Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NFoamNamespace for OpenFOAM
 CabsorptionCoeffsAbsorption coefficients class used in greyMeanAbsorptionEmission and wideBandAbsorptionEmission
 CareaFieldsFinite area area (element) fields
 CAssemblyPvPatchAn assembly of lduMatrix that is specific inter-region coupling through mapped patches
 CautoPatchPatchify triangles based on a feature angle. Replacement of surfaceAutoPatch
 CbasicHeterogeneousReactingCloudCloud class to introduce heterogeneou reacting parcels
 CbasicHeterogeneousReactingParcelDefinition of reacting heterogeneous parcel
 CbasicKinematicCloudCloud class to introduce kinematic parcels
 CbasicKinematicCollidingCloudCloud class to introduce kinematic colliding parcels
 CbasicKinematicCollidingParcelDefinition of basic kinematic colliding parcel
 CbasicKinematicMPPICCloudCloud class to introduce kinematic MPPIC parcels
 CbasicKinematicMPPICParcelDefinition of basic kinematic MPPIC parcel
 CbasicKinematicParcelDefinition of basic kinematic parcel
 CbasicReactingCloudCloud class to introduce reacting parcels
 CbasicReactingMultiphaseCloudCloud class to introduce multi-phase reacting parcels
 CbasicReactingMultiphaseParcelDefinition of basic reacting parcel
 CbasicReactingParcelDefinition of basic reacting parcel
 CbasicSprayCloudCloud class to introduce reacting spray parcels
 CbasicSprayParcelDefinition of spray parcel
 CbasicThermoCloudCloud class to introduce thermodynamic parcels
 CbasicThermoParcelDefinition of basic thermo parcel
 CboundedBackwardFaDdtSchemeSecond-order backward-differencing implicit ddt using the current and two previous time-step values
 CCentredFitSnGradSchemeCentred fit snGrad scheme which applies an explicit correction to snGrad
 CCHFSubCoolModelBase class for critical heat flux (CHF) sub-cooling correlation models for boiling flows
 CcoalCloudCloud class to introduce coal parcels
 CcoalParcelDefinition of coal parcel
 CcodedSourceConstructs on-the-fly fvOption source
 CcompositeBodyThis specialized rigidBody holds the original body after it has been merged into a parent
 CconstantConstant condensation/saturation model
 CconstantSurfaceTensionCoefficientConstant value surface tension model
 CconsumptionSpeedCorrelation function for laminar consumption speed obtained from flamelet solution at increasing strain rates
 CCorrectPhiFlux correction functions to ensure continuity
 CcubeRootVolDeltaSimple cube-root of cell volume delta used in LES models
 CcuboidSpecialization of rigidBody to construct a cuboid given the mass and lengths of the sides
 CcutPatchify triangles based on orientation w.r.t other (triangulated or triangulatable) surfaces
 CDdtSchemeAbstract base class for finite volume calculus ddt schemes
 CdoubleTensorA Tensor of values with double precision
 CdoubleVectorA Vector of values with double precision
 CdsmcCloudCloud class to simulate dsmc parcels
 CedgeFieldsFinite area edge fields
 CensightCoordSetWriterA coordSetWriter for Ensight format
 CEulerDdtSchemeBasic first-order Euler implicit/explicit ddt using only the current and previous time-step values
 CeulerianParticleLightweight class to store particle data derived from VOF calculations, with special handling for input, output and parallel reduction
 CfaScalarMatrixTemplate specialisation for scalar faMatrix
 CFieldAssociationThe field association for mesh (patch/volume) values
 CfieldsDistributorCommon methods/utilities for field decomposers/distributors etc
 CfileOperationInitialiseGeneral fileOperation initialiser. Handles -ioRanks option, using it to set the FOAM_IORANKS environment variable
 CfilmBoilingModelBase class for film boiling models
 CfloatTensorA Tensor of values with float precision
 CfloatVectorA Vector of values with float precision
 CgeneralGeneral relative velocity model
 ChelpBoundaryThis class provides help for boundary conditions (patch fields). When no additional arguments are given, the utility outputs all known boundary conditions
 ChelpFunctionObjectThis class provides help for functionObjects. When no additional arguments are given, the utility outputs all known function objects
 ChelpSolverThis class provides help for solvers. When no additional arguments are given, the utility outputs all known solvers
 ChumidityTemperatureCoupledMixedFvPatchScalarFieldMixed boundary condition for temperature to be used at the coupling interface between fluid solid regions
 CIDDESDeltaIDDESDelta used by the IDDES (improved low Re Spalart-Allmaras DES model) The min and max delta are calculated using the face to face distance of the cell
 CinterfaceHeatResistanceInterface Heat Resistance type of condensation/saturation model using spread source distribution following:
 CJescharA model for minimum heat flux based on Jeschar et al. (1992) for boiling flows
 CkinematicThinFilmThin film model
 CkineticTheoryModelKinetic theory particle phase RAS model
 CLimitFuncsClass to create NVD/TVD limited weighting-factors
 ClinearTsubVapour bubble diameter model for modelling of condensation of vapour bubbles. Calculates bubble diameter as a function of liquid phase subcooling
 CliquidFilmBaseBase class for thermal 2D shells
 CliquidFilmModelThin Model Film model
 CMapFaAreaFieldMap area internal field on topology change. This is a partial template specialisation, see MapGeometricFields
 CMapFaEdgeFieldMap edge internal field on topology change. This is a partial template specialisation, see MapGeometricFields
 CMapPointFieldMap point field on topology change. This is a partial template specialisation for GeoMesh=pointMesh
 CMarshakRadiationFixedTemperatureFvPatchScalarFieldA 'mixed' boundary condition that implements a Marshak condition for the incident radiation field (usually written as G)
 CMarshakRadiationFvPatchScalarFieldA 'mixed' boundary condition that implements a Marshak condition for the incident radiation field (usually written as G)
 CmaxDeltaxyzDelta calculated by taking the maximum distance between the cell centre and any face centre. For a regular hex cell, the computed delta will equate to half of the cell width; accordingly, the deltaCoeff model coefficient should be set to 2 for this case
 CmaxDeltaxyzCubeRootLESDeltaMaximum delta between maxDeltaxyz and cubeRootVolDelta
 CMHFModelBase class for minimum heat flux (MHF) models
 CminMaxConditionMinimum/maximum run time conditions. If the value type is not scalar, the magnitude of the value is used in the evaluation
 CnoneConditionA no-op condition that simply returns true/nothing to do
 CNoPackingPlace holder for the 'none' option
 COSCountStreamAn output stream for calculating byte counts
 CPatchInjectionBaseBase class for patch-based injection models
 CphasePressureModelParticle-particle phase-pressure RAS model
 CpointConversionConversion functions between point (Foam::) and Point (CGAL::)
 CPolynomialEntryPolynomialEntry container data entry for scalars. Items are stored in a list of Tuple2's. Data is input in the form, e.g. for an entry <entryName> that describes y = x^2 + 2x^3
 CPrandtlDeltaApply Prandtl mixing-length based damping function to the specified geometric delta to improve near-wall behavior or LES models
 CrigidBodyInertiaThis class represents the linear and angular inertia of a rigid body by the mass, centre of mass and moment of inertia tensor about the centre of mass
 CrunTimeControlControls when the calculation is terminated based on satisfying user-specified conditions
 CsampleMinimal example by using system/controlDict.functions:
 CscalarMatricesScalar matrices
 CshapeSensitivitiesBaseBase class supporting shape sensitivity derivatives for incompressible flows
 CsimplifiedDynamicFvMeshFunctions to generate simplified finite volume meshes
 CsmoothDeltaSmoothed delta which takes a given simple geometric delta and applies smoothing to it such that the ratio of deltas between two cells is no larger than a specified amount, typically 1.15
 CsphereSpecialization of rigidBody to construct a sphere given the mass and radius
 CsteadyStateDdtSchemeSteadyState implicit/explicit ddt which returns 0
 CsubBodyThis specialized rigidBody holds the original body after it has been merged into a master
 CsurfFieldsFields for surfMesh
 CtensorTensor of scalars, i.e. Tensor<scalar>
 CthermalShellThermal-shell finite-area model. It solves the energy equation in 2D. The coupling with the 3D region is done through the temperatureCoupledBase, plus faOption is available to add extra sources on the shell such as externalHeatFluxSource etc
 CthermalShellModelIntermediate class for thermal-shell finite-area models
 CthermoBasic thermodynamics type based on the use of fitting functions for cp, h, s obtained from the template argument type thermo. All other properties are derived from these primitive functions
 CTomiyamaSwarmSwarm correction of Tomiyama et al
 CtransferModelListList container for film transfer models
 CtreeDataTriSurfaceEncapsulates data for (indexedOc)tree searches on a triSurface
 CunthreadedInitialiseA fileOperation initialiser for unthreaded file handlers
 CupdateableSnGradHelper class to fix pressure flux for pressure-related boundary conditions
 CVakhrushevEfremovAspect ratio model of Vakhrushev and Efremov
 CvanDriestDeltaSimple cube-root of cell volume delta used in incompressible LES models
 CvectorA Vector of values with scalar precision, where scalar is float/double depending on the compilation flags
 CvectorToolsFunctions for analysing the relationships between vectors
 CvibrationShellModelIntermediate class for vibration-shell finite-area models
 CwaxSolventEvaporationWax solvent mixture evaporation model
 CzoneCellStencilsBase class for cell stencil in a narrow band
 CzoneSubSetIntermediate tool for handling cellZones for function objects (e.g. momentumError) wherein the sub-mesh option is available