KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType > Class Template Reference

Kinematic parcel surface film model. More...

Inheritance diagram for KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType >:
Collaboration diagram for KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType >:

Public Types

enum  interactionType { itAbsorb , itBounce , itSplashBai }
 Options for the interaction types. More...
- Public Types inherited from CloudSubModelBase< CloudType >
typedef CloudType cloudType
 Type of cloud this model was instantiated for. More...

Public Member Functions

interactionType interactionTypeEnum (const word &it) const
 Return interaction type enum from word. More...
word interactionTypeStr (const interactionType &it) const
 Return word from interaction type enum. More...
 TypeName ("kinematicSurfaceFilm")
 Runtime type information. More...
 KinematicSurfaceFilm (const dictionary &dict, CloudType &owner, const word &type=typeName, bool initThermo=true)
 Construct from components. More...
 KinematicSurfaceFilm (const KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType > &sfm, bool initThermo=true)
 Construct copy. More...
virtual autoPtr< SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType > > clone () const
 Construct and return a clone using supplied owner cloud. More...
virtual ~KinematicSurfaceFilm ()=default
 Destructor. More...
template<class filmType >
void absorbInteraction (filmType &, const parcelType &p, const polyPatch &pp, const label facei, const scalar mass, bool &keepParticle)
 Absorb parcel into film. More...
void bounceInteraction (parcelType &p, const polyPatch &pp, const label facei, bool &keepParticle) const
 Bounce parcel (flip parcel normal velocity) More...
template<class filmType >
void drySplashInteraction (filmType &, const scalar sigma, const scalar mu, const parcelType &p, const polyPatch &pp, const label facei, bool &keepParticle)
 Parcel interaction with dry surface. More...
template<class filmType >
void wetSplashInteraction (filmType &, const scalar sigma, const scalar mu, parcelType &p, const polyPatch &pp, const label facei, bool &keepParticle)
 Parcel interaction with wetted surface. More...
template<class filmType >
void splashInteraction (filmType &, const parcelType &p, const polyPatch &pp, const label facei, const scalar mRatio, const scalar We, const scalar Wec, const scalar sigma, bool &keepParticle)
 Bai parcel splash interaction model. More...
virtual bool transferParcel (parcelType &p, const polyPatch &pp, bool &keepParticle)
 Transfer parcel from cloud to surface film. More...
virtual void info (Ostream &os)
 Write surface film info to stream. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType >
 TypeName ("surfaceFilmModel")
 Runtime type information. More...
 declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, SurfaceFilmModel, dictionary,(const dictionary &dict, CloudType &owner),(dict, owner))
 Declare runtime constructor selection table. More...
 SurfaceFilmModel (CloudType &owner)
 Construct null from owner. More...
 SurfaceFilmModel (const dictionary &dict, CloudType &owner, const word &type)
 Construct from components. More...
 SurfaceFilmModel (const SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType > &sfm)
 Construct copy. More...
virtual autoPtr< SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType > > clone () const =0
 Construct and return a clone. More...
virtual ~SurfaceFilmModel ()
 Destructor. More...
const dimensionedVectorg () const
 Return gravitational acceleration constant. More...
label nParcelsTransferred () const
 Return const access to the number of parcels transferred to the. More...
label & nParcelsTransferred ()
 Return non-const access to the number of parcels transferred to. More...
label nParcelsInjected () const
 Return const access to the number of parcels injected from the. More...
label & nParcelsInjected ()
 Return non-const access to the number of parcels injected from. More...
scalar & totalMassTransferred ()
 Return non-const total mass transferred. More...
scalar totalMassTransferred () const
 Return consr access to mass transferred. More...
virtual bool transferParcel (parcelType &p, const polyPatch &pp, bool &keepParticle)=0
 Transfer parcel from cloud to surface film. More...
template<class TrackCloudType >
void inject (TrackCloudType &cloud)
 Inject parcels into the cloud. More...
virtual void info (Ostream &os)
 Write surface film info to stream. More...
template<class CloudTrackType >
void injectParticles (const label primaryPatchi, const labelList &injectorCellsPatch, CloudTrackType &cloud)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CloudSubModelBase< CloudType >
 CloudSubModelBase (CloudType &owner)
 Construct null from owner cloud. More...
 CloudSubModelBase (CloudType &owner, const dictionary &dict, const word &baseName, const word &modelType, const word &dictExt="Coeffs")
 Construct from owner cloud without name. More...
 CloudSubModelBase (const word &modelName, CloudType &owner, const dictionary &dict, const word &baseName, const word &modelType)
 Construct from owner cloud with name. More...
 CloudSubModelBase (const CloudSubModelBase< CloudType > &smb)
 Construct as copy. More...
virtual ~CloudSubModelBase ()
 Destructor. More...
const CloudTypeowner () const
 Return const access to the owner cloud. More...
virtual bool writeTime () const
 Flag to indicate when to write a property. More...
virtual fileName localPath () const
 Output directory. More...
CloudTypeowner ()
 Return non-const access to the owner cloud for manipulation. More...
virtual void write (Ostream &os) const
 Write. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from subModelBase
 subModelBase (dictionary &properties)
 Construct null. More...
 subModelBase (dictionary &properties, const dictionary &dict, const word &baseName, const word &modelType, const word &dictExt="Coeffs")
 Construct from components without name. More...
 subModelBase (const word &modelName, dictionary &properties, const dictionary &dict, const word &baseName, const word &modelType)
 Construct from components with name. More...
 subModelBase (const subModelBase &smb)
 Construct as copy. More...
virtual ~subModelBase ()
 Destructor. More...
const wordmodelName () const
 Return const access to the name of the sub-model. More...
const dictionarydict () const
 Return const access to the cloud dictionary. More...
const wordbaseName () const
 Return const access to the base name of the sub-model. More...
const wordmodelType () const
 Return const access to the sub-model type. More...
const dictionarycoeffDict () const
 Return const access to the coefficients dictionary. More...
const dictionaryproperties () const
 Return const access to the properties dictionary. More...
virtual bool defaultCoeffs (const bool printMsg) const
 Returns true if defaultCoeffs is true and outputs on printMsg. More...
virtual bool active () const
 Return the model 'active' status - default active = true. More...
virtual void cacheFields (const bool store)
 Cache dependent sub-model fields. More...
virtual bool writeTime () const
 Flag to indicate when to write a property. More...
virtual fileName localPath () const
 Output directory. More...
template<class Type >
Type getBaseProperty (const word &entryName, const Type &defaultValue=Type(Zero)) const
 Retrieve generic property from the base model. More...
template<class Type >
void getBaseProperty (const word &entryName, Type &value) const
 Retrieve generic property from the base model. More...
template<class Type >
void setBaseProperty (const word &entryName, const Type &value)
 Add generic property to the base model. More...
bool getModelDict (const word &entryName, dictionary &dict) const
 Retrieve dictionary, return true if set. More...
template<class Type >
bool getModelProperty (const word &entryName, Type &value) const
 Retrieve generic property from the sub-model. More...
template<class Type >
Type getModelProperty (const word &entryName, const Type &defaultValue=Type(Zero)) const
 Retrieve generic property from the sub-model. More...
template<class Type >
void setModelProperty (const word &entryName, const Type &value)
 Add generic property to the sub-model. More...
virtual void write (Ostream &os) const
 Write. More...

Static Public Attributes

static wordList interactionTypeNames_
 Names for interactionType. More...

Protected Types

typedef CloudType::parcelType parcelType
 Convenience typedef to the cloud's parcel type. More...
typedef regionModels::areaSurfaceFilmModels::liquidFilmBase areaFilm
typedef regionModels::surfaceFilmModels::surfaceFilmRegionModel regionFilm
- Protected Types inherited from SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType >
typedef CloudType::parcelType parcelType
 Convenience typedef to the cloud's parcel type. More...
typedef regionModels::areaSurfaceFilmModels::liquidFilmBase areaFilm

Protected Member Functions

vector tangentVector (const vector &v) const
 Return a vector tangential to input vector, v. More...
vector splashDirection (const vector &tanVec1, const vector &tanVec2, const vector &nf) const
 Return splashed parcel direction. More...
void init (bool binitThermo)
 Initialise thermo. More...
void initFilmModels ()
 Initialise pointers of films. More...
virtual void cacheFilmFields (const label primaryPatchi, const areaFilm &)
 Cache the film fields in preparation for injection. More...
virtual void cacheFilmFields (const label filmPatchi, const label primaryPatchi, const regionModels::surfaceFilmModels::surfaceFilmRegionModel &)
 Cache the film fields in preparation for injection. More...
virtual void setParcelProperties (parcelType &p, const label filmFacei) const
 Set the individual parcel properties. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType >
virtual void cacheFilmFields (const label filmPatchi, const label primaryPatchi, const regionModels::surfaceFilmModels::surfaceFilmRegionModel &)
 Cache the film fields in preparation for injection. More...
virtual void cacheFilmFields (const label primaryPatchi, const areaFilm &)
 Cache the finite area film fields in preparation for injection. More...
template<class TrackCloudType >
void injectParticles (const label primaryPatchi, const labelList &injectorCellsPatch, TrackCloudType &cloud)
 Inject particles in cloud. More...
virtual void setParcelProperties (parcelType &p, const label filmFacei) const
 Set the individual parcel properties. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from subModelBase
bool inLine () const
 Flag to indicate whether data is/was read in-line. More...

Protected Attributes

 Reference to the cloud random number generator. More...
 Region Film liquid thermo. More...
scalar pRef_
 Region Film reference pressure. More...
scalar TRef_
 Region Film reference temperature. More...
 Pointer to filmModel. More...
UPtrList< areaFilmareaFilms_
 UPointers to area films. More...
interactionType interactionType_
 Interaction type enumeration. More...
scalar deltaWet_
 Film thickness beyond which patch is assumed to be wet. More...
label splashParcelType_
 Splash parcel type label - id assigned to identify parcel for. More...
label parcelsPerSplash_
 Number of new parcels resulting from splash event. More...
scalar Adry_
 Dry surface roughness coefficient. More...
scalar Awet_
 Wet surface roughness coefficient. More...
scalar Cf_
 Skin friction typically in the range 0.6 < Cf < 0.8. More...
label nParcelsSplashed_
 Counter for number of new splash parcels. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType >
const dimensionedVectorg_
 Gravitational acceleration constant. More...
label ejectedParcelType_
 Ejected parcel type label - id assigned to identify parcel for. More...
scalar injectionOffset_
 Injection offset position. More...
scalar minDiameter_
 Minimum diameter particle injection. More...
scalarField massParcelPatch_
 Parcel mass / patch face. More...
scalarField diameterParcelPatch_
 Parcel diameter / patch face. More...
Field< vectorUFilmPatch_
 Film velocity / patch face. More...
scalarField rhoFilmPatch_
 Film density / patch face. More...
Field< scalarFielddeltaFilmPatch_
 Film height of all film patches / patch face. More...
label nParcelsTransferred_
 Number of parcels transferred to the film model. More...
label nParcelsInjected_
 Number of parcels injected from the film model. More...
scalar totalMassTransferred_
 Total mass transferred to the film. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from CloudSubModelBase< CloudType >
 Reference to the cloud. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from subModelBase
const word modelName_
 Name of the sub-model. More...
 Reference to properties dictionary e.g. for restart. More...
const dictionary dict_
 Copy of dictionary used during construction. More...
const word baseName_
 Name of the sub-model base class. More...
const word modelType_
 Type of the sub-model. More...
const dictionary coeffDict_
 Coefficients dictionary. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType >
static autoPtr< SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType > > New (const dictionary &dict, CloudType &owner)
 Selector. More...

Detailed Description

template<class CloudType>
class Foam::KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType >

Kinematic parcel surface film model.

Responsible for:

  • injecting parcelss from the film model into the cloud, e.g. for dripping
  • parcel interaction with the film, e.g absorb, bounce, splash
Source files

Definition at line 78 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ parcelType

typedef CloudType::parcelType parcelType

Convenience typedef to the cloud's parcel type.

Definition at line 112 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

◆ areaFilm

◆ regionFilm

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ interactionType

Options for the interaction types.


Definition at line 87 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ KinematicSurfaceFilm() [1/2]

◆ KinematicSurfaceFilm() [2/2]

KinematicSurfaceFilm ( const KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType > &  sfm,
bool  initThermo = true 

Construct copy.

Definition at line 587 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.C.

References KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType >::init(), KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType >::interactionType_, and KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType >::itSplashBai.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~KinematicSurfaceFilm()

virtual ~KinematicSurfaceFilm ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ interactionTypeEnum()

Foam::KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType >::interactionType interactionTypeEnum ( const word it) const

Return interaction type enum from word.

Definition at line 50 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.C.

References Foam::abort(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, and forAll.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ interactionTypeStr()

Foam::word interactionTypeStr ( const interactionType it) const

Return word from interaction type enum.

Definition at line 70 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.C.

References Foam::abort(), Foam::FatalError, and FatalErrorInFunction.

Referenced by KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType >::KinematicSurfaceFilm().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tangentVector()

Foam::vector tangentVector ( const vector v) const

Return a vector tangential to input vector, v.

Definition at line 88 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.C.

References Foam::mag(), and Foam::Zero.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ splashDirection()

Foam::vector splashDirection ( const vector tanVec1,
const vector tanVec2,
const vector nf 
) const

Return splashed parcel direction.

Definition at line 108 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.C.

References alpha, Foam::cos(), Foam::degToRad(), Foam::mag(), Foam::sin(), and Foam::constant::mathematical::twoPi().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ init()

void init ( bool  binitThermo)

Initialise thermo.

Definition at line 180 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.C.

Referenced by KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType >::KinematicSurfaceFilm().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ initFilmModels()

void initFilmModels

Initialise pointers of films.

Definition at line 133 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.C.

References forAll, mesh, and fvMesh::time().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cacheFilmFields() [1/2]

void cacheFilmFields ( const label  primaryPatchi,
const areaFilm filmModel 

Cache the film fields in preparation for injection.

Reimplemented from SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType >.

Reimplemented in ThermoSurfaceFilm< CloudType >.

Definition at line 779 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.C.

References SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType >::cacheFilmFields().

Referenced by ThermoSurfaceFilm< CloudType >::cacheFilmFields().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cacheFilmFields() [2/2]

void cacheFilmFields ( const label  filmPatchi,
const label  primaryPatchi,
const regionModels::surfaceFilmModels::surfaceFilmRegionModel filmModel 

Cache the film fields in preparation for injection.

Reimplemented from SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType >.

Reimplemented in ThermoSurfaceFilm< CloudType >.

Definition at line 762 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.C.

References SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType >::cacheFilmFields().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setParcelProperties()

void setParcelProperties ( parcelType p,
const label  filmFacei 
) const

Set the individual parcel properties.

Reimplemented from SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType >.

Reimplemented in ThermoSurfaceFilm< CloudType >.

Definition at line 794 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.C.

References p, and SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType >::setParcelProperties().

Referenced by ThermoSurfaceFilm< CloudType >::setParcelProperties().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ TypeName()

TypeName ( "kinematicSurfaceFilm"  )

Runtime type information.

◆ clone()

virtual autoPtr< SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType > > clone ( ) const

Construct and return a clone using supplied owner cloud.

Implements SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType >.

Reimplemented in ThermoSurfaceFilm< CloudType >.

Definition at line 251 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

◆ absorbInteraction()

void absorbInteraction ( filmType &  film,
const parcelType p,
const polyPatch pp,
const label  facei,
const scalar  mass,
bool keepParticle 

Absorb parcel into film.

Definition at line 193 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.C.

References Foam::endl(), PrimitivePatch< FaceList, PointField >::faceNormals(), patchIdentifier::index(), Foam::Info, Foam::mag(), p, and Urel.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ bounceInteraction()

void bounceInteraction ( parcelType p,
const polyPatch pp,
const label  facei,
bool keepParticle 
) const

Bounce parcel (flip parcel normal velocity)

Definition at line 242 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.C.

References Foam::endl(), PrimitivePatch< FaceList, PointField >::faceNormals(), patchIdentifier::index(), Foam::Info, p, and Urel.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ drySplashInteraction()

void drySplashInteraction ( filmType &  filmModel,
const scalar  sigma,
const scalar  mu,
const parcelType p,
const polyPatch pp,
const label  facei,
bool keepParticle 

Parcel interaction with dry surface.

Definition at line 273 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.C.

References Foam::endl(), PrimitivePatch< FaceList, PointField >::faceNormals(), patchIdentifier::index(), Foam::Info, Foam::magSqr(), mu, p, Foam::pow(), rho, Foam::sqr(), and Urel.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ wetSplashInteraction()

void wetSplashInteraction ( filmType &  filmModel,
const scalar  sigma,
const scalar  mu,
parcelType p,
const polyPatch pp,
const label  facei,
bool keepParticle 

Parcel interaction with wetted surface.

Definition at line 329 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.C.

References Foam::acos(), Foam::endl(), epsilon, PrimitivePatch< FaceList, PointField >::faceNormals(), patchIdentifier::index(), Foam::Info, Foam::mag(), Foam::magSqr(), mu, p, Foam::constant::mathematical::piByTwo(), Foam::pow(), rho, Foam::sqr(), U, and Urel.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ splashInteraction()

void splashInteraction ( filmType &  filmModel,
const parcelType p,
const polyPatch pp,
const label  facei,
const scalar  mRatio,
const scalar  We,
const scalar  Wec,
const scalar  sigma,
bool keepParticle 

Bai parcel splash interaction model.

Definition at line 404 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.C.

References GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::boundaryField(), fvMesh::C(), Foam::cbrt(), fvMesh::Cf(), Foam::meshTools::constrainDirection(), Foam::exp(), PrimitivePatch< FaceList, PointField >::faceNormals(), forAll, patchIdentifier::index(), Foam::log(), Foam::mag(), Foam::magSqr(), Foam::max(), mesh, p, Foam::constant::mathematical::pi(), Foam::pow3(), polyMesh::solutionD(), Foam::sqr(), Foam::sqrt(), Urel, and y.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ transferParcel()

bool transferParcel ( parcelType p,
const polyPatch pp,
bool keepParticle 

Transfer parcel from cloud to surface film.

Returns true if parcel is to be transferred

Implements SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType >.

Reimplemented in ThermoSurfaceFilm< CloudType >.

Definition at line 617 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.C.

References Foam::abort(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, patchIdentifier::index(), mu, liquidMixtureProperties::mu(), p, Foam::refCast(), liquidMixtureProperties::sigma(), liquidMixtureProperties::size(), liquidFilmModel::thermo(), TRef(), liquidFilmModel::Tref(), and polyPatch::whichFace().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ info()

void info ( Ostream os)

Write surface film info to stream.

Reimplemented from SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType >.

Reimplemented in ThermoSurfaceFilm< CloudType >.

Definition at line 805 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.C.

References Foam::endl(), ensightCells::info(), os(), and Foam::returnReduce().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ interactionTypeNames_

Foam::wordList interactionTypeNames_
Initial value:
"absorb", "bounce", "splashBai"

Names for interactionType.

Definition at line 95 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

◆ rndGen_

Random& rndGen_

Reference to the cloud random number generator.

Definition at line 121 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

◆ thermo_

liquidMixtureProperties* thermo_

Region Film liquid thermo.

Definition at line 127 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

◆ pRef_

scalar pRef_

Region Film reference pressure.

Definition at line 130 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

◆ TRef_

scalar TRef_

Region Film reference temperature.

Definition at line 133 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

◆ filmModel_

regionFilm* filmModel_

Pointer to filmModel.

Definition at line 136 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

◆ areaFilms_

UPtrList<areaFilm> areaFilms_

UPointers to area films.

Definition at line 142 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

◆ interactionType_

interactionType interactionType_

Interaction type enumeration.

Definition at line 148 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

Referenced by KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType >::KinematicSurfaceFilm().

◆ deltaWet_

scalar deltaWet_

Film thickness beyond which patch is assumed to be wet.

Definition at line 151 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

Referenced by KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType >::KinematicSurfaceFilm().

◆ splashParcelType_

label splashParcelType_

Splash parcel type label - id assigned to identify parcel for.

post-processing. If not specified, defaults to originating cloud type

Definition at line 156 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

Referenced by KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType >::KinematicSurfaceFilm().

◆ parcelsPerSplash_

label parcelsPerSplash_

Number of new parcels resulting from splash event.

Definition at line 159 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

Referenced by KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType >::KinematicSurfaceFilm().

◆ Adry_

scalar Adry_

Dry surface roughness coefficient.

= 2630 for dry interaction (ref. Bai)

Definition at line 167 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

Referenced by KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType >::KinematicSurfaceFilm().

◆ Awet_

scalar Awet_

Wet surface roughness coefficient.

= 1320 for wet interaction (ref. Bai)

Definition at line 171 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

Referenced by KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType >::KinematicSurfaceFilm().

◆ Cf_

scalar Cf_

Skin friction typically in the range 0.6 < Cf < 0.8.

Definition at line 175 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

Referenced by KinematicSurfaceFilm< CloudType >::KinematicSurfaceFilm().

◆ nParcelsSplashed_

label nParcelsSplashed_

Counter for number of new splash parcels.

Definition at line 178 of file KinematicSurfaceFilm.H.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: