Go to the documentation of this file.
2 ========= |
3 \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4 \\ / O peration |
5 \\ / A nd | www.openfoam.com
6 \\/ M anipulation |
8 Copyright (C) 2016 OpenFOAM Foundation
11 This file is part of OpenFOAM.
13 OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
14 under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
16 (at your option) any later version.
18 OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
19 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
20 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
21 for more details.
23 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
28#include "EFA.H"
29#include "SortableListEFA.H"
31// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
33template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
36 const IOdictionary& dict,
40 chemistryReductionMethod<CompType, ThermoType>(dict, chemistry),
41 sC_(this->nSpecie_, Zero),
42 sH_(this->nSpecie_, Zero),
43 sO_(this->nSpecie_, Zero),
44 sN_(this->nSpecie_, Zero),
45 sortPart_(0.05)
47 const List<List<specieElement>>& specieComposition =
48 this->chemistry_.specieComp();
49 for (label i=0; i<this->nSpecie_; i++)
50 {
51 const List<specieElement>& curSpecieComposition =
52 specieComposition[i];
53 // for all elements in the current species
54 forAll(curSpecieComposition, j)
55 {
56 const specieElement& curElement =
57 curSpecieComposition[j];
58 if (curElement.name() == "C")
59 {
60 sC_[i] = curElement.nAtoms();
61 }
62 else if (curElement.name() == "H")
63 {
64 sH_[i] = curElement.nAtoms();
65 }
66 else if (curElement.name() == "O")
67 {
68 sO_[i] = curElement.nAtoms();
69 }
70 else if (curElement.name() == "N")
71 {
72 sN_[i] = curElement.nAtoms();
73 }
74 else
75 {
76 Info<< "element not considered"<< endl;
77 }
78 }
79 }
81 this->coeffsDict_.readIfPresent("sortPart", sortPart_);
85// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
87template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
92// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
94template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
97 const scalarField &c,
98 const scalar T,
99 const scalar p
102 scalarField& completeC(this->chemistry_.completeC());
103 scalarField c1(this->chemistry_.nEqns(), Zero);
105 for (label i=0; i<this->nSpecie_; i++)
106 {
107 c1[i] = c[i];
108 completeC[i] = c[i];
109 }
111 c1[this->nSpecie_] = T;
112 c1[this->nSpecie_+1] = p;
115 // Number of initialized rAB for each lines
116 Field<label> NbrABInit(this->nSpecie_, Zero);
118 // Position of the initialized rAB, -1 when not initialized
119 RectangularMatrix<label> rABPos(this->nSpecie_, this->nSpecie_, -1);
120 RectangularMatrix<scalar> CFluxAB(this->nSpecie_, this->nSpecie_, Zero);
121 RectangularMatrix<scalar> HFluxAB(this->nSpecie_, this->nSpecie_, Zero);
122 RectangularMatrix<scalar> OFluxAB(this->nSpecie_, this->nSpecie_, Zero);
123 RectangularMatrix<scalar> NFluxAB(this->nSpecie_, this->nSpecie_, Zero);
124 scalar CFlux(0.0), HFlux(0.0), OFlux(0.0), NFlux(0.0);
125 label nbPairs(0);
127 // Index of the other species involved in the rABNum
128 RectangularMatrix<label> rABOtherSpec(this->nSpecie_, this->nSpecie_, -1);
130 scalar pf, cf, pr, cr;
131 label lRef, rRef;
132 forAll(this->chemistry_.reactions(), i)
133 {
134 const Reaction<ThermoType>& R = this->chemistry_.reactions()[i];
135 // for each reaction compute omegai
136 this->chemistry_.omega
137 (
138 R, c1, T, p, pf, cf, lRef, pr, cr, rRef
139 );
140 scalar fr = mag(pf*cf)+mag(pr*cr);
141 scalar NCi(0.0),NHi(0.0),NOi(0.0),NNi(0.0);
142 forAll(R.lhs(),s)
143 {
144 label curIndex = R.lhs()[s].index;
145 scalar stoicCoeff = R.lhs()[s].stoichCoeff;
146 NCi += sC_[curIndex]*stoicCoeff;
147 NHi += sH_[curIndex]*stoicCoeff;
148 NOi += sO_[curIndex]*stoicCoeff;
149 NNi += sN_[curIndex]*stoicCoeff;
150 }
151 // element conservation means that total number of element is
152 // twice the number on the left
153 NCi *=2;
154 NHi *=2;
155 NOi *=2;
156 NNi *=2;
157 // then for each source/sink pairs, compute the element flux
158 forAll(R.lhs(), Ai)// compute the element flux
159 {
160 label A = R.lhs()[Ai].index;
161 scalar Acoeff = R.lhs()[Ai].stoichCoeff;
163 forAll(R.rhs(), Bi)
164 {
165 label B = R.rhs()[Bi].index;
166 scalar Bcoeff = R.rhs()[Bi].stoichCoeff;
167 // if a pair in the reversed way has not been initialized
168 if (rABPos(B, A)==-1)
169 {
170 label otherS = rABPos(A, B);
171 if (otherS==-1)
172 {
173 rABPos(A, B) = NbrABInit[A]++;
174 otherS = rABPos(A, B);
175 nbPairs++;
176 rABOtherSpec(A, otherS) = B;
177 }
178 if (NCi>VSMALL)
179 {
180 CFluxAB(A, otherS) +=
181 fr*Acoeff*sC_[A]*Bcoeff*sC_[B]/NCi;
182 }
183 if (NHi>VSMALL)
184 {
185 HFluxAB(A, otherS) +=
186 fr*Acoeff*sH_[A]*Bcoeff*sH_[B]/NHi;
187 }
188 if (NOi>VSMALL)
189 {
190 OFluxAB(A, otherS) +=
191 fr*Acoeff*sO_[A]*Bcoeff*sO_[B]/NOi;
192 }
193 if (NNi>VSMALL)
194 {
195 NFluxAB(A, otherS) +=
196 fr*Acoeff*sN_[A]*Bcoeff*sN_[B]/NNi;
197 }
198 }
199 // If a pair BA is initialized,
200 // add the element flux to this pair
201 else
202 {
203 label otherS = rABPos(B, A);
204 if (NCi>VSMALL)
205 {
206 CFluxAB(B, otherS) +=
207 fr*Acoeff*sC_[A]*Bcoeff*sC_[B]/NCi;
208 }
209 if (NHi>VSMALL)
210 {
211 HFluxAB(B, otherS) +=
212 fr*Acoeff*sH_[A]*Bcoeff*sH_[B]/NHi;
213 }
214 if (NOi>VSMALL)
215 {
216 OFluxAB(B, otherS) +=
217 fr*Acoeff*sO_[A]*Bcoeff*sO_[B]/NOi;
218 }
219 if (NNi>VSMALL)
220 {
221 NFluxAB(B, otherS) +=
222 fr*Acoeff*sN_[A]*Bcoeff*sN_[B]/NNi;
223 }
224 }
225 if (NCi>VSMALL)
226 {
227 CFlux += fr*Acoeff*sC_[A]*Bcoeff*sC_[B]/NCi;
228 }
229 if (NHi>VSMALL)
230 {
231 HFlux += fr*Acoeff*sH_[A]*Bcoeff*sH_[B]/NHi;
232 }
233 if (NOi>VSMALL)
234 {
235 OFlux += fr*Acoeff*sO_[A]*Bcoeff*sO_[B]/NOi;
236 }
237 if (NNi>VSMALL)
238 {
239 NFlux += fr*Acoeff*sN_[A]*Bcoeff*sN_[B]/NNi;
240 }
241 }
242 }
243 }
245 // Select species according to the total flux cutoff (1-tolerance)
246 // of the flux is included
247 label speciesNumber = 0;
248 for (label i=0; i<this->nSpecie_; i++)
249 {
250 this->activeSpecies_[i] = false;
251 }
253 if (CFlux > VSMALL)
254 {
255 SortableListEFA<scalar> pairsFlux(nbPairs);
256 labelList source(nbPairs);
257 labelList sink(nbPairs);
258 label nP(0);
259 for (int A=0; A<this->nSpecie_ ; A++)
260 {
261 for (int j=0; j<NbrABInit[A]; j++)
262 {
263 label pairIndex = nP++;
264 pairsFlux[pairIndex] = 0.0;
265 label B = rABOtherSpec(A, j);
266 pairsFlux[pairIndex] += CFluxAB(A, j);
267 source[pairIndex] = A;
268 sink[pairIndex] = B;
269 }
270 }
272 // Sort in descending orders the source/sink pairs until the cutoff is
273 // reached. The sorting is done on part of the pairs because a small
274 // part of these pairs are responsible for a large part of the element
275 // flux
276 scalar cumFlux(0.0);
277 scalar threshold((1-this->tolerance())*CFlux);
278 label startPoint(0);
279 label nbToSort(static_cast<label> (nbPairs*sortPart_));
280 nbToSort = max(nbToSort,1);
282 bool cumRespected(false);
283 while(!cumRespected)
284 {
285 if (startPoint >= nbPairs)
286 {
288 << "startPoint outside number of pairs without reaching"
289 << "100% flux"
290 << exit(FatalError);
291 }
293 label nbi = min(nbToSort, nbPairs-startPoint);
294 pairsFlux.partialSort(nbi, startPoint);
295 const labelList& idx = pairsFlux.indices();
296 for (int i=0; i<nbi; i++)
297 {
298 cumFlux += pairsFlux[idx[startPoint+i]];
299 if (!this->activeSpecies_[source[idx[startPoint+i]]])
300 {
301 this->activeSpecies_[source[idx[startPoint+i]]] = true;
302 speciesNumber++;
303 }
304 if (!this->activeSpecies_[sink[idx[startPoint+i]]])
305 {
306 this->activeSpecies_[sink[idx[startPoint+i]]] = true;
307 speciesNumber++;
308 }
309 if (cumFlux >= threshold)
310 {
311 cumRespected = true;
312 break;
313 }
314 }
315 startPoint += nbToSort;
316 }
317 }
319 if (HFlux > VSMALL)
320 {
321 SortableListEFA<scalar> pairsFlux(nbPairs);
322 labelList source(nbPairs);
323 labelList sink(nbPairs);
324 label nP(0);
325 for (int A=0; A<this->nSpecie_ ; A++)
326 {
327 for (int j=0; j<NbrABInit[A]; j++)
328 {
329 label pairIndex = nP++;
330 pairsFlux[pairIndex] = 0.0;
331 label B = rABOtherSpec(A, j);
332 pairsFlux[pairIndex] += HFluxAB(A, j);
333 source[pairIndex] = A;
334 sink[pairIndex] = B;
335 }
336 }
338 scalar cumFlux(0.0);
339 scalar threshold((1-this->tolerance())*HFlux);
340 label startPoint(0);
341 label nbToSort(static_cast<label> (nbPairs*sortPart_));
342 nbToSort = max(nbToSort,1);
344 bool cumRespected(false);
345 while(!cumRespected)
346 {
347 if (startPoint >= nbPairs)
348 {
350 << "startPoint outside number of pairs without reaching"
351 << "100% flux"
352 << exit(FatalError);
353 }
355 label nbi = min(nbToSort, nbPairs-startPoint);
356 pairsFlux.partialSort(nbi, startPoint);
357 const labelList& idx = pairsFlux.indices();
358 for (int i=0; i<nbi; i++)
359 {
360 cumFlux += pairsFlux[idx[startPoint+i]];
362 if (!this->activeSpecies_[source[idx[startPoint+i]]])
363 {
364 this->activeSpecies_[source[idx[startPoint+i]]] = true;
365 speciesNumber++;
366 }
367 if (!this->activeSpecies_[sink[idx[startPoint+i]]])
368 {
369 this->activeSpecies_[sink[idx[startPoint+i]]] = true;
370 speciesNumber++;
371 }
372 if (cumFlux >= threshold)
373 {
374 cumRespected = true;
375 break;
376 }
377 }
378 startPoint += nbToSort;
379 }
380 }
382 if (OFlux > VSMALL)
383 {
384 SortableListEFA<scalar> pairsFlux(nbPairs);
385 labelList source(nbPairs);
386 labelList sink(nbPairs);
387 label nP(0);
388 for (int A=0; A<this->nSpecie_ ; A++)
389 {
390 for (int j=0; j<NbrABInit[A]; j++)
391 {
392 label pairIndex = nP++;
393 pairsFlux[pairIndex] = 0.0;
394 label B = rABOtherSpec(A, j);
395 pairsFlux[pairIndex] += OFluxAB(A, j);
396 source[pairIndex] = A;
397 sink[pairIndex] = B;
398 }
399 }
400 scalar cumFlux(0.0);
401 scalar threshold((1-this->tolerance())*OFlux);
402 label startPoint(0);
403 label nbToSort(static_cast<label> (nbPairs*sortPart_));
404 nbToSort = max(nbToSort,1);
406 bool cumRespected(false);
407 while(!cumRespected)
408 {
409 if (startPoint >= nbPairs)
410 {
412 << "startPoint outside number of pairs without reaching"
413 << "100% flux"
414 << exit(FatalError);
415 }
417 label nbi = min(nbToSort, nbPairs-startPoint);
418 pairsFlux.partialSort(nbi, startPoint);
419 const labelList& idx = pairsFlux.indices();
420 for (int i=0; i<nbi; i++)
421 {
422 cumFlux += pairsFlux[idx[startPoint+i]];
424 if (!this->activeSpecies_[source[idx[startPoint+i]]])
425 {
426 this->activeSpecies_[source[idx[startPoint+i]]] = true;
427 speciesNumber++;
428 }
429 if (!this->activeSpecies_[sink[idx[startPoint+i]]])
430 {
431 this->activeSpecies_[sink[idx[startPoint+i]]] = true;
432 speciesNumber++;
433 }
434 if (cumFlux >= threshold)
435 {
436 cumRespected = true;
437 break;
438 }
439 }
440 startPoint += nbToSort;
441 }
442 }
444 if (NFlux > VSMALL)
445 {
446 SortableListEFA<scalar> pairsFlux(nbPairs);
447 labelList source(nbPairs);
448 labelList sink(nbPairs);
449 label nP(0);
450 for (int A=0; A<this->nSpecie_ ; A++)
451 {
452 for (int j=0; j<NbrABInit[A]; j++)
453 {
454 label pairIndex = nP++;
455 pairsFlux[pairIndex] = 0.0;
456 label B = rABOtherSpec(A, j);
457 pairsFlux[pairIndex] += NFluxAB(A, j);
458 source[pairIndex] = A;
459 sink[pairIndex] = B;
460 }
461 }
462 scalar cumFlux(0.0);
463 scalar threshold((1-this->tolerance())*NFlux);
464 label startPoint(0);
465 label nbToSort(static_cast<label> (nbPairs*sortPart_));
466 nbToSort = max(nbToSort,1);
468 bool cumRespected(false);
469 while(!cumRespected)
470 {
471 if (startPoint >= nbPairs)
472 {
474 << "startPoint outside number of pairs without reaching"
475 << "100% flux"
476 << exit(FatalError);
477 }
479 label nbi = min(nbToSort, nbPairs-startPoint);
480 pairsFlux.partialSort(nbi, startPoint);
481 const labelList& idx = pairsFlux.indices();
482 for (int i=0; i<nbi; i++)
483 {
484 cumFlux += pairsFlux[idx[startPoint+i]];
486 if (!this->activeSpecies_[source[idx[startPoint+i]]])
487 {
488 this->activeSpecies_[source[idx[startPoint+i]]] = true;
489 speciesNumber++;
490 }
491 if (!this->activeSpecies_[sink[idx[startPoint+i]]])
492 {
493 this->activeSpecies_[sink[idx[startPoint+i]]] = true;
494 speciesNumber++;
495 }
496 if (cumFlux >= threshold)
497 {
498 cumRespected = true;
499 break;
500 }
501 }
502 startPoint += nbToSort;
503 }
504 }
506 // Put a flag on the reactions containing at least one removed species
507 forAll(this->chemistry_.reactions(), i)
508 {
509 const Reaction<ThermoType>& R = this->chemistry_.reactions()[i];
510 this->chemistry_.reactionsDisabled()[i] = false;
511 forAll(R.lhs(), s)
512 {
513 label ss = R.lhs()[s].index;
514 if (!this->activeSpecies_[ss])
515 {
516 this->chemistry_.reactionsDisabled()[i] = true;
517 break;
518 }
519 }
520 if (!this->chemistry_.reactionsDisabled()[i])
521 {
522 forAll(R.rhs(), s)
523 {
524 label ss = R.rhs()[s].index;
525 if (!this->activeSpecies_[ss])
526 {
527 this->chemistry_.reactionsDisabled()[i] = true;
528 break;
529 }
530 }
531 }
532 }
534 this->NsSimp_ = speciesNumber;
535 scalarField& simplifiedC(this->chemistry_.simplifiedC());
536 simplifiedC.setSize(this->NsSimp_+2);
537 DynamicList<label>& s2c(this->chemistry_.simplifiedToCompleteIndex());
538 s2c.setSize(this->NsSimp_);
539 Field<label>& c2s(this->chemistry_.completeToSimplifiedIndex());
540 label j = 0;
542 for (label i=0; i<this->nSpecie_; i++)
543 {
544 if (this->activeSpecies_[i])
545 {
546 s2c[j] = i;
547 simplifiedC[j] = c[i];
548 c2s[i] = j++;
549 if (!this->chemistry_.active(i))
550 {
551 this->chemistry_.setActive(i);
552 }
553 }
554 else
555 {
556 c2s[i] = -1;
557 }
558 }
559 simplifiedC[this->NsSimp_] = T;
560 simplifiedC[this->NsSimp_+1] = p;
561 this->chemistry_.setNsDAC(this->NsSimp_);
562 // change temporary Ns in chemistryModel
563 // to make the function nEqns working
564 this->chemistry_.setNSpecie(this->NsSimp_);
568// ************************************************************************* //
static const Foam::dimensionedScalar A("", Foam::dimPressure, 611.21)
static const Foam::dimensionedScalar B("", Foam::dimless, 18.678)
#define R(A, B, C, D, E, F, K, M)
A 1D vector of objects of type <T> that resizes itself as necessary to accept the new objects.
Definition: DynamicList.H:72
void setSize(const label n)
Same as resize()
Definition: DynamicList.H:221
IOdictionary is derived from dictionary and IOobject to give the dictionary automatic IO functionalit...
Definition: IOdictionary.H:57
A 1D array of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and used for subscript bound...
Definition: List.H:77
void setSize(const label n)
Alias for resize()
Definition: List.H:218
Simple extension of ReactionThermo to handle reaction kinetics in addition to the equilibrium thermod...
Definition: Reaction.H:73
A templated (M x N) rectangular matrix of objects of <Type>, containing M*N elements,...
A list that is sorted upon construction or when explicitly requested with the sort() method.
const labelList & indices() const
Return the list of sorted indices. Updated every sort.
void partialSort(int M, int start)
Partial sort the list (if changed after construction time)
Extends StandardChemistryModel by adding the TDAC method.
List< List< specieElement > > & specieComp()
An abstract class for methods of chemical mechanism reduction.
TDACChemistryModel< CompType, ThermoType > & chemistry_
const label nSpecie_
Number of species.
const dictionary coeffsDict_
Dictionary that store the algorithm data.
virtual ~EFA()
Definition: EFA.C:88
virtual void reduceMechanism(const scalarField &c, const scalar T, const scalar p)
Reduce the mechanism.
Definition: EFA.C:96
bool readIfPresent(const word &keyword, T &val, enum keyType::option matchOpt=keyType::REGEX) const
label nAtoms() const
Return the number of atoms of this element in the specie.
const word & name() const
Return the name of the element.
volScalarField & p
BasicChemistryModel< psiReactionThermo > & chemistry
const volScalarField & T
#define FatalErrorInFunction
Report an error message using Foam::FatalError.
Definition: error.H:453
gmvFile<< "tracers "<< particles.size()<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().x()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().y()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;for(const passiveParticle &p :particles){ gmvFile<< p.position().z()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;forAll(lagrangianScalarNames, i){ word name=lagrangianScalarNames[i];IOField< scalar > s(IOobject(name, runTime.timeName(), cloud::prefix, mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE))
label max(const labelHashSet &set, label maxValue=labelMin)
Find the max value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:47
messageStream Info
Information stream (stdout output on master, null elsewhere)
Ostream & endl(Ostream &os)
Add newline and flush stream.
Definition: Ostream.H:372
dimensioned< typename typeOfMag< Type >::type > mag(const dimensioned< Type > &dt)
label min(const labelHashSet &set, label minValue=labelMax)
Find the min value in labelHashSet, optionally limited by second argument.
Definition: hashSets.C:33
static constexpr const zero Zero
Global zero (0)
Definition: zero.H:131
error FatalError
errorManipArg< error, int > exit(error &err, const int errNo=1)
Definition: errorManip.H:130
dictionary dict
#define forAll(list, i)
Loop across all elements in list.
Definition: stdFoam.H:333