cellCuts Member List

This is the complete list of members for cellCuts, including all inherited members.

cellAnchorPoints() constcellCutsinline
cellCuts(const polyMesh &mesh, const labelList &cutCells, const labelList &meshVerts, const labelList &meshEdges, const scalarField &meshEdgeWeights, const bool verbose=true)cellCuts
cellCuts(const polyMesh &mesh, const labelList &meshVerts, const labelList &meshEdges, const scalarField &meshEdgeWeights, const bool verbose=true)cellCuts
cellCuts(const polyMesh &mesh, const labelList &cellLabels, const labelListList &cellLoops, const List< scalarField > &cellEdgeWeights, const bool verbose=true)cellCuts
cellCuts(const polyMesh &mesh, const cellLooper &cellCutter, const List< refineCell > &refCells, const bool verbose=true)cellCuts
cellCuts(const polyMesh &mesh, const cellLooper &cellCutter, const labelList &cellLabels, const List< plane > &cutPlanes, const bool verbose=true)cellCuts
cellCuts(const polyMesh &mesh, const boolList &pointIsCut, const boolList &edgeIsCut, const scalarField &edgeWeight, const Map< edge > &faceSplitCut, const labelListList &cellLoops, const label nLoops, const labelListList &cellAnchorPoints, const bool verbose=true)cellCuts
cellLoops() constcellCutsinline
coord(const primitiveMesh &, const label cut, const scalar weight)edgeVertexstatic
coord(const label cut, const scalar weight) constedgeVertexinline
cutPairToEdge(const primitiveMesh &, const label cut0, const label cut1)edgeVertexstatic
cutPairToEdge(const label cut0, const label cut1) constedgeVertexinline
edgeIsCut() constcellCutsinline
edgeToEVert(const primitiveMesh &mesh, const label edgeI)edgeVertexinlinestatic
edgeToEVert(const label edgeI) constedgeVertexinline
edgeVertex(const polyMesh &mesh)edgeVertexinlineexplicit
edgeWeight() constcellCutsinline
faceCuts() constcellCutsinline
faceSplitCut() constcellCutsinline
flip(const label celli)cellCuts
flipLoopOnly(const label celli)cellCuts
getEdge(const primitiveMesh &mesh, const label eVert)edgeVertexinlinestatic
getEdge(const label eVert) constedgeVertexinline
getVertex(const primitiveMesh &mesh, const label eVert)edgeVertexinlinestatic
getVertex(const label eVert) constedgeVertexinline
isEdge(const primitiveMesh &mesh, const label eVert)edgeVertexinlinestatic
isEdge(const label eVert) constedgeVertexinline
loopPoints(const label celli) constcellCuts
mesh() constedgeVertexinline
nLoops() constcellCutsinline
nonAnchorPoints(const labelList &cellPoints, const labelList &anchorPoints, const labelList &loop) constcellCuts
pointIsCut() constcellCutsinline
updateLabels(const labelList &map, List< refineCell > &)edgeVertexstatic
updateLabels(const labelList &map, Map< label > &)edgeVertexstatic
updateLabels(const labelList &map, labelHashSet &)edgeVertexstatic
vertToEVert(const primitiveMesh &mesh, const label vertI)edgeVertexinlinestatic
vertToEVert(const label vertI) constedgeVertexinline
writeCellOBJ(const fileName &dir, const label celli) constcellCuts
writeCut(Ostream &os, const label cut, const scalar) constedgeVertex
writeCuts(Ostream &os, const labelList &, const scalarField &) constedgeVertex
writeOBJ(Ostream &os, const pointField &loopPoints, label &vertI) constcellCuts
writeOBJ(Ostream &os) constcellCuts