeHeader().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ writeIntegratedDataFile()

void writeIntegratedDataFile ( )

Write integrated coefficients to the integrated-coefficient file.

Definition at line 250 of file forceCoeffs.C.

References Foam::endl(), os(), Foam::tab, Vector< Cmpt >::x(), Vector< Cmpt >::y(), and Vector< Cmpt >::z().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TypeName()

TypeName ( "forceCoeffs"  )

Runtime type information.

◆ operator=()

void operator= ( const forceCoeffs )

No copy assignment.

◆ read()

bool read ( const dictionary dict)

Read the dictionary.

Reimplemented from forces.

Definition at line 301 of file forceCoeffs.C.

References dict, Foam::endl(), Foam::exit(), Foam::FatalIOError, FatalIOErrorInFunction, Foam::Info, Foam::min(), Foam::nl, and kEpsilonLopesdaCosta< BasicTurbulenceModel >::read().

Referenced by forceCoeffs::forceCoeffs().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ execute()

bool execute ( )

Execute the function object.

Reimplemented from forces.

Definition at line 382 of file forceCoeffs.C.

References forces::calcForcesMoments(), Foam::endl(), Foam::Info, Log, Foam::name(), Foam::nl, os(), Foam::tab, Foam::type(), Vector< Cmpt >::x(), Vector< Cmpt >::y(), and Vector< Cmpt >::z().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write()

bool write ( )

Write to data files/fields and to streams.

Reimplemented from forces.

Definition at line 438 of file forceCoeffs.C.

References Foam::endl(), and Log.

Here is the call graph for this function:

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