kOmegaSSTLM< BasicTurbulenceModel > Class Template Reference

Langtry-Menter 4-equation transitional SST model based on the k-omega-SST RAS model. More...

Inheritance diagram for kOmegaSSTLM< BasicTurbulenceModel >:
Collaboration diagram for kOmegaSSTLM< BasicTurbulenceModel >:

Public Types

typedef BasicTurbulenceModel::alphaField alphaField
typedef BasicTurbulenceModel::rhoField rhoField
typedef BasicTurbulenceModel::transportModel transportModel
- Public Types inherited from kOmegaSST< BasicTurbulenceModel >
typedef BasicTurbulenceModel::alphaField alphaField
typedef BasicTurbulenceModel::rhoField rhoField
typedef BasicTurbulenceModel::transportModel transportModel
- Public Types inherited from kOmegaSSTBase< eddyViscosity< RASModel< BasicTurbulenceModel > > >
typedef BasicEddyViscosityModel::alphaField alphaField
typedef BasicEddyViscosityModel::rhoField rhoField
typedef BasicEddyViscosityModel::transportModel transportModel
- Public Types inherited from eddyViscosity< RASModel< BasicTurbulenceModel > >
typedef BasicTurbulenceModel::alphaField alphaField
typedef BasicTurbulenceModel::rhoField rhoField
typedef BasicTurbulenceModel::transportModel transportModel
- Public Types inherited from linearViscousStress< BasicTurbulenceModel >
typedef BasicTurbulenceModel::alphaField alphaField
typedef BasicTurbulenceModel::rhoField rhoField
typedef BasicTurbulenceModel::transportModel transportModel

Public Member Functions

 TypeName ("kOmegaSSTLM")
 Runtime type information. More...
 kOmegaSSTLM (const alphaField &alpha, const rhoField &rho, const volVectorField &U, const surfaceScalarField &alphaRhoPhi, const surfaceScalarField &phi, const transportModel &transport, const word &propertiesName=turbulenceModel::propertiesName, const word &type=typeName)
 Construct from components. More...
virtual ~kOmegaSSTLM ()=default
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool read ()
 Re-read model coefficients if they have changed. More...
const volScalarFieldReThetat () const
 Access function transition onset momentum-thickness Reynolds number. More...
const volScalarFieldgammaInt () const
 Access function to intermittency. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldDReThetatEff () const
 Return the effective diffusivity for transition onset. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldDgammaIntEff () const
 Return the effective diffusivity for intermittency. More...
virtual void correct ()
 Solve the turbulence equations and correct the turbulence viscosity. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from kOmegaSST< BasicTurbulenceModel >
 TypeName ("kOmegaSST")
 Runtime type information. More...
 kOmegaSST (const alphaField &alpha, const rhoField &rho, const volVectorField &U, const surfaceScalarField &alphaRhoPhi, const surfaceScalarField &phi, const transportModel &transport, const word &propertiesName=turbulenceModel::propertiesName, const word &type=typeName)
 Construct from components. More...
virtual ~kOmegaSST ()=default
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from kOmegaSSTBase< eddyViscosity< RASModel< BasicTurbulenceModel > > >
 kOmegaSSTBase (const word &type, const alphaField &alpha, const rhoField &rho, const volVectorField &U, const surfaceScalarField &alphaRhoPhi, const surfaceScalarField &phi, const transportModel &transport, const word &propertiesName=turbulenceModel::propertiesName)
 Construct from components. More...
virtual ~kOmegaSSTBase ()=default
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool read ()
 Re-read model coefficients if they have changed. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldDkEff (const volScalarField &F1) const
 Return the effective diffusivity for k. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldDomegaEff (const volScalarField &F1) const
 Return the effective diffusivity for omega. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldk () const
 Return the turbulence kinetic energy. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldomega () const
 Return the turbulence kinetic energy dissipation rate. More...
virtual void correct ()
 Solve the turbulence equations and correct the turbulence viscosity. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from eddyViscosity< RASModel< BasicTurbulenceModel > >
 eddyViscosity (const word &modelName, const alphaField &alpha, const rhoField &rho, const volVectorField &U, const surfaceScalarField &alphaRhoPhi, const surfaceScalarField &phi, const transportModel &transport, const word &propertiesName)
 Construct from components. More...
virtual ~eddyViscosity ()=default
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool read ()=0
 Re-read model coefficients if they have changed. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldnut () const
 Return the turbulence viscosity. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldnut (const label patchi) const
 Return the turbulence viscosity on patch. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldk () const=0
 Return the turbulence kinetic energy. More...
virtual tmp< volSymmTensorFieldR () const
 Return the Reynolds stress tensor. More...
virtual void validate ()
 Validate the turbulence fields after construction. More...
virtual void correct ()=0
 Solve the turbulence equations and correct the turbulence viscosity. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from linearViscousStress< BasicTurbulenceModel >
 linearViscousStress (const word &modelName, const alphaField &alpha, const rhoField &rho, const volVectorField &U, const surfaceScalarField &alphaRhoPhi, const surfaceScalarField &phi, const transportModel &transport, const word &propertiesName)
 Construct from components. More...
virtual ~linearViscousStress ()=default
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool read ()=0
 Re-read model coefficients if they have changed. More...
virtual tmp< volSymmTensorFielddevRhoReff () const
 Return the effective stress tensor. More...
virtual tmp< volSymmTensorFielddevRhoReff (const volVectorField &U) const
 Return the effective stress tensor based on a given velocity field. More...
virtual tmp< fvVectorMatrixdivDevRhoReff (volVectorField &U) const
 Return the source term for the momentum equation. More...
virtual tmp< fvVectorMatrixdivDevRhoReff (const volScalarField &rho, volVectorField &U) const
 Return the source term for the momentum equation. More...
virtual void correct ()=0
 Solve the turbulence equations and correct the turbulence viscosity. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual tmp< volScalarFieldF1 (const volScalarField &CDkOmega) const
 Modified form of the k-omega SST F1 function. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarField::InternalPk (const volScalarField::Internal &G) const
 Modified form of the k-omega SST k production rate. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarField::InternalepsilonByk (const volScalarField &F1, const volTensorField &gradU) const
 Modified form of the k-omega SST epsilon/k. More...
tmp< volScalarField::InternalFthetat (const volScalarField::Internal &Us, const volScalarField::Internal &Omega, const volScalarField::Internal &nu) const
 Freestream blending-function. More...
tmp< volScalarField::InternalReThetac () const
 Empirical correlation for critical Reynolds number where the. More...
tmp< volScalarField::InternalFlength (const volScalarField::Internal &nu) const
 Empirical correlation that controls the length of the. More...
tmp< volScalarField::InternalFonset (const volScalarField::Internal &Rev, const volScalarField::Internal &ReThetac, const volScalarField::Internal &RT) const
 Transition onset location control function. More...
tmp< volScalarField::InternalReThetat0 (const volScalarField::Internal &Us, const volScalarField::Internal &dUsds, const volScalarField::Internal &nu) const
 Return the transition onset momentum-thickness Reynolds number. More...
void correctReThetatGammaInt ()
 Solve the turbulence equations and correct the turbulence viscosity. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kOmegaSST< BasicTurbulenceModel >
virtual void correctNut (const volScalarField &S2)
virtual void correctNut ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kOmegaSSTBase< eddyViscosity< RASModel< BasicTurbulenceModel > > >
void setDecayControl (const dictionary &dict)
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldF1 (const volScalarField &CDkOmega) const
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldF2 () const
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldF3 () const
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldF23 () const
tmp< volScalarFieldblend (const volScalarField &F1, const dimensionedScalar &psi1, const dimensionedScalar &psi2) const
tmp< volScalarField::Internalblend (const volScalarField::Internal &F1, const dimensionedScalar &psi1, const dimensionedScalar &psi2) const
tmp< volScalarFieldalphaK (const volScalarField &F1) const
tmp< volScalarFieldalphaOmega (const volScalarField &F1) const
tmp< volScalarField::Internalbeta (const volScalarField::Internal &F1) const
tmp< volScalarField::Internalgamma (const volScalarField::Internal &F1) const
virtual void correctNut (const volScalarField &S2)
virtual void correctNut ()
virtual tmp< volScalarField::InternalPk (const volScalarField::Internal &G) const
 Return k production rate. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarField::InternalepsilonByk (const volScalarField &F1, const volTensorField &gradU) const
 Return epsilon/k which for standard RAS is betaStar*omega. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarField::InternalGbyNu (const volScalarField::Internal &GbyNu0, const volScalarField::Internal &F2, const volScalarField::Internal &S2) const
 Return G/nu. More...
virtual tmp< fvScalarMatrixkSource () const
virtual tmp< fvScalarMatrixomegaSource () const
virtual tmp< fvScalarMatrixQsas (const volScalarField::Internal &S2, const volScalarField::Internal &gamma, const volScalarField::Internal &beta) const
virtual void correctNut ()=0

Protected Attributes

dimensionedScalar ca1_
dimensionedScalar ca2_
dimensionedScalar ce1_
dimensionedScalar ce2_
dimensionedScalar cThetat_
dimensionedScalar sigmaThetat_
scalar lambdaErr_
 Convergence criterion for the lambda/thetat loop. More...
label maxLambdaIter_
 Maximum number of iterations to converge the lambda/thetat loop. More...
const dimensionedScalar deltaU_
 Stabilization for division by the magnitude of the velocity. More...
volScalarField ReThetat_
 Transition onset momentum-thickness Reynolds number. More...
volScalarField gammaInt_
 Intermittency. More...
volScalarField::Internal gammaIntEff_
 Effective intermittency. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from kOmegaSSTBase< eddyViscosity< RASModel< BasicTurbulenceModel > > >
dimensionedScalar alphaK1_
dimensionedScalar alphaK2_
dimensionedScalar alphaOmega1_
dimensionedScalar alphaOmega2_
dimensionedScalar gamma1_
dimensionedScalar gamma2_
dimensionedScalar beta1_
dimensionedScalar beta2_
dimensionedScalar betaStar_
dimensionedScalar a1_
dimensionedScalar b1_
dimensionedScalar c1_
Switch F3_
 Flag to include the F3 term. More...
const volScalarFieldy_
 Wall distance. More...
volScalarField k_
volScalarField omega_
Switch decayControl_
 Flag to include the decay control. More...
dimensionedScalar kInf_
dimensionedScalar omegaInf_
- Protected Attributes inherited from eddyViscosity< RASModel< BasicTurbulenceModel > >
volScalarField nut_

Detailed Description

template<class BasicTurbulenceModel>
class Foam::RASModels::kOmegaSSTLM< BasicTurbulenceModel >

Langtry-Menter 4-equation transitional SST model based on the k-omega-SST RAS model.


    Langtry, R. B., & Menter, F. R. (2009).
    Correlation-based transition modeling for unstructured parallelized
    computational fluid dynamics codes.
    AIAA journal, 47(12), 2894-2906.

    Menter, F. R., Langtry, R., & Volker, S. (2006).
    Transition modelling for general purpose CFD codes.
    Flow, turbulence and combustion, 77(1-4), 277-303.

    Langtry, R. B. (2006).
    A correlation-based transition model using local variables for
    unstructured parallelized CFD codes.
    Phd. Thesis, Universität Stuttgart.

The model coefficients are

        // Default SST coefficients
        alphaK1     0.85;
        alphaK2     1;
        alphaOmega1 0.5;
        alphaOmega2 0.856;
        beta1       0.075;
        beta2       0.0828;
        betaStar    0.09;
        gamma1      5/9;
        gamma2      0.44;
        a1          0.31;
        b1          1;
        c1          10;
        F3          no;

        // Default LM coefficients
        ca1         2;
        ca2         0.06;
        ce1         1;
        ce2         50;
        cThetat     0.03;
        sigmaThetat 2;

        lambdaErr   1e-6;
        maxLambdaIter 10;
Source files

Definition at line 107 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ alphaField

typedef BasicTurbulenceModel::alphaField alphaField

Definition at line 217 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

◆ rhoField

typedef BasicTurbulenceModel::rhoField rhoField

Definition at line 218 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

◆ transportModel

typedef BasicTurbulenceModel::transportModel transportModel

Definition at line 219 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ kOmegaSSTLM()

kOmegaSSTLM ( const alphaField alpha,
const rhoField rho,
const volVectorField U,
const surfaceScalarField alphaRhoPhi,
const surfaceScalarField phi,
const transportModel transport,
const word propertiesName = turbulenceModel::propertiesName,
const word type = typeName 

Construct from components.

Definition at line 366 of file kOmegaSSTLM.C.

References Foam::type().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~kOmegaSSTLM()

virtual ~kOmegaSSTLM ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ F1()

tmp< volScalarField > F1 ( const volScalarField CDkOmega) const

Modified form of the k-omega SST F1 function.

Reimplemented from kOmegaSSTBase< eddyViscosity< RASModel< BasicTurbulenceModel > > >.

Definition at line 43 of file kOmegaSSTLM.C.

References Foam::exp(), F3, Foam::max(), nu, Foam::pow(), Foam::Ry(), and Foam::sqrt().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Pk()

tmp< volScalarField::Internal > Pk ( const volScalarField::Internal G) const

Modified form of the k-omega SST k production rate.

Reimplemented from kOmegaSSTBase< eddyViscosity< RASModel< BasicTurbulenceModel > > >.

Definition at line 56 of file kOmegaSSTLM.C.

References kOmegaSSTBase< BasicEddyViscosityModel >::Pk().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ epsilonByk()

tmp< volScalarField::Internal > epsilonByk ( const volScalarField F1,
const volTensorField gradU 
) const

Modified form of the k-omega SST epsilon/k.

Reimplemented from kOmegaSSTBase< eddyViscosity< RASModel< BasicTurbulenceModel > > >.

Definition at line 66 of file kOmegaSSTLM.C.

References kOmegaSSTBase< BasicEddyViscosityModel >::epsilonByk(), F1, Foam::max(), and Foam::min().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Fthetat()

tmp< volScalarField::Internal > Fthetat ( const volScalarField::Internal Us,
const volScalarField::Internal Omega,
const volScalarField::Internal nu 
) const

Freestream blending-function.

Definition at line 79 of file kOmegaSSTLM.C.

References delta, Foam::dimLength, Foam::exp(), IOobject::groupName(), Foam::max(), Foam::min(), nu, Foam::pow4(), Foam::sqr(), Us, and y.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ReThetac()

tmp< volScalarField::Internal > ReThetac

Empirical correlation for critical Reynolds number where the.

intermittency first starts to increase in the boundary layer

Definition at line 119 of file kOmegaSSTLM.C.

References Foam::dimless, forAll, IOobject::groupName(), Foam::pow3(), Foam::pow4(), tmp< T >::ref(), and Foam::sqr().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Flength()

tmp< volScalarField::Internal > Flength ( const volScalarField::Internal nu) const

Empirical correlation that controls the length of the.

transition region

Definition at line 159 of file kOmegaSSTLM.C.

References Foam::dimless, e, Foam::exp(), forAll, IOobject::groupName(), nu, Foam::pow3(), tmp< T >::ref(), Foam::sqr(), and y.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Fonset()

tmp< volScalarField::Internal > Fonset ( const volScalarField::Internal Rev,
const volScalarField::Internal ReThetac,
const volScalarField::Internal RT 
) const

Transition onset location control function.

Definition at line 336 of file kOmegaSSTLM.C.

References IOobject::groupName(), Foam::max(), Foam::min(), Foam::pow3(), and Foam::pow4().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ReThetat0()

tmp< volScalarField::Internal > ReThetat0 ( const volScalarField::Internal Us,
const volScalarField::Internal dUsds,
const volScalarField::Internal nu 
) const

Return the transition onset momentum-thickness Reynolds number.

(based on freestream conditions)

Definition at line 222 of file kOmegaSSTLM.C.

References Foam::dimless, Foam::endl(), Foam::exp(), forAll, IOobject::groupName(), k, lambda(), Foam::mag(), Foam::max(), Foam::min(), nu, Foam::pow(), Foam::pow3(), tmp< T >::ref(), Foam::sqr(), Foam::sqrt(), Us, and WarningInFunction.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ correctReThetatGammaInt()

void correctReThetatGammaInt

Solve the turbulence equations and correct the turbulence viscosity.

Definition at line 523 of file kOmegaSSTLM.C.

References alpha, Foam::bound(), tmp< T >::clear(), Foam::fvm::ddt(), Foam::fvm::div(), Foam::exp(), fvOptions, Foam::fvc::grad(), k, Foam::fvm::laplacian(), Foam::mag(), Foam::magSqr(), Foam::max(), Foam::min(), Time::New(), nu, Foam::pow4(), tmp< T >::ref(), rho, Foam::skew(), solve(), Foam::fvm::Sp(), Foam::sqr(), Foam::sqrt(), Foam::symm(), U, Us, and y.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TypeName()

TypeName ( "kOmegaSSTLM< BasicTurbulenceModel >"  )

Runtime type information.

◆ read()

bool read

Re-read model coefficients if they have changed.

Reimplemented from kOmegaSSTBase< eddyViscosity< RASModel< BasicTurbulenceModel > > >.

Definition at line 502 of file kOmegaSSTLM.C.

◆ ReThetat()

const volScalarField & ReThetat ( ) const

Access function transition onset momentum-thickness Reynolds number.

Definition at line 252 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

References kOmegaSSTLM< BasicTurbulenceModel >::ReThetat_.

◆ gammaInt()

const volScalarField & gammaInt ( ) const

Access function to intermittency.

Definition at line 258 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

References kOmegaSSTLM< BasicTurbulenceModel >::gammaInt_.

◆ DReThetatEff()

tmp< volScalarField > DReThetatEff ( ) const

Return the effective diffusivity for transition onset.

momentum-thickness Reynolds number

Definition at line 265 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

◆ DgammaIntEff()

tmp< volScalarField > DgammaIntEff ( ) const

Return the effective diffusivity for intermittency.

Definition at line 278 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

References nu, and eddyViscosity< RASModel< BasicTurbulenceModel > >::nut_.

◆ correct()

void correct

Solve the turbulence equations and correct the turbulence viscosity.

Reimplemented from kOmegaSSTBase< eddyViscosity< RASModel< BasicTurbulenceModel > > >.

Definition at line 621 of file kOmegaSSTLM.C.

References kEpsilonLopesdaCosta< BasicTurbulenceModel >::correct().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ ca1_

dimensionedScalar ca1_

Definition at line 126 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

◆ ca2_

dimensionedScalar ca2_

Definition at line 127 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

◆ ce1_

dimensionedScalar ce1_

Definition at line 129 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

◆ ce2_

dimensionedScalar ce2_

Definition at line 130 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

◆ cThetat_

dimensionedScalar cThetat_

Definition at line 132 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

◆ sigmaThetat_

dimensionedScalar sigmaThetat_

Definition at line 133 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

◆ lambdaErr_

scalar lambdaErr_

Convergence criterion for the lambda/thetat loop.

Definition at line 136 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

◆ maxLambdaIter_

label maxLambdaIter_

Maximum number of iterations to converge the lambda/thetat loop.

Definition at line 139 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

◆ deltaU_

const dimensionedScalar deltaU_

Stabilization for division by the magnitude of the velocity.

Definition at line 142 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

◆ ReThetat_

volScalarField ReThetat_

Transition onset momentum-thickness Reynolds number.

Definition at line 148 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

Referenced by kOmegaSSTLM< BasicTurbulenceModel >::ReThetat().

◆ gammaInt_

volScalarField gammaInt_


Definition at line 151 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

Referenced by kOmegaSSTLM< BasicTurbulenceModel >::gammaInt().

◆ gammaIntEff_

volScalarField::Internal gammaIntEff_

Effective intermittency.

Definition at line 154 of file kOmegaSSTLM.H.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: